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File metadata and controls

57 lines (38 loc) · 1.74 KB

Using Selenium framework to exercise the registration and on-boarding flow of the Loan application.

A. Business description:

  • A credit company requests to have a software to help them decide how to reject or approve a money loan request from their customers. This system will help to keep track of all the loan information and help to faster proceed all the requests.

B. Framework information:

1. Description

The testing program consists of essential parts below:

  • Builder tool: Maven
  • Unit framework tool: TestNG
  • Web automation-framework: Selenium(v3)
  • Programming language: JAVA (v11)
  • REST service is handled by Unirest library
  • Using Lombok library to construct the data structure and Faker library to generate test data.

It designs on following patterns:

  • Test scripts are designed on Page Object model, and the element is found on PageFactory pattern.

2. What have not done yet ?

  • The Reporter(would use Allure) are under construction .

C. Scenarios to be covered:

1. Description

There are pages in Singapore that need to go through:

  1. Registration
  2. Mobile Verification (OTP)
  3. Business Role
  4. Personal Details
  5. Email Verification (OTP)
  6. Business Details (Business UEN number: ^([0-9]{8,9}[a-zA-Z]{1})$ )
  7. Identity Verification (It is checked, you can ignore it).
  8. Onboarding NPS

D. Installation:

  • Before installing the framework, please make sure your computer already have:

    • Java >= 8 and Maven tool.
  • How to install:

    • At the root folder of the project, type command mvn clean install -DskipTests

E. How to run the test

** Locale: Singapore(code: sg), Indonesia(code: id) ** Environment: test, stag

  • Hit command : mvn clean test - Dlocale={locale_code} -Denv={env_name}