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The package helps find an optimal rooted tree in an undirected vertex-weighted graph, which maximizes the total prize given a budget constraint. The algorithm is loosely inspired by the 2018 publication by Bateni MH, Hajiaghayi MT, Liaghat V (doi: 10.1137/15M102695X). The code first finds the "shortest" vertex-weighted rooted tree and then trims its zero-prize and lowest value leaves until its total cost fits the budget.

Sample graph

In order to use the package, one needs to have an adjacency matrix as a 2D numpy.ndarray as well as two vectors of weights and prizes (again as 1D numpy.ndarray) for the vertices. The root should be the very first vertex (with the index zero). Below there is a code that creates a random graph with 500 vertices, 750 edges, and 300 prizes. It can be used to test how this package works.

adj_matrix = np.zeros(shape=(500, 500), dtype=int)
adj = np.random.choice(a=range(499*250), size=750, replace=False)

def indexize(x, column):
    while 499 - column > 0:
        if x >= 499 - column:
            x -= 499 - column
            column += 1
            return 1 + column + x, column
    raise ValueError()
indexize = np.vectorize(indexize)

adj = indexize(adj, np.zeros(750, dtype=int))

for row, col in np.array(adj).T:
    adj_matrix[row, col] = adj_matrix[col, row] = 1
weights = np.random.randint(1, 40, size=500)
prizes = np.random.randint(10, 400, size=500)
prizes[0] = 0
zero_prizes = np.random.choice(a=range(499), size=199, replace=False) + 1
prizes[zero_prizes] = 0
weights[0] = 0


The package can be installed (as usual in Python) with pip install nodeweightedbudget command.

How to use

The package has only one class that is expected to be used: nodeweightedbudget.Graph(prizes, weights, budget). The expected workflow is the following:

import nodeweightedbudget as nwb
import pandas as pd

graph = nwb.Graph(prizes=prizes, weights=weights, budget=3000)
graph.find_short_path(adj_matrix=adj_matrix, depth=0, previous=None, current=0)
graph = graph.trim()
while graph.total_weight > graph.budget:
    graph = graph.trim_one_leaf()
pd.DataFrame(graph.get_adj_matrix()).to_csv("result.csv", header=None, index=None)