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  1. Setting up the cloud computing
    1. Setting up VS Code
    2. Connecting to the remote machine with VS Code
    3. Cloning the course's GitHub repository
  2. Getting the raw data
  3. QC and trimming
    1. QC of the raw data
    2. Read trimming
    3. QC of the trimmed data
  4. Read-based taxonomic profiling
    1. singleM
    2. sourmash
  5. Metagenome assembly
    1. Assembly QC
  6. Genome-resolved metagenomics with anvi'o
  7. Quality control and taxonomic annotation of metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs)
  8. Automatic binning with SemiBin2
  9. Targeted functional analysis of MAGs

Setting up the cloud computing

We will use the Amazon Cloud (AWS EC2) services for most of the analyses.
The IP address of the remote machine will change every day, so a new IP adress will be posted in Slack each morning.
Your username - that you have received by e-mail/Slack - will be the same for the whole course.
We will use ssh to connect to the remote machine.
We encourage the use of VS Code, but you are welcome to use any IDE or terminal emulator that you are comfortable with.

Setting up VS Code

  1. Download VS Code and set it up as shown here
  2. Save the .pem file that you have received by e-mail somewhere in your computer
  3. Linux/MacOS users only:
    1. Launch the Terminal app
    2. cd to the directory where you saved the .pem file
    3. run chmod 600 userXX.pem (remember to change userXX.pem by the name of your own file)
  4. Back to VS Code, go to View -> Command Palette
  5. Search for ssh config
  6. Select Remote-SHH: Open SSH Configuration File...
  7. In the next dialogue box, hit Enter/Return
  8. Copy and paste the following text:
Host physalia
  User user1
  IdentityFile ~/Desktop/user1.pem
  1. In the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th lines:
    1. HostName: change to the IP adress of the day
    2. User: change to your own username
    3. IdentityFile: change to the location and name of the .pem file that you have saved in your computer
  2. Save and close the config file

Connecting to the remote machine with VS Code

  1. Go to View -> Command Palette
  2. Search for ssh connect
  3. Select Remote-SHH: Connect to Host...
  4. Select physalia (a new window will open)
  5. If a dialogue box opens asking the server type, select Linux
  6. If a dialogue box opens asking if you are sure, select Continue
  7. If a terminal does not open by default, go to Terminal -> New Terminal

That's it, you should now be connected to the remote machine and ready to go!
Remember: every day you should redo steps 4-7 and update HostName to match the IP adress of the day.

Cloning the course's GitHub repository

Once you have connected to the remote machine, you will be in your home folder (/users/userXX, also represented by ~ or $HOME).
Remember: You can check where you are with the command pwd.

To have access to the course's content, let's copy the GitHub repository to your home folder using git clone:

Do this on the first day:

cd ~
git clone

Do this every once in a while, at least each day before starting the activities:

cd ~/Physalia_EnvMetagenomics_2023
git pull

Note: All exercises will be executed inside the Physalia_EnvMetagenomics_2023 folder that you cloned inside your own home folder.
So remember to cd ~/Physalia_EnvMetagenomics_2023 every time you connect to the remote machine.

Getting the raw data

Choose which data set you would like to analyse (Tundra or WWTP).
In the commands below, first uncomment the study you chose (remove the #) and run the export command.
Then, copy the raw sequencing data to your own 01_DATA folder.
Also copy the file SAMPLES.txt, which will be useful for running for loop and etc.

# export STUDY="WWTP"
# export STUDY="Tundra"

cd ~/Physalia_EnvMetagenomics_2023
mkdir 01_DATA

cp ~/Share/Data/${STUDY}/raw/*.fastq.gz 01_DATA/
cp ~/Share/Data/${STUDY}/SAMPLES.txt ./

QC and trimming

Now that you have copied the raw data to your working directory, let's do some quality control.
The sequencing process is subject to several types of problems that can introduce errors and artifacts in the sequences.
Because of this, bioinformatics analyses usually start with the quality control of raw sequences.
He we will use FastQC and MultiQC to obtain quality reports, and Cutadapt and chopper for trimming the Illumina and Nanopore data, respectively.

QC of the raw data

Go to your Physalia_EnvMetagenomics_2023 folder, create a folder for the QC files, and activate the conda environment:

cd ~/Physalia_EnvMetagenomics_2023
mkdir 02_QC_RAW
conda activate QC

And now you're ready to run the QC on the raw data:

fastqc 01_DATA/*.fastq.gz -o 02_QC_RAW -t 4
multiqc 02_QC_RAW -o 02_QC_RAW --interactive

After the QC is finished, copy the MultiQC report (02_QC_RAW/multiqc_report.html) to your local machine and open it with your favourite browser.
We will go through the report together before continuing with the pre-processing.

NOTE: to move files to and from local and remote machines, you can use:

  • The command-line tool scp
  • A file transfer software such as FileZilla
  • The VS Code built-in Explorer tool (View -> Explorer)

Read trimming

Our QC reports tell us that a significant percentage of the raw sequences contain some isses such as the presence of adapters.
Before proceeding, it is necessary to clean up/trim the raw sequences.
Before start trimming the data, let's create a folder for the processed data and activate the conda environment:

cd ~/Physalia_EnvMetagenomics_2023
mkdir 03_TRIMMED
conda activate QC

For the Illumina data, we will use a for loop to process each of the samples one after the other:

for sample in $(cat SAMPLES.txt); do
  cutadapt 01_DATA/${sample}.illumina.R1.fastq.gz \
           01_DATA/${sample}.illumina.R2.fastq.gz \
           -o 03_TRIMMED/${sample}.illumina.R1.fastq.gz \
           -p 03_TRIMMED/${sample}.illumina.R2.fastq.gz \
           -m 50 \
           -q 20 \
           -j 4 > 03_TRIMMED/${sample}.illumina.log

While Cutadapt is running: looking at the online manual or running cutadapt --help, answer:

  • What do the -o, -p, -a, -A, m, -q, and -j flags mean?
  • How did we choose the values for -m and -q?
  • What is the purpose of the redirection (> 03_TRIMMED/${sample}.illumina.log)?

And now we trim the Nanopore data:

gunzip -c 01_DATA/nanopore.fastq.gz | chopper -q 10 -l 1000 -t 4 | gzip > 03_TRIMMED/nanopore.fastq.gz

QC of the trimmed data

Now the data has been trimmed, it would be a good idea to run FastQC and MultiQC again.
Modify the commands used for the raw data to match the trimmed data and run the two QC softwares.

While you wait, take a look at the Cutadapt logs.
When Cutadapt runs, it prints lots of interesting information to the screen, which we lose once we logout of the remote machine.
Because we used redirection (>) to capture the standard output (stdout) of Cutadapt, this information is now stored in a file (03_TRIMMED/${sample}.illumina.log).
Take a look at the log file for one of the samples using the program less:

NOTE: You can scroll up and down using the arrow keys on your keyboard, or move one "page" at a time using the spacebar.
NOTE: To quit less, hit the q key.
NOTE: If you have set it up, you can also access the files using the Explorer tab on VS Code (View -> Explorer).

By looking at the Cutadapt log, can you answer:

  • How many read pairs we had originally?
  • How many reads contained adapters?
  • How many read pairs were removed because they were too short?
  • How many base calls were quality-trimmed?
  • Overall, what is the percentage of base pairs that were kept?

When FastQC and MultiQC have finished, copy the MultiQC report to your local machine and open it with a browser.
Compare this with the report obtained earlier for the raw data.
Do the data look better now?

Read-based taxonomic profiling

There are many different tools and approaches for obtaining taxonomic profiles from metagenomes.
Here we will use two read-based tools: singleM and sourmash.
What is the basic approach that each of these tools use and how they can impact the results?
And how similar are taxonomic profiles obtained from Illumina and Nanopore data?
Well, let's find out!

First let's create a folder to store the results:

cd ~/Physalia_EnvMetagenomics_2023


And now let's run singleM:

conda activate singleM

# Illumina data
singlem pipe --forward 03_TRIMMED/*.R1.fastq.gz \
             --reverse 03_TRIMMED/*.R2.fastq.gz \
             --otu_table 05_TAXONOMIC_PROFILE/singleM.Illumina.tsv \
             --singlem_packages ~/Share/Databases/singlem_pkgs_r95/S2.8.ribosomal_protein_S2_rpsB.gpkg.spkg \
             --threads 4

# Nanopore data
singlem pipe --sequences 03_TRIMMED/nanopore.fastq.gz \
             --otu_table 05_TAXONOMIC_PROFILE/singleM.nanopore.tsv \
             --singlem_packages ~/Share/Databases/singlem_pkgs_r95/S2.8.ribosomal_protein_S2_rpsB.gpkg.spkg \
             --threads 4

Now that we have got our hands into some tables describing the abundance of the different taxa in our metagenome, it is time to make sense of the data.
One way to do this is making summaries, plots, statistical tests, etc, as you would normally do for any kind of species distribution data.
Here you are free to use whichever tool you are most familiar with (but we all know that there is only one coRrect tool for this).

The idea here is to:

  • Learn what are the main (most abundant) taxa in our samples
  • Learn about potential differences in community composition between the samples
  • Learn what fraction of the community we were actually able to identify at, let's say, the genus level
  • Compare the taxonomic profiles obtainted from Illumina and Nanopore data

Hopefully you will be able to learn a bit about these metagenomic datasets.
And realise that there is so much that still remains unknown...

If you don't have R installed or can't install packages yourself, we have prepared a virtual Rstudio for you with example data.
Just click this: Binder


There are many different appraoches for taxonomic profiling of metagenomes, each of them with their own up- and downsides.
Let's now try a sourmash:

conda activate sourmash-4.6.1

# Illumina data
for sample in $(cat SAMPLES.txt); do
  sourmash sketch dna 03_TRIMMED/${sample}.illumina.R?.fastq.gz \
                      -p k=31,scaled=1000,abund \
                      -o 05_TAXONOMIC_PROFILE/${sample} \
                      --merge ${sample}

  sourmash gather 05_TAXONOMIC_PROFILE/${sample} \
                  ~/Share/Databases/ \
                  -k 31 \
                  -o 05_TAXONOMIC_PROFILE/${sample}.gather.csv

# Nanopore data
sourmash sketch dna 03_TRIMMED/nanopore.fastq.gz \
                    -p k=31,scaled=1000,abund \
                    -o 05_TAXONOMIC_PROFILE/

sourmash gather 05_TAXONOMIC_PROFILE/ \
                ~/Share/Databases/ \
                -k 31 \
                -o 05_TAXONOMIC_PROFILE/nanopore.gather.csv

# Gather results
sourmash tax metagenome -g 05_TAXONOMIC_PROFILE/*.gather.csv \
                        -t ~/Share/Databases/gtdb-rs207.taxonomy.with-strain.csv.gz \
                        --output-dir 05_TAXONOMIC_PROFILE \
                        --output-base sourmash.phylum \
                        --output-format lineage_summary \
                        --rank phylum

sourmash tax metagenome -g 05_TAXONOMIC_PROFILE/*.gather.csv \
                        -t ~/Share/Databases/gtdb-rs207.taxonomy.with-strain.csv.gz \
                        --output-dir 05_TAXONOMIC_PROFILE \
                        --output-base sourmash.genus \
                        --output-format lineage_summary \
                        --rank genus

Now analyse the results from sourmash in R or other data analysis tool of your preference.
Are there differences between the taxonomic profiles obtained by the two different tools?

Metagenome assembly

Now it's time to move forward to metagenome assembly.
First let's create a folder where the assembly will go:

cd ~/Physalia_EnvMetagenomics_2023
mkdir 06_ASSEMBLY

For the assembly of our Nanopore data we will use Flye.
Flye is a long-read de novo assembler that can also handle metagenomic data.

Before you start the assembly, have a look at the Flye manual, especially the parts about Nanopore data and metagenome assembly.

What options do we need?
We have only given the output directory in the script below; modify it as necessary and run Flye:

conda activate flye

flye \
   --nano-raw 03_TRIMMED/nanopore.fastq.gz \
   --meta \
   -t 4 \  
   --out-dir 06_ASSEMBLY

Assembly QC

For the sake of speed, the metagenomic assembly you have done above was made with heavily downsampled data.
We have also prepared an assembly made from the original (not downsampled) data, which will be the assembly you will actually use downstream.
So let's copy this bigger assembly from the Share folder to the Flye output folder.
We will run QC for both assemblies and compare the outputs.

# export STUDY="WWTP"
# export STUDY="Tundra"

cp ~/Share/Data/${STUDY}/full_assembly.fasta 06_ASSEMBLY

For assembly QC we will use the metagenomic version of Quality Assessment Tool for Genome Assemblies, Quast for evaluating (and comparing) our assemblies.

mkdir 07_ASSEMBLY_QC

conda activate quast 06_ASSEMBLY/*.fasta \
      --output-dir 07_ASSEMBLY_QC \
      --max-ref-number 0 \
      --threads 4

Genome-resolved metagenomics with anvi'o

Anvi'o is an analysis and visualization platform for omics data.
We will use anvi'o for binning contigs into metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs).
You should definitely take a look at their website and maybe even join their discord channel.
Let's start by making a new folder for anvi'o:

cd ~/Physalia_EnvMetagenomics_2023
mkdir 08_ANVIO

Reformat the assembly file

Before creating the contigs database in anvi'o, we need to do some reformatting for our assmebly file.
The program removes contigs shorter than 1 000 bp and simplifyes the sequence names.

conda activate anvio

anvi-script-reformat-fasta \
    06_ASSEMBLY/full_assembly.fasta \
    -o 08_ANVIO/contigs.fasta \
    --report-file 08_ANVIO/reformat_report.txt \
    --min-len 1000 \

Contigs database and annotations

The first step in our genome-resolved metagenomics pipeline is the contruction of contigs database from our metagenomic contigs.
During this step anvi'o calls genes, calculates the nucleotide composition for each contigs and annotates the identified genes in three different steps.

Generate contigs database

anvi-gen-contigs-database \
    -f 08_ANVIO/contigs.fasta \
    -o 08_ANVIO/CONTIGS.db \
    -n FullAssembly \
    -T 4

Annotate marker genes

These are used to estimate the completeness and redundancy of bins in anvi'o.

anvi-run-hmms \
    -c 08_ANVIO/CONTIGS.db \
    -T 4

Annotate COGs

This adds COG annotations to gene calls.

anvi-run-ncbi-cogs \
    -c 08_ANVIO/CONTIGS.db \
    -T 4

Annotate single-copy core genes

These are used for taxonomic annotations of bins.

anvi-run-scg-taxonomy \
    -c 08_ANVIO/CONTIGS.db \
    -T 4

Mapping Illumina reads back to assembly

The differential coverage for each contig is calculated by mapping sequencing reads to the assembly.
We will use Bowtie2 to map the short-read Illumina data to our assembly (the anvio-reformatted version of it).

bowtie2-build --threads 4 08_ANVIO/contigs.fasta 08_ANVIO/contigs

for sample in $(cat SAMPLES.txt); do
   bowtie2 \
        -1 03_TRIMMED/${sample}.illumina.R1.fastq.gz \
        -2 03_TRIMMED/${sample}.illumina.R2.fastq.gz \
        -x 08_ANVIO/contigs \
        -S 08_ANVIO/${sample}.sam \
        --threads 4 \

   samtools view -@ 4 -F 4 -bS 08_ANVIO/${sample}.sam |\
      samtools sort -@ 4 > 08_ANVIO/${sample}.bam
   samtools index -@ 4 08_ANVIO/${sample}.bam
   rm -f 08_ANVIO/${sample}.sam


When the contigs database and all three mappings are ready, we can make the profile databases for each sample.

for sample in $(cat SAMPLES.txt); do
   anvi-profile \
        -i 08_ANVIO/${sample}.bam \
        -c 08_ANVIO/CONTIGS.db \
        -S ${sample} \
        --min-contig-length 5000 \
        -o 08_ANVIO/${sample}_PROFILE \
        -T 4

And finally merge the individual profiles

anvi-merge \
   -c 08_ANVIO/CONTIGS.db \
   --enforce-hierarchical-clustering \


Now we have all the files ready for anvi'o and we can visualize the results in anvi'o interactive view. We will go thru the first steps together.

Your port number will be 8080 + your user number (user1 == 1 == 8081).


Then you can launch the interactive interface with the following command.

anvi-interactive \
    -c 08_ANVIO/CONTIGS.db \
    --server-only \
    --port-number $ANVIOPORT

Metagenomic binninng

After making the pre-clustering, start refining the clusters.

anvi-refine \
    -c 08_ANVIO/CONTIGS.db \
    --server-only \
    --port-number $ANVIOPORT \
    --collection-name PreCluster \
    --bin-id Bin_1

When all cluster have been refined a bit more, we can make a new collection from these.

anvi-rename-bins \
    -c 08_ANVIO/CONTIGS.db \
    --collection-to-read PreCluster \
    --collection-to-write PreBins \
    --prefix Preliminary \
    --report-file 08_ANVIO/PreBin_report.txt

And then we can make a summary of the cluster or bins we have so far.

anvi-summarize \
    -c 08_ANVIO/CONTIGS.db \
    --collection-name PreBins \
    --output-dir 08_ANVIO/PreBins_SUMMARY \

The last step in anvi'o is to make a final collection and summarize that final collection.
To make the rename part universal, store the name of your most recent collection in env variable $COLLECTION.


Then run the renaming.

anvi-rename-bins \
    -c 08_ANVIO/CONTIGS.db \
    --collection-to-read $COLLECTION \
    --collection-to-write Final \
    --prefix $USER \
    --report-file 08_ANVIO/Final_report.txt

And then we can make a summary of the final bins.

anvi-summarize \
    -c 08_ANVIO/CONTIGS.db \
    --collection-name Final \
    --output-dir 08_ANVIO/SUMMARY_Final

Quality control and taxonomic annotation of metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs)

Now we have obtained some bins that we think could represent genomes present in our samples. Next steps are QC and taxonomic annotation of our genomes.

We will use a program called checkM2 to get more precise estimates of the completeness and redundancy of these genomes.
For taxonomic annotation we will use Genome Taxonomy Database (GTDB) and a tool called GTDB-Tk.

But before we can do these steps, we should copy the most interesting genomes to a separate folder (to save time we only do this for few genomes) .

First make text file called: Final_genomes.txt in the 08_ANVIO folder that has the names of the bins that you want to work with.

Our file would look like this:


Then we'll make a new folder for these genomes and copy the fasta files for each of these genomes there from the anvi'o summary folder (SUMMARY_Final).

mkdir 09_GENOMES

for bin in $(cat 08_ANVIO/Final_genomes.txt); do
    cp 08_ANVIO/SUMMARY_Final/bin_by_bin/${bin}/${bin}-contigs.fa 09_GENOMES/

Now you should have one fasta file per genome you selected in folder 09_GENOMES.


conda activate checkm2

checkm2 predict \
      --input 09_GENOMES \
      --output-directory 09_GENOMES/checkM2 \
      -x fa \
      --threads 4 


conda activate gtdbtk

gtdbtk classify_wf \
      --genome_dir 09_GENOMES \
      --out_dir 09_GENOMES/GTDB \
      -x fa \
      --cpus 4 \

Automatic binning with SemiBin2

SemiBin2 is one of the several automatic binning algorithms published. Whether is good, better than others or the worst one available, you have to judge yourself.
If you want learn more, there is a pre-print available. More practical reading can be found from the documentation:

SemiBin2 uses self-supervised learning and has some pre-trained models, which makes to computation faster. It requires as input the results from mapping reads back to assembly (sorted and indexed bam files, which we already have) and the assembly (which we also have).

cd ~/Physalia_EnvMetagenomics_2023
mkdir 10_SEMIBIN

Depending on the data you're analysing run the right code block below.


export environment=wastewater
export sample=Sample3


export environment=soil
export sample=m12208

Run SemiBin

conda activate SemiBin

SemiBin single_easy_bin \
        --input-fasta 08_ANVIO/contigs.fasta \
        --input-bam 08_ANVIO/${sample}.bam \
        --sequencing-type=short_read \
        -o 10_SEMIBIN \
        --environment $environment \
        --threads 4

Prepare a file for anvi'o


for file in output_bins/*.fa; do 
   for line in $(grep ">" $file); do 
      file=$(basename ${file%.fa})
      echo -e $line"\t"${file}
done |sed 's/>//g' > semibin_results.txt

And import the binning results to anvi'o as a new collection called SemiBin.

cd ~/Physalia_EnvMetagenomics_2023 

anvi-import-collection \
   -c 08_ANVIO/CONTIGS.db \
   -C SemiBin \
   --contigs-mode \

Visualize the binning results in anvi'o. Remember to define the right port.

conda activate anvio

anvi-interactive \
    -c 08_ANVIO/CONTIGS.db \
    --server-only \
    --port-number $ANVIOPORT

And when anvi'o is running, you can load the SemiBin collection under Bins and Load bins collection.

Targeted functional analysis of MAGs

There are several approaches we can take to annotate our MAGs and find, for example, which kind of metabolic pathways they encode.
At this we point, we stop doing metagenomics and start doing genomics, so in one way we have reached the end of our workshop.
Everything you do next, depends a lot on what are you trying to use metagenomics for.
Below we give some examples of how you can annotate in MAGs in anvi'o.

Broad-scale annotation

Here we can use three databases/approaches that anvi'o offers us to annotate our contigs/MAGs.

We have annotated our contigs using the COG database when we are preparing our files for anvi'o.
Unfortunately annotating against KEGG and Pfam would take a lot of time, so we won't do them now.
But below are examples on how you could do this:

conda activate anvio

# Annotate against COG
anvi-run-ncbi-cogs -c 08_ANVIO/CONTIGS.db -T 4

# Annotate against KEGG
anvi-run-kegg-kofams -c 08_ANVIO/CONTIGS.db -T 4

# Annotate against Pfam
anvi-run-pfams -c 08_ANVIO/CONTIGS.db -T 4

And to export the annotations we could do:

anvi-export-functions -c 08_ANVIO/CONTIGS.db -o 08_ANVIO/annotation.txt

Or even better, we can summarise our collection again:

anvi-summarize \
    -c 08_ANVIO/CONTIGS.db \
    --collection-name Final \
    --output-dir 08_ANVIO/SUMMARY_Final_with_annotation

And look at the annotation for each of our individual MAGs/bins.

Looking for specific genes with HMMs

Another approach we can use in anvi'o is to run HMMs specifically for gene(s) of interest.
In this example we will search for the mcrA gene, which is the key gene for methanogenesis.

conda activate anvio

# Run HMMs
anvi-run-hmms -c 08_ANVIO/CONTIGS.db --hmm-profile-dir ~/Share/Databases/mcrA_HMM -T 4

And to export the annotation we could do:

anvi-script-get-hmm-hits-per-gene-call -c 08_ANVIO/CONTIGS.db --hmm-source mcrA_HMM -o 08_ANVIO/mcrA_HMM.txt

Or even better, we can summarise our collection again:

anvi-summarize \
    -c 08_ANVIO/CONTIGS.db \
    --collection-name Final \
    --output-dir 08_ANVIO/SUMMARY_Final_with_mcrA_hmm

Can you find the mcrA gene in your MAGs?
If you look at the GTDB-Tk results, can we say to which lineage the mcrA MAG(s) belong(s)?
Is this metabolic capability already known for this lineage?
Time to start writing the manuscript!! :)