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95 lines (60 loc) · 2.9 KB

minorbsem 0.2.15

  • Added a function for residual network analysis, doi: 10.1007/s11336-017-9557-x
  • Updated citations

minorbsem 0.2.14

  • Added the first CFA tutorial, to come: SEM, MIMIC, correlation structure analysis and modifying priors

minorbsem 0.2.13

  • Now possible to obtain data_list from Stan, useful for modifying specific priors.

minorbsem 0.2.12

  • Sort regression results by outcome variable
  • Removed equality tests on real numbers in Stan
  • Instantiate-forced changes

minorbsem 0.2.11

  • Fixed mistake in calculation of factor residual variance for latent regression models, by transforming simsem::findFactorResidualVar() into Stan code.
  • Also removed 0 start values for latent regression coefficients.

minorbsem 0.2.10

  • Ensure asymptotic variance of log-correlation matrix is symmetric
  • Minor improvement on residual plots

minorbsem 0.2.9

  • Fixed bug when acov_mat is supplied to ensure acov_mat is correctly ordered based on lavaan object

minorbsem 0.2.8

  • Users can now supply asymptotic variance matrix of correlation matrix as an input

minorbsem 0.2.7

  • Added correlation structure analysis via matrix logarithm transformation

minorbsem 0.2.6

  • Now using single Stan script for all models
    • There are now parameter constraints for latent variable regression models
  • Latent regression coefficient parameters are now standardized

minorbsem 0.2.5

  • Eliminated the meta-analysis component, see bayesianmasem package
  • Using only CmdStan via the instantiate package
  • Permits equality constraints and fixed parameters for loadings, residual covariances and error variances.
  • Code refactoring
  • Log-likelihood now requested with minorbsem call
    • So no more Rcpp

minorbsem 0.2.4

  • JOSS paper added
  • Added simple contribution guidelines in startup message and README.

minorbsem 0.2.3

  • Added a Wishart-Wishart method as an alternative to WB-cond.
  • Added log-likelihood computations for meta-CFA
  • Added control over prior for factor standard deviation parameters

minorbsem 0.2.2

  • Fixed error in implementation of RMSEA calculation in meta-analysis (marginal practical effect)
  • Using huxtable to print tables instead of kableExtra

minorbsem 0.2.1

  • Added dependent-samples MASEM (experimental -- CmdStan only)
  • Fixed bug that caused target = "cmdstan" to fail when method = "none"

minorbsem 0.2.0

  • RStan implementation now working and with tests
    • Simpler installation
    • Precursor to CRAN
  • Fixed row order of variables printed
  • Fixed an undiscovered error when user fits model with single chain

minorbsem 0.1.1

  • Added Wishart-based fixed-effects meta-analytic SEM (also permits minor factors)

minorbsem 0.1.0

  • First presentation of package
    • CFA/SEM with minor factors assumed
    • Random-effects meta-analytic permitting minor factor influences
  • Added a file to track changes to the package.