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File metadata and controls

373 lines (329 loc) · 6.56 KB


SQL to elastic search query can be done by

Elastic search cheat sheet

# create table with name table1 in elastic search
PUT /table1
 "mappings": {
  "_doc": {
   "properties": {
    "speaker": {"type": "text"},
    "play_name": {"type": "keyword"},
    "line_id": {"type": "integer"},
    "speech_number": {"type": "integer"}

# search all item  in table table1
GET /table1/_search
    "match_all": {}

# search specific items in table1
GET /table1/_search
   "query" :{
# insert data into table1 with auto id
POST /table1/_doc
  "speaker": "rahul singh",


PUT my_nested1/_doc/1
  "group" : "fans",
  "user" : [ 
      "first" : "John",
      "last" :  "Smith"
      "first" : "Alice",
      "last" :  "White"

GET /my_nested1/_search
    "match_all": {}

GET my_nested1/_search
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
        { "match": { "user.first": "Alice" }},
        { "match": { "user.last":  "Smith" }}

# table with type nested 
PUT my_nested
  "mappings": {
    "_doc": {
      "properties": {
        "user": {
          "type": "nested" 

PUT my_nested/_doc/1
  "group" : "fans",
  "user" : [
      "first" : "John",
      "last" :  "Smith"
      "first" : "Alice",
      "last" :  "White"

GET my_nested/_search
  "query": {
    "nested": {
      "path": "user",
      "query": {
        "bool": {
          "must": [
            { "match": { "user.first": "Alice" }},
            { "match": { "user.last":  "Smith" }} 

GET my_nested/_search
  "query": {
    "nested": {
      "path": "user",
      "query": {
        "bool": {
          "must": [
            { "match": { "user.first": "Alice" }},
            { "match": { "user.last":  "White" }} 

#nested more
#we have an index of products, and each product holds the list of resellers - each having its own price for the product. 
PUT /nestedtable
  "mappings": {
    "product" : {
        "properties" : {
            "resellers" : { 
                "type" : "nested",
                "properties" : {
                    "name" : { "type" : "text" },
                    "price" : { "type" : "double" }

#insert items for resellers
PUT nestedtable/product/1

      : "led tv",

# serach in nested table
GET nestedtable/_search
    "query" : {
        "match" : { "name" : "led" }
    "aggs" : {
        "resellers" : {
            "nested" : {
                "path" : "resellers"
            "aggs" : {
                "min_price" : { "min" : { "field" : "resellers.price" } }

GET /item/_doc/aaa

POST /item/_doc/aaa/_update
  "script": {
    "source": "ctx._source.item = 's5';"


GET /nestedtable/_search
    "match_all": {}

# update by query
 have an index already filled with many documents.
All of the documents in the index have a name string field.
Now query and update all of them which have name = A and set it to name = B
# SQL - UPDATE FROM table SET name = 'B' WHERE name = 'A';
POST my_index/_update_by_query
  "script": {
    "inline": " = 'B'",
    "lang": "painless"
  "query": {
    "match": {
      "name" : "A"

#If you want to simply count version conflicts, and not cause the _update_by_query to abort, you can set conflicts=proceed on the url or "conflicts": "proceed" in the request body.
The simplest usage of _update_by_query just performs an update on every document in the index without changing the source.

POST twitter/_doc/_update_by_query?conflicts=proceed

# limit _update_by_query using the Query DSL. This will update all documents from the twitter index for the user rahul
POST twitter/_update_by_query?conflicts=proceed
  "query": { 
    "term": {
      "user": "rahul"

## some more sample

# current value

"_source": {
         "id": "5b1676493d21784208c36041",
         "label": "name",
         "properties": {
           "name": "rahul"
         "updatedAt": 1528259039542
# update it to
   "_source": {
             "dataSource": "ELASTIC",
             "entity": "car",
             "label": "car",
             "id": "5b1676493d21784208c36041",
             "properties": {
                     "name": "rahul"
             "updatedAt": 1528259039542

# query
POST index/_update_by_query
  "query": {
    "match": {
      "id": "5b1676493d21784208c36041"
  "script": {
    "source": "ctx._source = params",
    "params": {
       "dataSource": "ELASTIC",
       "entity": "car",
       "label": "car"

# table and and or condition
GET /mainTable/_search
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": {
        "match": {
          "_id": "tibeid1"
      "should": [
          "nested": {
            "path": "ItemSub",
            "inner_hits": {
              "size": 10,
              "_source": true,
              "name": "ItemSubResult"
            "query": {
              "match": {
                "ItemSub.key": "9588540"
          "nested": {
            "path": "table2",
            "inner_hits": {
              "size": 10,
              "_source": true,
              "name": "table2.object"
            "query": {
              "match": {
                "table2.object.type": "title"
          "nested": {
            "path": "table3.object",
            "inner_hits": {
              "size": 10,
              "_source": true,
              "name": "nested_table3"
            "query": {
              "bool": {
                "must": [
                    "match": {
                      "table3.object.type": "avc"
                    "match": {
                      "table3.object.type.key": "32701"