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File metadata and controls

138 lines (104 loc) · 5.16 KB

jspsych-pipe plugin

This plugin facilitates communication with DataPipe (, a service that enables sending data directly to an OSF component. This plugin is under v0.x to reflect that the API of DataPipe is still under development.

The plugin enables sending data collected by the experiment to DataPipe, which is then routed to an OSF component. This allows hosting an experiment without using a backend server, such as through a free service like GitHub Pages. DataPipe also allows sending base64 encoded files (such as audio or video recordings), which are decoded into their original form before being sent to the OSF component. It also supports a simple balanced condition assignment, which allows for sequential assignment to conditions without the need for a backend server.


In addition to the parameters available in all plugins, this plugin accepts the following parameters. Parameters with a default value of undefined must be specified. Parameters can be left unspecified if the default value is acceptable.

Parameter Type Default Value Description
experiment_id string undefined The ID of the experiment. This ID is provided by
action string undefined The action to perform. Possible values are save, saveBase64, and condition.
filename null undefined The filename to use when saving data. It should be unique. If the file already exists, no data will be saved.
data_string string null The string of data to save. If action is save then this can be text data in any format (e.g., CSV, JSON, TXT, etc.). If action is saveBase64, then this should be a base64 encoded string and the filename should have the appropriate extension.
wait_message HTML_string <p>Saving data. Please do not close this page.</p> An HTML message to be displayed above the loading graphics in the experiment during data upload.

Data Generated

In addition to the default data collected by all plugins, this plugin collects the following data for each trial.

Name Type Value
response JSON The response from the server.

Static Methods

The pipe plugin provides three static methods that can be used to save data to DataPipe without using a trial. These methods are save, saveBase64Data, and getCondition.

save, filename, data)


jsPsychPipe.saveBase64Data(experiment_id, filename, data)


using async/await

const condition = await jsPsychPipe.getCondition(experiment_id)

using promises

jsPsychPipe.getCondition(experiment_id).then(condition => {
  // do something with the condition


Saving all of the data to a CSV file.

// This ID is provided by
const expID = "ABCDEF123456";

// Generate a random subject ID.
const subjectID = jsPsych.randomization.randomID(10);

const save_data = {
  type: jsPsychPipe,
  action: "save",
  experiment_id: expID,
  filename: `${subjectID}.csv`,
  data_string: ()=>

Saving an audio response to a .webm file.

// This ID is provided by
const expID = "ABCDEF123456";

// Generate a random subject ID.
const subjectID = jsPsych.randomization.randomID(10);

var trial = {
  type: jsPsychHtmlAudioResponse,
  stimulus: `
      <p>Please record a few seconds of audio and click the button when you are done.</p>
  recording_duration: 15000,
  allow_playback: true,
  on_finish: function(data){
    const filename = `${subjectID}_${jsPsych.getProgress().current_trial_global}_audio.webm`;
    jsPsychPipe.saveBase64Data(expID,  filename, data.response);
    // optionally, delete the base64 data to save space. store the filename instead.
    data.response = filename;

Get the condition assignment for a subject.

// This ID is provided by
const expID = "ABCDEF123456";

// jsPsychPipe.getCondition returns a promise that resolves with the condition assignment,
// so we need to use async/await to wait for the promise to resolve before we have the condition assignment.
// We can then use the condition assignment to run the appropriate timeline.
// This requires that we wrap the code in an async function, and then call that function.
async function createExperiment(){
  const condition = await jsPsychPipe.getCondition(expID);

  const timeline_condition_1 = [
      type: jsPsychHtmlKeyboardResponse,
      stimulus: 'Condition 1. Press any key to continue.',

  const timeline_condition_2 = [
      type: jsPsychHtmlKeyboardResponse,
      stimulus: 'Condition 2. Press any key to continue.',

  } else {[timeline_condition_2])
