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jspsych-libet-intentional-binding plugin

This plugin measures intentional binding using a Libet clock, and allows the participant to estimate the timing of events by adjusting the clock hand themselves.


Galang, C. M., Malik, R., Kinley, I., & Obhi, S. S. (2021). Studying sense of agency online: Can intentional binding be observed in uncontrolled online settings? *Consciousness and Cognition*, 95, 103217. doi:[10.1016/j.concog.2021.103217](


In addition to the parameters available in all plugins, this plugin accepts the following parameters. Parameters with a default value of undefined must be specified. Parameters can be left unspecified if the default value is acceptable.

Parameter Type Default Value Descripton
cond string 'baseline-key' Specifies the condition ("baseline-key", "baseline-tone", "operant-key", or "operant-tone").
est_wo_keypress boolean false If true, and if hand_est is true, the participant can make an estimate even if they did not make a keypress during the trial.
tone_file audio undefined The audio file to be played, if applicable.
choices keys "ALL_KEYS" The keys a participant can press, if applicable.
tone_delay_ms int 250 The time after the key press or the beginning of the clock animation that the tone is played, if applicable.
hand_est boolean true Specifies whether the participant moves the hand to estimate an angle. If false, the trial ends after the clock hand stops spinning.
instructions HTML string '' The instructions shown to the participant during estimation, if any.
instructions_wo_keypress HTML string undefined The instructions shown to the participant during estimation if they did not make a keypress. E.g., "When did you feel the urge to make a keypress?". Only applicable if hand_est and est_wo_keypress are set to true. If left undefined, the parameter takes on the same value as instructions.
feedback boolean false If true, and if hand_est is true, the participant sees feedback in the form of a black clock hand pointing in the correct direction.
feedback_ms int 2000 Number of milliseconds to display feedback, if applicable.
pre_estimation_ms int 1000 The length of time, in ms, that the clock hand disappears before reappearing to be moved by the participant, if applicable.
hand_inc float Math.PI*2/120 The minimum number of radians a participant can rotate the clock hand.
offset_range float [Math.PI/4, Math.PI/3] When the participant is able to move the clock hand, its initial angle will be offset from the correct angle by an absolute amount drawn from this range (in radians). Half the time the initial angle will be offset a positive amount, half the time a negative amount.
fixation_ms int 400 Duration of the pre-trial fixation cross in ms.
clock_period int 2560 The period of the clock in ms.
early_ms int 2560 The earliest allowable keypress, measured in milliseconds since the clock hand begins rotating. If a keypress is made prior to this, the trial ends.
early_fcn function function(){} Function called when the participant responds too early (e.g., to provide feedback).
timeout_ms int 4000 The maximum length of a trial, measured in milliseconds since the clock hand begins rotating. If a keypress is not made prior to this, the trial ends.
spin_continue_ms int 1000 The length of time, in ms, after the keypress or tone, whichever comes later, that the clock animation continues.
clock_diam int 200 The diameter of the clock in pixels.
n_maj_ticks int 60 The number of major ticks to draw on the clock face.
maj_tick_len int 12 Length of major ticks in pixels.
maj_tick_start int 0 Where to draw the first major tick, in radians.
n_min_ticks int 60 The number of minor ticks to draw on the clock face.
min_tick_len int 6 Length of minor ticks in pixels.
min_tick_start int Math.PI*2/120 Where to draw the first minor tick, in radians.
num int [60, 55, 50, 45, 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5] The numbers to draw around the clock face.
num_start int Math.PI/2 Where to draw the first number, in radians.
num_font string "5mm Arial" The font for the numbers.
num_dist int 30 Distance of the numbers from the outer circle of the clock, in pixels.
hand_len int 80 Length of the clock hand in pixels.

Data Generated

In addition to the default data collected by all plugins, this plugin collects all parameter data described above and the following data for each trial.

Name Type Value
cond string The condition of the trial ("baseline-key", "baseline-tone", "operant-key", or "operant-tone").
early boolean Specifies whether the participant pressed a key too early.
timeout boolean Specifies whether the trial timed out due to the participant's lack of response.
theta object Describes the various important quantities in radians:
theta.spin_start: the clock hand begins spinning from this angle
theta.keypress: the keypress was made when the clock hand was at this angle
theta.tone: the tone began playing when the clock hand was at this angle
theta.estimation_start: the clock hand began at this angle during estimation, if applicable this is the correct angle for the participant to estimate, given the current condition
theta.estimation: this is the estimate provided by the participant, if applicable
theta.overshoot: this is the amount by which the participant's estimate overshoots the target angle (where the positive direction is clockwise)


"Running an operant tone trial"

var trial = {
    type: jsPsychLibetIntentionalBinding,
    cond: 'operant-tone',
    tone_file: 'tone.mp3'