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Forklift 4

Johann N. Löfflmann edited this page May 2, 2024 · 1 revision

What is Forklift 4

Forklift 4 is a commercial file manager on macOS. A free trial is available.

How to integrate Jacksum/HashGarten

1. Run Jacksum for macOS

Install Jacksum for macOS which installs all required binary files. See also

2. Create some scripts

Since Forklift does not to support Apple Script, but comes with a proprietary solution, you have to add/edit some scripts manually.

Open Forklift 4, select "Commands", "Manage Tools ...", and push the + button.

To call HashGarten from Forklift you can enter suitable values to the dialog box.

Add the calc hash values action to Forklift's Tool Editor

Press the Save button to store the script. Forklift 4 stores the short script you entered to a SQLite 3.x database. Repeat the actions you want for each Tool.

Name of the tool Command
1) Calc Hash Values /Applications/ cmd_calc $SOURCE_SELECTION_PATHS
2) Check Data Integrity /Applications/ cmd_check $SOURCE_SELECTION_PATHS
3) Customized Output /Applications/ cmd_cust $SOURCE_SELECTION_PATHS
4) Edit Script /Applications/ cmd_edit

When you are done with it, the Tools window should like this:

Manage Tools ...

Close that dialog.

3. Use it

And now you can select files and folders in Forklift, and select one of the tools from the "Commands" menu.

Select a menu item from the Commands menu

From here, HashGarten resp. Jacksum takes over.

HashGarten called from Forklift 4
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