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This project is for understanding how to use WASM in different scenarios.

  • Walk through different WASM compiling cases via a self-explanatory Makefile to know what WASM or WASI is
  • Run nginx.wasm on wasmer using cranelift to make necessary system calls supported in the final machine code, instead of using insufficient WASI API implementation
  • Have a demo flow to introduce how to use K8s and Krustlet (experimental) to manage WASI complaint WASM workload

What's WASM, WASI, in/outside browser, WASM runtime?

WASM in browsers

  • The API between WASM and browsers is Web APIs, but each browser can still have its specific APIs used by the vendor-locking wasm.

WASM outside browsers

  • The API between WASM and runtime is WASI API which is implemented in different runtime but wasi-libc and wasi-sdk provided by WebAssembly org.

WASI-WASM in browsers

  • The API between WASM and browser is WASI API, but the middle adapter (WASM polyfill JS library) is required to transfer the WASI API to Web APIs.

WASM runtimes

  • Runtime providers try to support WASI compliant + extra features for each specific needs.


For running the examples in this project, you need to install necessry prerequisites as below.


  • Rust toolchains
curl -sSf | sh

Demo 1

  • Emscripten SDK
make install-emsdk
  • Rust wasm32 compile toolchain targets
rustup target install wasm32-wasi
rustup target install wasm32-unknown-unknown
rustup target install wasm32-unknown-emscripten

Demo 2

  • wasmtime
  • wasm-to-oci
  • krustlet
  • kind
  • kubectl
  • kustomize
  • AZ CLI
curl -L | bash

Except using the package manager on the host, you can also download huber to install most dependencies excluding rust, azcli, and emsdk.

huber install wasmtime wasm-to-oci krustlet kind kubectl kustomize

Demo 1 - WASM, WASI

Different WASm compiling scenarios

make help
build-cpp-emscripten-js             Build wasm32-unknown-emscripten hello world 'non-standalone' application vis emcc.
build-cpp-emscripten-wasm           Build wasm32-unknown-emscripten hello world 'standalone' application vis emcc.
build-dev-container                 Build dev container image
build-rust-emscripten-helloworld    Build wasm32-unknown-emscripten hello world application. Only wasm + JS output supported in Rust
build-rust-wasi-helloworld          Build wasm32-wasi hello world application
build-rust-wasi-httpserver          Build wasm32-wasi http server application. This will be failed because system call not supported
clean                               Clean
install-emsdk                       Install Emscripten SDK
run-nginx-emscripten                Run nginx.wasm built by emscripten on wasmer runtime

Building the standalone WASM via emscripten in Rust compiler is unavailable, because for now its only supported for wasm + JS glue code only. However, actually emscripten can support different types of output. When running emcc --help, you will find the info as below.

"-o <target>"
   The "target" file name extension defines the output type to be

      * <name> **.js** : JavaScript (+ separate **<name>.wasm** file
        if emitting WebAssembly). (default)

      * <name> **.mjs** : ES6 JavaScript module (+ separate
        **<name>.wasm** file if emitting WebAssembly).

      * <name> **.html** : HTML + separate JavaScript file
        (**<name>.js**; + separate **<name>.wasm** file if emitting

      * <name> **.bc** : LLVM bitcode.

      * <name> **.o** : WebAssembly object file (unless fastcomp or
        -flto is used in which case it will be in LLVM bitcode

      * <name> **.wasm** : WebAssembly without JavaScript support code
        ("standalone wasm"; this enables "STANDALONE_WASM").

Run nginx.wasm on Wasmer

By running the below command, you should be able to access http://localhost:8080

make run-nginx-emscripten
docker run -p 8080:8080 -w /workspace/wasmer-nginx-example wasi-demo-dev:latest /root/.wasmer/bin/wasmer run nginx.wasm -- -p . -c nginx.conf
2021/02/03 15:39:36 [notice] 1#0: using the "select" event method
2021/02/03 15:39:36 [notice] 1#0: nginx/1.15.3
2021/02/03 15:39:36 [notice] 1#0: built by clang 6.0.1  (emscripten 1.38.11 : 1.38.11)
2021/02/03 15:39:36 [notice] 1#0: OS: Linux 5.3.18-lp152.60-default


Demo 2 - Krustlet

Run the WASI application locally

1. Create a WASI application

make build-rust-wasi-helloworld
ls -al target/wasm32-wasi/debug/wasi-helloworld.wasm

2. Run the WASI application on host

wasmtime target/wasm32-wasi/debug/wasi-helloworld.wasm

3. Set up a container registry

./scripts/ create_acr

4. Package and publish the WASI application to the OCI compatible registry

az acr login --name dkoacr
linuxwasm-to-oci push target/wasm32-wasi/debug/wasi-helloworld.wasm

5. Pull the WASI application from the OCI compatible registry

linuxwasm-to-oci pull -o wasm-demo.wasm
wasmtime wasm-demo.wasm

Run the WASI application on the K8s cluster (Krustlet)


1. Set up a K8s cluster

kind create cluster

2. Setup and Join a Krustlet node

# Prepare bootstrap token
bash <(curl
ls ~/.krustlet/config/bootstrap.conf

# Run krustlet, create the CSR (<hostname>-tls)
NODE_IP=$(ip -o -4 addr show docker0 | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d/ -f1)
KUBECONFIG=~/.krustlet/config/kubeconfig krustlet-wasi \
  --node-ip=$NODE_IP \
  --hostname=demo \
  --node-name=demo \
  --bootstrap-file ~/.krustlet/config/bootstrap.conf

# Approve signing the serving certification
kubectl certificate approve demo-tls

# Show registered nodes including krustlet node
kubectl get nodes

3. Set up a container registry

The same as above

4. Create a WASI application

The same as above

5. Package and publish the WASI application to the OCI compatible registry

The same as above

6. Create the secret for pulling images from the container

./scripts/ create_acr_access_secret
kubectl get secret
cd ./examples/krustlet
kustomize edit set image
cd -

7. Create the WASI application deployment

kustomize build ./examples/krustlet | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl logs -f wasm-demo

8. Clean up

kustomize build ./examples/krustlet | kubectl delete -f -
./scripts/ delete_acr_access_secret delete_acr

grep krustlet-wasi | xargs kill -9
rm -rf ~/.krustlet

kind delete cluster


Emscripten SDK compatible issues with Rust

Don't install the latest emsdk, because there is a LLVM compatible issue happening in between the recent versions of emscripten and Rust.
