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File metadata and controls

167 lines (126 loc) · 15.9 KB

Code & Logic Design



  • File:
  • Arcitecture: Nested (grouped) command structure
  • Runs in own REPL: register_repl(cli)
File Figure Command Parent Role Option Help Prompt
Value Entry
Single Line Flags
Value Entry
i.e --option
--help, -h --- run None Base
Anchors nested commands
--- --- No No Yes, on enter or --help, -h --- clear Run Action
Clears the click REPL stdout
--- --- No Just command & enter Yes, on enter or --help, -h --- load Run Intent
Displays the Load Mode Guide
--- --- No No Action Yes, on enter or --help, -h --- todo Load Action
Display preselected sub views of the datasource spreadsheet for ToDo tasks
--- --- Yes Yes, see --help Only on --help, else enter prompt --- views Load Action
Display preselected sub views of the datasource spreadsheet for Assignments meta data
--- --- Yes Yes, see --help Only on --help, else enter prompt --- find Run Intent
Displays the Find Mode Guide
--- --- No No Action Yes, on enter or --help, -h --- locate Find Action
Finds a single row/record by a row id/number/index
--- --- Yes Yes, see --help Only on --help, else enter prompt --- edit Run Intent
Displays the Edit Mode Guide
--- --- No No Action Yes, on enter or --help, -h --- note Edit Action
Modifies the note fields
Add => Insert Note
Update => Append
Delete -> Clear
see below --- Yes Yes, see --help Only on --help, else enter prompt --- progress Edit Action
Toggles the status of progress and DoD fields
see below --- Yes Yes, see --help Only on --help, else enter prompt
Table: 1: Nested Command structures

Run commands

Clear command

Load commands

Load is the groupinng of related Actions, under the LOAD intent.

  • Is a top level menu item, when user hits space at REPL's prompt
  • Responsible for loading, organising the display of (in table format)
  • Outcome: User can read all the spreadsheet data, in sliced of sub views
  • User is in the Load Bulk Data and Read Mode
File Figure Parent Command Option Help Values Type Callback Help Prompt Required Default Show Default Confirmation Show Confirm --- run load --- Intent
Displays the Load Mode Guide
--- --- --- --- --- --- True True True --- load todo --- Action
--- --- --- --- --- --- True True True --- todo selects Option
Select from list of sub views1
Case Insensitive
None True True --- True True True True --- load views --- Action
--- --- --- --- --- --- True True True --- views selects Option
Select from list of sub views1
Case Insensitive
None True True --- True True True True
Table: 2: Load Command and Options

1: Sub views: Preselected limiting of number of columns/fields so the results can fit in smaller terminal

Todo command

Views command

Find command

Find is the grouping of related Actions, under the FIND intent.

  • Is a top level menu item, when user hits space at REPL's prompt
  • Responsible for finding, by a row's index and
  • Outcome: User can read all the spreadsheet data, in sliced of sub views
  • User is in the Find, Locate and Read A Record (i.e. an individual record/row data)
  • Find and Read of CRUD operations
File Figure Parent Command Option Help Values Type Callback Help Prompt Required Default Show Default Confirmation Show Confirm --- run edit --- Intent
Displays the Load Mode Guide
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- find locate --- Action
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- locate index Option
Enters the target row value
1 to max length of dataset Click.IntRange(min, max, clamp) Valid.index True True --- --- --- --- --- --- locate axis Option
Search focus dimension
index Click.Choice(list[str])
Case Insensitive
None2 True True --- True True --- ---
Table: 3: Find Command and Options
  • 2: It was found that callbacks interfered with Click.Choice in the Click.REPL environment, so this was dropped.
  • Callbacks are a great slot to insert a validation function.
  • Where value entery was constrained and callbacks omitted, either by Click.IntRange and a range of numberd OR Click.Choice and a present defined list of values, these values where checked further down the call stack
  • Permissble values are also contraint by typings.Literals[] for set list of literal values.
  • Choice values give a natural error handling by Click and the Click REPL. The user just tried the command or prompt again.

Locate command

Figure: 3: Class Diagram of the Find > Locate Command and Options


Find is the grouping of related Actions, under the EDIT intent.

  • Is a top level menu item, when user hits space at REPL's prompt
  • Responsible for allowing the selection of a edit mode, finding, by a row's index and the displaying the before/after record for comparison and review.
  • Edit command reuse the logic of find commands, and extend to add the CUD operations. They share the same logic for find and display individual record.
    • It does differ by adding the editor and also displaying the edited record in a side by side comparision view.
  • Edit mode is the three modifiying option values of the mode option.
    • Add: Insert a value at a row id and column
    • Update: Append a value to a row id and column
    • Delete: Clears a/all values from row id and column
    • Toggle: Selected set values for a row id and column, where values are limited/preset. This is implicit in progress, but could be made an option for user.
  • Outcome: User can see an individual record and compare the update of the record.
  • User is in the Editing Mode
  • Find, Read, Create, Update and Delete of CRUD ops.
File Figure Parent Command Option Help Values Type Callback Help Prompt Required Default Show Default Confirmation Show Confirm --- run edit --- Intent
Displays the Load Mode Guide
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- edit note --- Action
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- note mode Option
Selected the edit mode switch
Case Insensitive
None2 True True --- --- --- --- --- --- note index Option
Enters the target row value
1 to max length of dataset Click.IntRange(min, max, clamp) Valid.index True True --- --- --- --- --- --- note note Option
Text of the note
User inputed notes Click.str Valid.santise True True --- True True --- --- --- note axis Option
Search focus dimension
index Click.Choice(list[str])
Case Insensitive
None2 True True --- True True --- --- --- edit progress --- Action
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- progress index Option
Enters the target row value
1 to max length of dataset Click.IntRange(min, max, clamp) Valid.index True True --- --- --- --- --- --- progress status Option
Selects the state of progress
todo, wip, done, missed Click.Choice(list[str])
Case Insensitive
None2 True True --- True True --- --- --- progress axis Option
Search focus dimension
index Click.Choice(list[str])
Case Insensitive
None2 True True --- True True --- ---
Table: 4: Edit Command and Options
  • 2: It was found that callbacks interfered with Click.Choice in the Click.REPL environment, so this was dropped.
  • Callbacks are a great slot to insert a validation function.
  • Where value entery was constrained and callbacks omitted, either by Click.IntRange and a range of numberd OR Click.Choice and a present defined list of values, these values where checked further down the call stack
  • Permissble values are also contraint by typings.Literals[] for set list of literal values.
  • Choice values give a natural error handling by Click and the Click REPL. The user just tried the command or prompt again.


Class/UML Diagram (adapted) of the Note command

Figure: 4: Class Diagram of the Edit > Note Command and Options


Class/UML Diagram (adapted) of the Progress command

Figure: 5: Class Diagram of the Edit > Progress Command and Options

Information Flow / Class / Functionality

Groups of Functions and Related Data Flows

Fetching Data > App.get_data()

The workflow of loading the data from the remote datasource (i.e. the spreadsheet)

Figure 6: Fetching Remote and Loading Local Data

  • This workflow is the core control flow, from upstream of the following, without much Extract and Transformation
    • Figure: 1: Class Diagram of the Load > ToDo Command and Options
    • Figure: 2: Class Diagram of the Load > Views Command and Options
  • This workflow only transforms the data by restricting the number of columns/fields so it fits into the terminal.
  • Note that this same workflow feeds, from upstream, the following commands:
    • (These are not repeated here for commonality in design, i.e. a shared pattern)
    • The entry point is App.get_data() from the diagram
    • Figure: 3: Class Diagram of the Find > Locate Command and Options
    • Figure: 4: Class Diagram of the Edit > Note Command and Options
    • Figure: 5: Class Diagram of the Edit > Progress Command and Options

***The Editor >> editor.editnote AND editor.editprogress

Figure 7: The Editor: C.U.D. Controller for Modifying Data/Statuses

  • Figure 4: shows the dependency of editor.editnote
  • Figure 5: shows the dependency of editor.editprogress