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A module using the Spotify Web API based off of the Twilio library.


Install from PyPi using pip, a package manager for Python.

pip install spotify-python

Getting Started


Using spotify-python requires either Client Credentials or User Credentials.

Client Credentials When using Client Credentials, you can pass them directly or use environment variables.

from spotify.auth.client import Client
from spotify import Client as Spotify

spotify = Spotify(credentials)

Alternatively, calling the Client constructor without these parameters will look for the SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID and SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET in the current environment. I suggest using this method.

from spotify.auth.client import Client
from spotify import Client as Spotify 
spotify = Spotify(Client())

User Credentials For more advanced features, User Credentials may be required. You can find a complete description here. To get a user token, you can use the user token utility method. If none are passed into the user_token method, client_id, client_secret and redirect_uri will be retrieved using the SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID, SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET, and SPOTIFY_REDIRECT_URI environment variables.

from spotify.auth.util import user_token
from spotify import Client as Spotify

scopes = ['scope-a', 'scope-b']
token = user_token(scopes)
# Acknowledge browser prompt, and paste in the redirect URI

spotify = Spotify(token)

Search for a song

from spotify import Client as Spotify

token = fetch_user_token()
spotify = Spotify(token)

search_result ='Never gonna give you up', ['track'])
for track in search_result.tracks:

List my recently played songs

from spotify import Client as Spotify

token = fetch_user_token()
spotify = Spotify(token)

recently_played =
for rp in recently_played:

Resource Tree

  • Client - Spotify Web API
    • v1 - Version 1 of the Spotify Web API
      • albums - /albums endpoint
        • list() - List albums by ID, returns Page[AlbumInstance]
        • get() - Get the context of a single album, returns AlbumContext
          • fetch() - Get details of the album, returns AlbumInstance
          • tracks - /albums/{album_id}/tracks endpoint
            • list() - List the tracks on the album, returns Page[TrackInstance]
      • artists - /artists endpoint
        • list() - List artists by ID, returns Page[ArtistInstance]
        • get() - Get the context of a single artist, returns ArtistContext
          • fetch() - Get the details of the artist, returns ArtistInstance
          • albums - /artists/{artist_id}/albums endpoint
            • list() - List albums by the artist, returns Page[AlbumInstance]
          • top_tracks - /artists/{artist_id}/top-tracks endpoint
            • list() - List top tracks by the artist, returns Page[TrackInstance]
          • related_artists - /artists/{artist_id}/related-artists endpoint
            • list() - List related artists, returns Page[ArtistInstance]
      • audio_analysis - /audio-analysis endpoint
        • get() - Get the context of the audio analysis for a track, returns AudioAnalysisContext
          • fetch() - Get the audio analysis details, returns AudioAnalysisInstance
      • audio_features - /audio-features endpoint
        • list() - List audio features by track ID, returns Page[AudioFeaturesInstance]
        • get() - Get the audio features context of a track, returns AudioFeaturesContext
          • fetch() - Get the audio features details of a track, returns AudioFeaturesInstance
      • browse - /browse endpoint
        • featured_playlists - /browse/featured-playlists endpoint
          • fetch() - Get the latest featured playlists, returns FeaturedPlaylistInstance
        • new_releases - /browse/new-releases endpoint
          • list() - List the new release, returns Page[AlbumInstance]
        • categories - /browse/categories endpoint
          • list() - List the categories, returns Page[CategoryInstance]
          • get() - Get the context of a category, returns CategoryContext
            • fetch() - Get the details of a category, returns CategoryInstance
            • playlists - /browse/categories/{category_id}/playlists endpoint
              • list() - List the playlists that are in this category, returns `Page[PlaylistInstance]
      • me - /me endpoint
        • fetch() - Fetch the details of the authenticated user, returns MeInstance
        • albums - /me/albums endpoint
          • list() - List the user's saved albums, returns Page[SavedAlbum]
          • save() - Save an album, returns bool
          • remove() - Remove a soved album, returns bool
          • contains() - Checks to see if the user has saved the albums, returns List[bool]
        • following - /me/following endpoint
          • list() - List the artists followed by the user, returns Page[ArtistInstance]
          • add() - Add a follower, returns bool
          • remove() - Remove a follower, returns bool
          • contains() - Checks if the user has followed the artists, returns List[bool]
        • player - /me/player endpoint
          • fetch() - Get the player details, returns PlayerInstance
          • transfer() - Transfer playing to another device, returns bool
          • play() - Set what is being played, returns bool
          • pause() - Pause playback, returns bool
          • next_() - Skip the current track, returns bool
          • previous() - Go back a track, returns bool
          • seek() - Go to a point in the current track, returns bool
          • repeat() - Set repeat status, returns bool
          • volume() - Set the volume, returns bool
          • shuffle() - Set the shuffle status, returns bool
          • currently_playing - /me/player/currently-playing endpoint
            • fetch() - Get the currently playing item, returns CurrentlyPlayingInstance
          • devices - /me/player/devices endpoint
            • list() - List the devices that the user owns, returns Page[DeviceInstance]
          • recently_played - /me/player/recently-played endpoint
            • list() - List the recently played items, returns Page[RecentlyPlayedInstance]
        • playlists - /me/playlists endpoint
          • list() - List the user created playlists, returns Page[PlaylistInstance]
        • top - /me/top endpoint
          • artists - /me/top/artists endpoint
            • list() - List the user's top artists, returns Page[ArtistInstance]
          • tracks - /me/top/tracks endpoint
            • list() - List the user's top tracks, returns Page[TrackInstance]
        • tracks - /me/tracks endpoint
          • list() - List the user's saved tracks, returns Page[SavedTrack]
          • save() - Save a track, returns bool
          • remove() - Remove a saved track, returns bool
          • contains() - Check to see if the user has saved tracks, returns List[bool]
      • recommendations - /recommendations endpoint
        • fetch() - Fetch recommendations, returns RecommendationsInstance
        • available_genre_seeds - /recommendations/available-genre-seeds endpoint
          • fetch() - Fetch available genre seeds, returns List[str]
      • search - /search endpoint
        • get() - Execute a serach, returns SearchInstance
      • tracks - /tracks endpoint
        • list() - List tracks by ID, returns Page[TrackInstance]
        • get() - Get a context of a track, returns TrackContext
          • fetch() - Get the details of a track, returns TrackInstance
      • users - /users endpoint
        • get() - Get a context of a user, returns UserContext
          • fetch() - Get the details of a user, returns UserInstance
          • playlists - /users/{user_id}/playlists endpoint
            • list() - List the user's playlists, returns Page[PlaylistInstance]
            • create() - Create a playlist, returns PlaylistIntance
            • get() - Get a context of a playlist, returns PlaylistContext
              • fetch() - Get the details of the playlist, returns PlaylistInstance
              • update() - Update playlist details, returns bool
              • follow() - Follow the playlist, returns bool
              • unfollow() - Unfollow the playlist, returns bool
              • followers - /users/{user_id}/playlists/{playlist_id}/followers endpoint
                • contains() - Check if users follow this playlist, returns List[bool]
              • images - /users/{user_id}/playlists/{playlist_id}/images endpoint
                • replace() - Replace the playlist cover image, returns bool
              • tracks - /users/{user_id}/playlists/{playlist_id}/tracks endpoint
                • list() - List the tracks in the playlist, returns Page[PlaylistTrackInstance]
                • add() - Add a track to the playlist, returns Snapshot
                • remove() - Remove a track from the playlist, returns Snapshot
                • reorder() - Reorder playlist tracks, returns Snapshot
                • replace() - Replace all tracks in the playlist, returns bool