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90 lines (64 loc) · 4.1 KB

File metadata and controls

90 lines (64 loc) · 4.1 KB


0.7.3 (2024-05-02)

  • (foxriver76) set activeRepo as an array as it is intended

0.7.2 (2024-03-26)

  • (stevenengland) Add support for jsonconfig json5 files hot reload

0.7.1 (2023-11-09)

  • (Apollon77) downgrade boxen again to fix problems with it

0.7.0 (2023-11-09)

  • (AlCalzone/Garfonso) symlink the local adapter instead of pack/install on each change
  • (Apollon77) Update dependencies

0.6.0 (2022-10-02)

  • (Apollon77) Add option --doNotWatch for "watch" mode to ignore changes on defined files or locations
  • (Apollon77/kleinOr) Set several other system settings on "setup" call like the location, currency, language and temperature unit that they are not empty
  • (Apollon77) Only send SIGINT on exit first and then SIGKILL after 5 seconds if not yet exited to allow clean shutdown of all components
  • (Apollon77) Make sure initial file sync is finished before starting adapter (incl. a short static delay to make sure all is persisted before start watching)
  • (Apollon77) Wait that js-controller DB ports are available before starting adapter
  • (Apollon77) User instead of localhost to avoid DNS lookup issues with Node.js 18 (looks up IPv6 by default)

0.5.0 (2022-04-29)

  • (UncleSamSwiss) Added support for JSON config UI (#164)
  • (UncleSamSwiss) dev-server watch works again for the latest @iobroker/adapter-dev
  • (UncleSamSwiss) dev-server watch and debug support --noInstall which won't build/install the adapter
  • (UncleSamSwiss) js-controller is now always started with inspector on port 9228 (#150)
  • (UncleSamSwiss) Improvements during dev-server setup (#114, #201)

0.4.1 (2022-04-29)

  • (UncleSamSwiss) Fixed warnings when debugging "old-style" React adapters like ioBroker.javascript
  • (AlCalzone) Fixed dev-server watch not continuing when using @iobroker/adapter-dev to compile React

0.4.0 (2021-07-06)

  • (UncleSamSwiss) Changed default log level to debug and adapter repo to beta (#74)
  • (UncleSamSwiss) Added verification of .npmignore and .gitignore (#46)
  • (UncleSamSwiss) Restarting adapter with watch when adapter config changes (#47)
  • (UncleSamSwiss) Running "npm run build" before installing the adapter (#77)
  • (UncleSamSwiss) Fixed bug that "watch" wasn't syncing files upon start-up, but only when they changed (this was causing issues with sourcemaps).
  • (UncleSamSwiss) Added --noStart option to watch, this allows to start the adapter from an IDE afterwards

0.3.0 (2021-05-13)

  • (AlCalzone & UncleSamSwiss) Added support for debugging js-controller (including watch and debug --wait)

0.2.1 (2021-05-05)

  • (UncleSamSwiss) Fixed issue with dev-server update not properly updating admin

0.2.0 (2021-05-05)

  • (UncleSamSwiss) Breaking Change: it is no longer possible to use dev-server without providing a command. Use dev-server run for the same behavior as before.
  • (AlCalzone) Made build script handling more flexible (#23)
  • (UncleSamSwiss) Added support for different profiles (#39)
  • (UncleSamSwiss) Added possibility to create a backup (#28)
  • (UncleSamSwiss) Added possibility to restore a backup file during dev-server setup (#28)
  • (UncleSamSwiss) Added automatic installation of adapter dependencies (#8)
  • (UncleSamSwiss) Added version check when starting dev-server
  • (UncleSamSwiss) Added option to specify the ioBroker.admin version to use

0.1.4 (2021-04-14)

  • (UncleSamSwiss) Fixed issue with bash reusing the process instead of creating a child

0.1.3 (2021-04-01)

  • (UncleSamSwiss) Disabled license info dialog at first start-up (#10)
  • (UncleSamSwiss) Fixed issue on MacOS about "COMMAND" property (#11)
  • (UncleSamSwiss) Fixed issue where error output from parcel (or tsc) would kill the application

0.1.2 (2021-02-25)

  • (UncleSamSwiss) Fixed automatic NPM deployment.

0.1.1 (2021-02-25)

  • (UncleSamSwiss) Added release script and GitHub actions integration.
  • (UncleSamSwiss) Added dependabot checking and auto-merging.
  • (UncleSamSwiss) Updated to the latest dependencies.


  • (UncleSamSwiss) Initial version