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How to contribute

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Reporting errors

Before reporting an error, please read the FAQ and search for the issue in the issue tracker. Also, please don't bump, +1 or "me too" issues. Thank you.

The simples way to contribute to the plugin is to report issues you encounter in your day to day use.

As a rule of thumb, always keep in mind that we are developers just like you. So, whenever you are going to report an issue, think of how you'd like to receive issues for your projects. Also, we are doing this in our spare time, so the more information we have in the report, the faster we can replicate the problem and get on solving it rather that just doing a bunch of ping-pong in comments trying to extract the needed details from you.

As of 0.9.16 release, the plugin has a way to catch the exceptions it generates and send them to us as an issue on Github but we still need to understand the context in which the error happens. As such, whenever you are using the builtin error reporting facility, be as descriptive as possible.

This information applies also when you don't have an error that is caught by the builtin facility but it's something that happens and shouldn't happen (say for example, a formatting issue).

First and foremost, we really need to know the following:

  • IDEA version
  • OS version
  • JDK version
  • plugin version (or commit hash, even better, if possible)

Also, every time you can, submit the piece of code that's generating the issue. As it might be some proprietary code, take some time and write the smallest code sample that can reproduce it and paste it in the issue (or send it as a link to Go Playground. Screenshots are useful, but, just like you, we can't copy paste code from screenshots either.

Please ensure that the bug is not reported already, this helps us focusing on working on bug fixes not triage work.

Submitting test cases

Submitting test cases is the next best thing you can do to developing on this project. In fact, you'll actually develop on it since the test code you are going to contribute is still code.

Whenever your time or knowledge allows, submitting good test cases for either for existing issues or for issues that you come across will make a huge difference in the way we spend time to understand the problems and thus solve them.

Getting started with the plugin development

  1. Download the latest 14 IntelliJ IDEA build and install it
  2. Checkout plugin repo and open the project
  3. Setup IDEA SDK: select the IDEA installation directory as SDK root (should be named IDEA sdk)
  4. If you want to run Go Plugin in WebStorm or in IDEA EAP setup corresponding additional SDKs (should be named WebStorm sdk and IDEA EAP sdk)
  5. Setup the right version of Grammar-Kit plugin (for 140.2500+)
  6. Setup the ant support plugin
  7. Run the Go run configuration

Note: if you'd like to build only artifact please run Build > Build Artifacts... action.

Please don't use class comments with information about author or date and time creation.

You can also have a look at some useful links for getting started with plugin development on IntelliJ IDEA platform.

IMPORTANT: MacOS X users note

You might get the following error ```Unsupported major.minor version 52```` in the logs or the plugin might not work at all.

Check the version of Java your IDE is running on. Since in 99.9% of the cases it will be Java 6, this means that you compiled the plugin with a different version of Java, for example Java 8.

To fix the error, please use Java JDK 6 to compile the plugin and everything should work.

To get the log files, you can go to Help | Show Log in File Manager and then the log will be displayed to you.

Checking out the IntelliJ IDEA Platform sources

We start with cloning the idea git repository and checking out the revision used to build IDEA 14:

    git clone [email protected]:JetBrains/intellij-community.git idea
    cd idea
    git checkout idea/141.177.4
    # and we build it using ant

The build will take around 5 to 20 minutes (depending on the machine) and at the end it should put the build artifacts into out/artifacts folder.

$ ls -al out/artifacts/
total 728672
drwxr-xr-x   7 mtoader  staff        238 Jun  1 22:34 .
drwxr-xr-x   8 mtoader  staff        272 Jun  1 22:25 ..
drwxr-xr-x  10 mtoader  staff        340 Jun  1 22:34 core
-rw-r--r--   1 mtoader  staff  112106975 Jun  1 22:34
-rw-r--r--   1 mtoader  staff  110192607 Jun  1 22:34 ideaIC-141.SNAPSHOT.tar.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 mtoader  staff  110468031 Jun  1 22:34
-rw-r--r--   1 mtoader  staff   40308058 Jun  1 22:34

Use the artifact from your target OS to run the built version of IDEA.

Checking out and building Google Go

While we support Go from 1.0 to 1.4.1, we prefer to work with the latest release installed from sources by following the page source installation page from here:

This will work even with a binary installation (as a result of following the page).

Checking out the plugin sources

Fork the repository using the github web interface and do a clone of your fork on the local machine.

Building and running the unit tests

In order to build the sources you need to download an IDEA Community version, open the project and add the built IDEA artifact as a Idea SDK for the plugin. It's also helpful to add the idea sources to the IDEA SDK as it helps tremendously with debugging.

The steps:

  • Download the IDEA Community (or you can use your licensed IDEA Ultimate copy) from here:
  • Open the copy of google-go-lang-idea-plugin repository (that was previously checked out) with it (the default project module config should work with a recent IDEA 14.1 version).
  • Open the Project Settings (Command + ; on Mac or File -> Project Settings on other platforms), go to the SDKs entry, click the + (and select IntelliJ IDEA Plugin SDK).
  • If it says you need a Java SDK first. You should add a java SDK with the same version that you used for build idea. If you use mac,you should check follow path:
  • After setup java SDK. go to the SDKs entry, click the + (and select IntelliJ IDEA Plugin SDK) navigate to the unzipped location of the IDEA build that you created before. It will recognize a new IDEA Plugin SDK with the name IDEA IC-141.SNAPSHOT. After that you should add the IDEA sources to it by selecting the SDK, going to the Sourcepath tab, clicking + in the lower panel and navigating to the checkout out sources of IDEA. Press add, let it inspect the folders for sources and add all the found sources to the SDK.
  • Go to the Project entry and make sure that the Project SDK is set to selected SDK.
  • Wait until the source files of the SDK are indexed.

Now you can use the run configurations provided by the plugin source code to run and play.

Going to Run -> Run... will provide you with the following run configurations:

  • Go will spawn a new IDEA with the latest version of the plugin enabled
  • Go in WebStorm will spawn a new WebStorm with the latest version of the plugin enabled (requires SDK named WebStorm sdk)
  • Go in IDEA EAP will spawn a new unstable IDEA with the latest version of the plugin enabled (requires SDK named IDEA EAP sdk)
  • All in intellij-go will run all the test cases available in the project. Please make sure that all the test cases pass before committing anything (or making a pull request).


Now you can play, add functionality and commit or make pull requests. That's it. Enjoy your play time.

Useful links

For further information please see the official plugin development page.

Also you can read some tips and tricks.

For all development questions and proposals you can mail to our Open API and Plugin Development forum.

Happy hacking!