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The idea for this library is to offer an abstraction for the discretisation of finite element weak forms using the deal.II open source finite element library.

As a preface to what follows, it should be made clear that this library does not offer any extra "core" functionality to what deal.II itself has to offer. Instead, it hopes to increase the speed and convenience with which one can implement a finite element problem in deal.II -- essentially, facilitating rapid prototyping and, perhaps, verification of correctness of implementation. Any potential performance improvements are an added benefit. In the end, the most high-performance code would likely need to hand-written and tailor made to a specific application.

What does "abstraction of FE discretisation" mean? Well, instead of writing an assembly loop to assemble into a matrix and vector

const double coefficient = 1.0;
const double f           = 1.0;

for (const auto &cell : dof_handler.active_cell_iterators())
  // Initialise some data structures, precompute some data for use in
  // the assembly loop, ...

  for (const unsigned int i : fe_values.dof_indices())
    for (const unsigned int j : fe_values.dof_indices())
      cell_matrix(i, j) +=
                (coefficient *                      // a(x_q)
                 fe_values.shape_grad(i, q_index) * // grad phi_i(x_q)
                 fe_values.shape_grad(j, q_index) * // grad phi_j(x_q)

    cell_rhs(i) += (f *                                 // f(x)
                    fe_values.shape_value(i, q_index) * // phi_i(x_q)
                    fe_values.JxW(q_index));            // dx


with this library you can do it expressively without having to worry about the structure of the assembly loop, data initialisation or extraction, and some of the other details

  const TestFunction<dim>  test;
  const TrialSolution<dim> trial;
  const ScalarFunctor      mat_coeff("coefficient", "c");
  const ScalarFunctor      rhs_coeff("f", "f");

  const auto mat_coeff_func = mat_coeff.template value<double, dim, spacedim>(
    [](const FEValuesBase<dim, spacedim> &, const unsigned int)
    { return 1.0; });
  const auto rhs_coeff_func = rhs_coeff.template value<double, dim, spacedim>(
    [](const FEValuesBase<dim, spacedim> &, const unsigned int)
    { return 1.0; });

  MatrixBasedAssembler<dim> assembler;

  // LHS contribution: a(grad phi_i, c, grad phi_j)
  assembler += bilinear_form(test.gradient(), 
  // RHS contribution: a(phi_i, f)    
  assembler -= linear_form(test.value(), rhs_coeff_func).dV();

  // Take the generic forms, and perform some concrete
  // computations using the given data structures.

If analysing code to debug is a chore, then this library can also spell out, mathematically, what its going to compute:

  • in ACSII format
    const SymbolicDecorations decorator;
    std::cout << assembler.as_ascii(decorator) << std::endl;
    renders in the output
    0 = #(Grad(d{U}), coefficient, Grad(D{U}))#dV - #(d{U}, f)#dV
  • or in LaTeX format that can be readily rendered online or using a minimal number of added packages
    const SymbolicDecorations decorator;
    std::cout << assembler.as_latex(decorator) << std::endl;
    renders in the output
    0 = \int\left[\nabla\left(\delta{\varphi}\right) \cdot \left[{c}\,\nabla\left(\Delta{\varphi}\right)\right]\right]\textrm{dV} 
    - \int\left[\delta{\varphi}\,{f}\right]\textrm{dV}

How is this different from the standard deal.II functionality?

Let's identify the key differences between these two paradigms:

  • native deal.II (considering the approach typically advocated and adopted for "matrix-based" methods):

    When writing an assembly loop, one "sees" the weak form at the lowest level, i.e. the fully discretised, indexed entries for each shape function from the test space and trial solution spaces, as well as field solutions computed at quadrature points and the like. One has to know the discretisation (i.e. the assembly function has to have access to a specific DofHandler, FiniteElement, SparseMatrix, right-hand-side Vector, etc) as context. Indeed, such assembly functions can be made generic, but this must be done by the implementer at some effort -- only something that advanced users of the deal.II library might consider doing. This also means that the assembly functions might need addition arguments, which might complicate the extension of multi-physics frameworks that use polymorphism as part of their design abstraction. None of these (potential) issues are insurmountable; they only make the life of the programmer a little more challenging.

    When extending or modifying the weak form, the user might have to employ some effort to cache data (e.g. when using the Function classes). The speed and correctness of implementation of an assembly loop are subject to the implementer's skill and expertise. It is difficult to write an assembly loop that is both readable and highly performance orientated. The naive, explicit assembly algorithm becomes even more "interesting" when interface terms are introduced, and mesh adaptivity makes things even more tricky. The MeshWorker::mesh_loop() concept partnered with the MeshWorker::ScratchData and GeneralDataStorage classes can offer a lot of assistance and greatly simplify things here, but their use still adds complexity to (and increases the code length of) the assembly method.

    On the matter of correctness, subtle errors related to indexing in the assembly loops can be introduced very easily, and sometimes take some time to spot. Adding more complexity to the weak form being implemented introduces more opportunity for mistakes. Compounding this are the formulation of quantities derived from (nonlinear or otherwise complex) constitutive laws, and the subsequent consistent linearisation of those quantities. To assist in this regard, the automatic and symbolic differentiation capabilities built into deal.II might be useful, but are another aspect of the library that the user must become very familiar with before they can use them correctly and effectively.

  • Symbolic weak form library:

    In contrast, the weak form library allows one to write the weak form symbolically at a high level. Although only a matter of opinion, perhaps this is more expressive than the alternative, as it may be closer to the (bi)linear notation that one might find in an academic paper. The notion of "assembly" is taken care by the library, and only when requested. Each of the forms that are (compile-time) generated are, in fact, patterns for assembly (also known as integration kernels), and while these kernels describe how to perform the numerical computations, they simultaneously retain some text representation of their action. So, if you like, you don't even need to do any assembly -- you could use this library, sans Triangulation or any other complexity, to first to assess an implementation though ASCII or LaTeX output before doing anything computational with it. Or, if you have two formulations that are identical save for a few terms, then perhaps you could implement the one and then later add those few extra bilinear/linear forms to fully implement the second formulation (as you would if you passed a matrix-vector system through two assembly functions).

    When you do pass the assembler some concrete classes to invoke assembly, it's action depends on the information passed to it. One assembler could form the full linear system, or just the system matrix or RHS vector. Do you want to assemble using a different DoFHandler? No problem -- the assembler, which has the patterns for assembly of the generic weak form that it encapsulates, just repeats the actions with different input data. At the end of the day, this part of the library provides "syntactic sugar" (i.e. convenience) to the concept of linear system assembly and its generalisation.

    Modifying a weak form in this library might take a few lines less than deal.II itself, and whatever you do remains a generalisation due to the patterning concept. All data structure initialisation and data caching is performed on your behalf, so one doesn't need to think about how to extract data from the deal.II classes and data structures; this is done for you on demand (lazily), and never unnecessarily.

    The core of the assembly process has been rigourously tested for correctness -- the worst thing that a library like this can do is take away the low-level functionality from a user and then introduce a bug that invalidates the entire thing that the library is designed to do. Although no library is bug-free, it is the author's hope that users of this work find it to reliably compute what the user has prescribed. Every effort has been made to ensure that the computed linear system and processed data is correct but, in the end, there are no guarantees.

    As an implementational detail, an assembly loop is (currently) performed for each bilinear and linear form individually. This is not ideal when their are multiple forms contributing to the linear system. However, as the implementation of the assembly process is opaque to the user, the library is able to perform several optimisations to limit the extent to which this impacts the overall assembly time. The vectorisation capabilities of modern computers can be exploited to do SIMD parallelisation on top of the multi-threading which is built in to deal.II's MeshWorker::mesh_loop() concept (and whatever distributed computation the user might be doing using MPI). For the classes that are not parallel-friendly, their data is extracted as early as possible into parallel data structures, to that parallelisation can be used in as many operations as possible. Using MeshWorker::mesh_loop() means that we can offer (some) functionality for DG finite elements and other methods that introduce interface terms.

    On the matter of supporting complex physics models, this library offers a further abstraction to the automatic and symbolic differentiation capabilities of deal.II. Due to the symbolic nature of this library, special energy_functional and residual_view forms have been implemented that are self linearising; that is to say, that they understand their parameterisation and can generate new forms that encapsulate the linearisation of the residual, or the generation of that residual in the first place. The use of AD or SD is then restricted to quadrature-point level calculations, which is the point at which they are most efficiently employed. The hope is that the current abstraction to AD or SD allows the user to implement some complex constitutive laws without getting to understand all of the details of those frameworks.

    Some other interesting features of the library include the mimicry of deal.II functions for scalars and tensors, so that this library can be most naturally used by people who are familiar with the syntax of the deal.II linear algebra classes. By means of an example, this would be a valid (albeit non-sensical) bilinear form:

     const TestFunction<dim>          test;
     const TrialSolution<dim>         trial;
     const FieldSolution<dim>         field_solution;
     const SubSpaceExtractors::Vector subspace_extractor_v(0,
     const SubSpaceExtractors::Scalar subspace_extractor_p(dim,
     const auto div_test_v   = test[subspace_extractor_v].divergence();
     const auto grad_trial_p = trial[subspace_extractor_p].gradient();
     const auto v            = field_solution[subspace_extractor_v].value();
     const auto grad_v       = field_solution[subspace_extractor_v].gradient();
     const auto hessian_p    = field_solution[subspace_extractor_p].hessian();
     const auto I = dealii::unit_symmetric_tensor<dim>();
     const auto form = 2.0 * bilinear_form(div_test_v * I,            // rank-2
                                           outer_product(v,grad_v),   // rank-3
                                           hessian_p * grad_trial_p); // rank-1

    Note that in the (terrible) example above, we generated the form without specifying the integration domain -- these two actions are orthogonal, and one form can be integrated in multiple contexts. Naturally, integrals can be restricted to specific subdomains, boundaries or interfaces. There is a class that wraps solution histories (even those tied to other DoFHandlers) so, as examples, time discretisation of rate-dependent problems is supported, and the solution of one finite element problem can be used as the input to another. More features of the library are loosely listed here.

How does this work?

The design paradigm adopted to implement this library is called expression templating. The library provides some key elements for which their purpose (or, in this case, action) is well defined. When these elements are used as part of a composite operation then, assuming the operation is well defined, the compiler will generate a new class type that is specifically constructed to perform the desired operation on or between the input elements. Since the library cannot predict the generated class type (and this is something that the user should not really be interested in), the auto type deduction keyword is extensively used where these symbolic operators are returned.

Examples of the core elements would be test functions, trial solutions, field solutions (denoting the values or derivatives of the finite element solution), so called "views" of the aforementioned types, as well as scalar or tensor constants, user-defined functions, and the like. Associated with each of these is a native data type for mathematical construct that it represents. For instance, the gradient of a vector view of a test function will be a tensor of rank 2 -- this "result type" is embedded into the generated class.

Composite expressions of these fundamental elements can be formed using many standard scalar and tensor mathematical operations. These take the form of unary and binary operations; each time such an operation is required, a bespoke class type that understands the action of the operation based on the supplied input operators (acting as an argument or arguments to the function) is generated by the compiler based on the input arguments (which, themselves may by composite expressions). The collection of expressions may then be consumed by a linear_form() or a bilinear_form(). Linear forms take a test function (or a composite operation involving a test function) as its first argument, and another expression as its second argument. Similarly, bilinear forms take (composite) test function expressions as their first argument, a general expression as the second argument, and a (composite) trial solution expression as their third argument. The library checks the type and rank of object that each expression returns, and ensures that it is compatible with the desired action. For instance, the two arguments to a linear form (and, similarly, all three arguments to a bilinear form) must contract to a scalar valued result. After that, integration domain for the form is specified and this provides all of the information required for assembly of the form.

During assembly, the assembler uses the integration domain to understand which cells or faces to perform evaluation on. On the relevant subset of cells or faces, it then calls the user-defined operators (e.g. a composite test function) with some common input arguments. The composition of expressions, also known as an expression tree, is then traversed with the output of the leaves acting as input arguments to the composition (unary and binary math) operators. What results are the various terms, defined per quadrature point or per DoF index and quadrature point, that must be contracted to add to the local cell matrix or RHS vector.

What exactly is the compiler doing?

As was stated previously, the user is not really supposed to be interested in what the compiler is generating. It is opaque by nature of the programming paradigm, but this also makes understanding any compile-time error messages incredibly difficult. So this warrants a brief explanation of the generated data structures.

The fundamental, human-readable classes implemented in this library include (but are not limited to):

  • TestFunction, TrialSolution, FieldSolution: All relate to finite element fields.
  • SubSpaceExtractors::Scalar, SubSpaceExtractors::Vector, SubSpaceExtractors::Tensor, SubSpaceExtractors::SymmetricTensor: Provide a mechanism to produce a view of a multi-component finite elemnt field.
  • SubSpaceViews::Scalar, SubSpaceViews::Vector, SubSpaceViews::Tensor, SubSpaceViews::SymmetricTensor: Interpret a subset of the finite element field components as a scalar, vector, tensor or symmetric tensor type. This permits additional operations being performed on the view (e.g. computing the divergence of a vector field is permitted, but not a scalar field).
  • ScalarFunctor, TensorFunctor, SymmetricTensorFunctor: Are to return a scalar, tensor, or symmetric tensor at a given point in space.
  • LinearForm and BiinearForm: Collect the test function and a per quadrature-point defined functor (and, if necessary, the trial solution) that are to be contracted and integrated.

(In the supplied benchmarks and tests, you will see these classes being explicitly typed.)

The main (opaque) data classes that this library uses are:

  • SymbolicOp: Provides a call operator, and gives a meaning or definition to some fundamental operation. These act as the leaves of the expression tree that defines any composite operation.
  • UnaryOp: Implements a mathematical operation by providing a call operator which transforms a single input argument to a single result.
  • BinaryOp: Implements a mathematical operation by providing a call operator which transforms two input arguments to a single result.

These three symbolic classes perform the data extraction or transformation based on their input arguments. As the input arguments are arbitrarily complex, the generated class has a (template-derived) definition that is similarly arbitrary complex.

As an illustration of something more concrete, consider the following example:

const ScalarFunctor              sclr("s", "s");
const TestFunction<dim>          test;
const SubSpaceExtractors::Vector subspace_extractor_v(0,

const auto s           = sclr.template value<double, dim, spacedim>(
  [](const FEValuesBase<dim, spacedim> &, const unsigned int)
  { return 2.0; });                                                   // (1)
const auto grad_test_v = test[subspace_extractor_v].gradient();       // (2)

const auto neg_grad_test_v = -grad_test_v;                            // (3)
const auto s_times_neg_grad_test_v = s * neg_grad_test_v;             // (4)

The variables test and sclr are classes that can be used to generate some leaf symbolic operators. The first two of the enumerated auto-deduced class types are just such operators. The latter two are the result of a unary operation and a binary operation.

Omitting some (well, actually a lot) of the details for the sake of brevity, these compile to:

  1. A (constant) scalar functor that returns the value 2.0 everywhere is a
    Shown here, the class signature is somewhat indicatative of the fact that it represents the value of a ScalarFunctor.
  2. The gradient of a vector-valued test function is a
    which again somewhat transparently denotes that it represents the gradient of a Vector subspace view of a TestFunction.
  3. The negation of the gradient of a vector-valued test function is a
    Composition complicates things slightly. Read from the outside in, this class is a unary operation that negates an argument; that argument is the object of the type described by point (2).
  4. Multiplication of the constant scalar function with the negative gradient of a vector-valued test function results in a
    BinaryOp<SymbolicOp<ScalarFunctor, SymbolicOpCodes::value>, 
    Again read from the outside in, this is a binary operation that multiplys two arguments. The first argument is the same type described in point (1), while the second argument is the type described by point (3).

Unfortunately, the concrete class types get more and more complex as the chain of operations increases. (You might be exposed to this in the event of a compilation failure in a user code.) However, as the compiler knows the exact type that computes operations, the call operators are transparent and the compiler is in principle able to generate very fast code with which to perform evaluations.