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SURF object detection

Object detection using the non-free SURF Algorithm in C++, using opencv 3.0.

How to use

Simply replace filepath define with the filepath of an image containing solely the object you wish to detect. It is important nothing else is included in the image, cropping may be neccessary.

#define filepath "/Users/Joe/Desktop/object.jpg"

OpenCV 3.0 is required, as 'non-free' alorithms have since been removed from 3.0 you have to build it using the opencv_contrib package. I suggesting using CMake to speed things up.

Linker flags

-lopencv_calib3d -lopencv_core -lopencv_features2d -lopencv_flann -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_xfeatures2d -lopencv_videoio -lopencv_imgcodecs