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rnd-flickr npm version

A node module that fetches a random image from Flickr!

Installation & Usage

via Module:


$ npm i rnd-flickr -S


var rndFlickr = require('rnd-flickr');

var options = {
	api_key: 'tklp9NgspoRhwTP7PTyBWoHweNAyyum1',
	width: 270,
	height: 300,
	tags: ['kitten', 'puppy'],
	tag_mode: 'any',
	content_type: 1,
	file: 'random_image.jpg'

rndFlickr(options, function(error, image, data) {
	if (!error) {
	} else { console.log(new Error(error)); }

via Command Line Interface:


$ npm i rnd-flickr -g


$ export rndFlickr_api_key=tklp9NgspoRhwTP7PTyBWoHweNAyyum1
$ export rndFlickr_tag_mode=any
$ export rndFlickr_content_type=1
$ rnd-flickr width=270 height=300 tags=kitten,puppy file=~/Desktop/random_image.jpg


  • api_key - Your Flickr API Key. (Required)
  • width - The width in pixels that you would like the image to be.
  • height - The height in pixels that you would like the image to be.
  • tags - The tags that you would like the image to have. Can be an array or a comma seperated string.
  • tag_mode - Set to any or all to specify if the image should have any of the tags or all of them.
  • file - If specified, the image will be saved as the specified file.
  • content_type - The type of content you would like the image to be:
    • 1 for photos only.
    • 2 for screenshots only.
    • 3 for 'other' only.
    • 4 for photos and screenshots.
    • 5 for screenshots and 'other'.
    • 6 for photos and 'other'.
    • 7 for photos, screenshots, and 'other' (all).
  • cache_path - If specified, cache for API requests and images will be saved to this path. Can either be a string to set the cache path for both requests and images, or an object to set paths individually. Caching is disabled by default.
  • cache_path.images - If specified, cache for images will be saved to this path. Can be set to empty string to disable image caching.
  • cache_path.requests - If specified, cache for API requests will be saved to this path. Can be set to empty string to disable request caching.
  • cache_expire - The number of milliseconds before a cache file should be deleted. Default is 3600000 (1 hour)


The callback function will return the following parameters in order:

  • error - Any errors that occured.
  • image - A buffer with the image.
  • data - The image data from Flickr.


You could easily use this to set a random wallpaper for you.

Mac OS X


# Install rnd-flickr as a global module
$ npm i rnd-flickr -g

# Set an environmental variable with your Flickr API key
$ echo "export rndFlickr_api_key=YOUR_FLICKR_API_KEY_HERE" >> ~/.bash_profile

# Reload your bash profile
$ source ~/.bash_profile


# Create the image
$ rnd-flickr width=1280 height=800 tags=puppy,kitten tag_mode=any file=/Users/Shared/wallpaper.jpg

# Set the wallpaper
$ osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to set desktop picture to "/Users/Shared/wallpaper.jpg" as POSIX file'

Cron Job

You could even create a cron job to change your wallpaper automatically for you at a certain time every day:

  1. Save the above two commands in a file like /Users/Shared/
  2. Give the file executable permissions with this command: chmod +x /Users/Shared/
  3. Edit your crontab file with this command: env EDITOR=nano crontab -e
  4. Put this in there: 00 12 * * * /Users/Shared/

And that's it! Your wallpaper will be replaced with a random one everyday at noon. Read more about crontab here.


MIT. See the License file for more info.