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Daniel Grunwald

DanielGrunwald edited this page Apr 12, 2007 · 6 revisions
Contributor since: Summer 2004
Contact: daniel at
Location: Oedelum (near Hildesheim, Germany)
Languages: German (mother language), English, Latin and French

Worked on

  • SharpDevelop 1.x
  • SharpDevelop 2.0
    • Generics support for code completion
    • Tooltips
    • Go to definition
    • Class member "bookmarks" that can be used to run refactoring actions on methods/properties/fields.
    • Go to base class / Find overrides
    • Find references
    • Integrated MbUnit
    • Even more bugfixes in even more areas
  • SharpDevelop 2.1
    • Code analysis (FxCop integration)
    • Subversion support
    • Custom Tool support
    • Improved MSBuild project support
    • Moved code-completion code into reusable library (ICSharpCode.SharpDevelop.Dom)
    • Framework-specific code completion (.NET 1.1, compact framework)
    • tons of bugfixes
  • SharpDevelop 3.0
    • Improved C# <-> VB converter (now using information from referenced libraries)
    • C# 3.0 code completion support
    • WPF designer
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