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384 lines (313 loc) · 19.1 KB


Currently, the rmvd framework supports the following datasets:

  • ETH3D
  • DTU
  • ScanNet
  • Tanks and Temples

Datasets can come in different formats regarding the structure of the provided data. Currently only one type is supported:

  • Multi-view depth (mvd): each sample contains multiple views and one view is assigned as keyview

Some datasets have different splits, e.g. train and test, or some custom splits, e.g. the Eigen split of KITTI.


All datasets need to be downloaded and some need to be preprocessed before they can be used. For some datasets, download scripts are provided; for others, the data has to be downloaded manually. The root paths of the datasets need to be specified in the file paths.toml. The following describes the setup for each individual dataset.


From the directory of this README file, execute the script scripts/ and specify the download target directory to download the dataset:

./scripts/ /path/to/eth3d

Then specify the download directory /path/to/eth3d in the paths.toml file.


Download the KITTI raw data from using the "raw dataset download script (1 MB)" that is provided on the website. You need to register for this, therefore we can't provide a download script here. Move the "raw dataset download script" called to a directory /path/to/kitti/raw_data and execute it there.

Download the file "annotated depth maps data set (14 GB)" from Move it to a directory /path/to/kitti/depth_completion_prediction/ and extract it there. The file can be deleted.

Then specify the KITTI directory /path/to/kitti in the paths.toml file.


From the directory of this README file, execute the script scripts/ and specify the download directory for the dataset:

./scripts/ /path/to/dtu_raw

Then, from the directory of this README file, execute the script scripts/ to bring the dataset in the structure that is required by the dataloader:

./scripts/ /path/to/dtu_raw /path/to/dtu

Then specify the DTU directory (/path/to/dtu) in the paths.toml file. The directory /path/to/dtu_raw can be deleted.


Download ScanNet by following the official instructions at You need to fill out a Terms of Use agreement for this, therefore we can't provide a download script here. You will receive a script named to download the data. Download the full dataset to a directory /path/to/scannet_orig with this script as follows:

python -o /path/to/scannet_orig/

Then create a new python2.7 virtual environment, e.g. via:

conda create -y -n scannetreader python=2.7
conda activate scannetreader
conda install -y numpy imageio=2.6.0 opencv tqdm

Then, from the directory of this README file, execute the script scripts/ to bring the dataset in the structure that is required by the dataloader:

./scripts/ /path/to/scannet_orig /path/to/scannet

Then specify the ScanNet directory (/path/to/scannet) in the paths.toml file. The directory /path/to/scannet_orig can be deleted. The virtual environment scannetreader can be deleted.

Tanks and Temples

From the directory of this README file, execute the script scripts/ and specify the download target directory to download the dataset:

./scripts/ /path/to/tanks_and_temples

Then specify the download directory (/path/to/tanks_and_temples) in the paths.toml file.


Download FlyingThings3D from the dataset website. You need the following files:

  • RGB images (cleanpass) from the "full dataset"
  • Disparity from the "full dataset"
  • Camera data from the "full dataset"

Extract all downloaded files in the same directory, e.g. /path/to/flyingthings3d. The dataloader requires a different storage structure than the original dataset. Execute the script scripts/ to create the required storage structure in a directory called /path/to/flyingthings3d_converted:

./scripts/ /path/to/flyingthings3d /path/to/flyingthings3d_converted

Note that the script partially creates links in the /path/to/flyingthings3d_converted directory, instead of copying the actual files.

Then specify the converted directory /path/to/flyingthings3d_converted as

  • /path/to/flyingthings3d_converted/TRAIN for the training set
  • /path/to/flyingthings3d_converted/TEST for the test set

in the paths.toml file.


From the directory of this README file, execute the script scripts/ and specify the download target directory to download the dataset:

./scripts/ /path/to/staticthings3d

The dataloader requires a different storage structure than the downloaded dataset. Execute the script scripts/ to create the required storage structure in a directory called /path/to/staticthings3d_converted:

./scripts/ /path/to/staticthings3d /path/to/staticthings3d_converted

Note that the script mostly creates links in the /path/to/staticthings3d_converted directory, instead of copying the actual files.

Then specify the converted directory /path/to/staticthings3d_converted as

  • /path/to/staticthings3d_converted/TRAIN for the training set (there is no test set!)

in the paths.toml file.


Download the BlendedMVS low-res set (27.5GB) from (we do not provide a download script, as the data is hosted on OneDrive). Extract the files to a directory /path/to/blendedmvs (the directory should then contain the scene folders, e.g. /path/to/blendedmvs/57f8d9bbe73f6760f10e916a) and specify the directory (/path/to/blendedmvs) in the paths.toml file.

Data format

Depending on the dataset type, the data is provided in a specific format. The following describes the format for each dataset type.

Multi-view depth (mvd) data format

For mvd datasets each sample is a dictionary with the following keys:

  • images: a list of images. Each image is a numpy array of shape (3, H, W), type float32 and values from 0 to 255
  • poses: a list of camera poses. Each camera pose is numpy array of shape (4, 4) and type float32. The reference coordinate system is the keyview coordinate system (for more information, see below)
  • intrinsics: a list of camera intrinsics. Each camera intrinsic is numpy array of shape (3, 3) and type float32
  • keyview_idx: integer that indicates the index of the keyview in the list of views, e.g. images[keyview_idx] is the keyview image
  • depth: depth map for the keyview. This is a numpy array of shape (1, H, W) and type float32
  • invdepth: inverse depth map for the keyview. This is a numpy array of shape (1, H, W) and type float32
  • depth_range: minimum and maximum depth values for the view. This is a tuple of the form (min_depth, max_depth)

Intrinsics and camera poses

Intrinsics are numpy arrays of shape (3, 3) and given as follows:

[[fx, 0, cx],
[0, fy, cy],
[0, 0, 1]]

The unit for the focal lengths fx, fy and the principal points cx, cy is pixels.

Camera poses are numpy arrays of shape (4, 4) and given as follows:

[[r11, r12, r13, tx],
 [r21, r22, r23, ty],
 [r31, r32, r33, tz],
 [0, 0, 0, 1]]

Poses are given from the current view to a reference coordinate system. This means that the given transform transforms the coordinate system of the current view into the reference coordinate system. In the code, this is indicated with variable names of the form view_to_ref_transform. Equivalently, the transform transforms a point from reference coordinates into current view coordinates: p_cur = cur_to_ref_transform @ p_ref. Note that the naming is a bit unintuitive in this case. However, the advantage is an intuitive notation for chaining transforms: cur_to_key_transform = cur_to_ref_transform @ ref_to_key_transform. The unit for the translation is meters.

Depth maps

Depths are provided with the key "depth" and are given in meters. Invalid depth values are set to 0.

Additionally, inverse depths (unit: 1/m) are provided with the key "invdepth". Invalid inverse depth values are set to 0.

Batched data format

Data can be loaded as batches of N >= 1 samples. In this case, a batch dimension is added. A "batched" sample is a dictionary the same keys as described above, but different shapes:

  • images: a list of images. Each image is a numpy array of shape (N, 3, H, W), type float32 and values from 0 to 255
  • poses: a list of camera poses. Each camera pose is numpy array of shape (N, 4, 4) and type float32
  • intrinsics: a list of camera intrinsics. Each camera intrinsic is numpy array of shape (N, 3, 3) and type float32
  • keyview_idx: numpy array of shape (N,) and type int64. Each element indicates the index of the keyview in each sample in the batch
  • depth: depth map for the keyview. This is a numpy array of shape (N, 1, H, W) and type float32
  • invdepth: inverse depth map for the keyview. This is a numpy array of shape (N, 1, H, W) and type float32
  • depth_range: list of length 2 and where first element is a tuple with N floats that indicates the minimum depth values of each sample in the batch and the second element is a tuple with N floats that indicates the maximum depth values of each sample in the batch

torch data format

Datasets can be created with the argument to_torch=True. In this case, all numpy arrays are converted to torch tensors and a batch dimension is prepended. A "batched" sample is a dictionary with the following items:

  • images: a list of images. Each image is a torch.Tensor of shape [N, 3, H, W], type float32 and values from 0 to 255
  • poses: a list of camera poses. Each camera pose is torch.Tensor of shape [N, 4, 4] and type float32
  • intrinsics: a list of camera intrinsics. Each camera intrinsic is torch.Tensor of shape [N, 3, 3] and type float32
  • keyview_idx: torch.Tensor of shape [N] and type int64. Each element indicates the index of the keyview in each sample in the batch
  • depth: depth map for the keyview. This is a torch.Tensor of shape [N, 1, H, W] and type float32
  • invdepth: inverse depth map for the keyview. This is a torch.Tensor of shape [N, 1, H, W] and type float32
  • depth_range: list of length 2 and where first element is a torch.Tensor of shape [N] and type float32 where each element indicates the minimum depth of the respective sample in the batch and the second element is a torch.Tensor of shape [N] and type float32 where each element indicates the maximum depth of the respective sample in the batch

All datasets can be used within a torch dataloader, which automatically converts the data as with to_torch=True. For details on using datasets within dataloaders, see below.


Creating a dataset

To create a dataset, use the create_dataset function:

from rmvd import create_dataset
dataset = create_dataset(dataset_name_or_path=dataset_name, dataset_type=dataset_type)  # optional: split, e.g. split='robustmvd'

# for example:
dataset = create_dataset(dataset_name_or_path="eth3d", dataset_type="mvd")  # will create the default eth3d.mvd split, which is 'robustmvd'
# other options for creating exactly the same dataset:
dataset = create_dataset(dataset_name_or_path="eth3d", dataset_type="mvd", split="robustmvd")  # explicitly specify the split
dataset = create_dataset(dataset_name_or_path="eth3d.mvd")  # specify the dataset_type and/or split in the dataset_name param
dataset = create_dataset(dataset_name_or_path="eth3d.robustmvd.mvd")
dataset = create_dataset(dataset_name_or_path="eth3d.robustmvd", dataset_type="mvd")
dataset = create_dataset(dataset_name_or_path="eth3d.mvd", split="robustmvd")

It is required to indicate a dataset name and a dataset type. The split can be specified with the optional split parameter. If the split is not specified, the default split is used.

Instead of using the dataset_type and split parameters of create_dataset, it is possible to specify the dataset type and split within the dataset_name parameter. The format for this is base_dataset_name.split.dataset_type, for example eth3d.train.mvd.

to_torch parameter

A dataset can be created with the parameter to_torch=True, e.g. create_dataset("eth3d.mvd", to_torch=True). In this case, samples will be converted to torch format, i.e. as torch tensors and not numpy arrays and with a prepended batch dimension.

augmentations parameter

A dataset can be created with the parameter augmentations=[augmentation_1, augmentation_2, ..]. The specified augmentations will be applied to all loaded samples.

input_size parameter

A dataset can be created with the parameter input_size=(height, width). The input images (not the ground truth , e.g. depth maps) will then be rescaled to the specified resolution.

Using a dataset

Datasets are of type and usage instructions can be found in the pytorch documentation. The basic usage is:

from rmvd import create_dataset
dataset = create_dataset("eth3d.mvd", input_size=(384, 576))
print(f"The dataset contains {len(dataset)} samples.")  # get number of samples in a dataset via len()
sample = dataset[0]  # get sample from dataset; the sample has no batch dimension

Torch dataloaders

It is possible to wrap a dataloader ( around a dataset, as described in the pytorch documentation. The rmvd datasets contain a convenience method for this, which can be used as follows:

from rmvd import create_dataset
dataset = create_dataset("eth3d.mvd", input_size=(384, 576))
dataloader = dataset.get_loader(batch_size=4, shuffle=False, num_workers=2)

Numpy dataloaders

The rmvd datasets contain a convenience method to create dataloaders that load batched data in numpy format instead of torch format:

from rmvd import create_dataset
from rmvd.utils import numpy_collate
dataset = create_dataset("eth3d.mvd", input_size=(384, 576))
dataloader = dataset.get_loader(batch_size=4, shuffle=False, num_workers=2, collate_fn=numpy_collate)

Dataset splits


robustmvd split

This is the split introduced in "A Benchmark and a Baseline for Robust Depth Estimation" by Schröppel et al. It is based on the training split of the ETH3D High-res multi-view data, which consists of 13 sequences with in total 454 views. For the robustmvd split, samples are defined based on 8 keyview from each sequence, resulting in a total of 104 samples.

Source views:

Each sample contains 10 source views, using the view selection provided by

Depth range:

A depth range is not available. Instead, the minimum and maximum value of the ground truth depth maps are used as depth range.


robustmvd split

This is the split introduced in "A Benchmark and a Baseline for Robust Depth Estimation" by Schröppel et al. It is based on the commonly used Eigen test split, which contains 697 samples. It uses only samples of the Eigen split where dense ground truth depth from Uhrig et al. is available (652 samples), and where ground truth poses from the KITTI odometry benchmark are available (95 samples). It uses only samples where 10 views before and 10 views after are available. This additional restriction leads to the final split with 93 samples.

Source views:

10 views before and 10 views after the keyview are uses as source views.

Depth range:

A depth range is not available. Instead, the minimum and maximum value of the ground truth depth maps are used as depth range.


robustmvd split

This is the split introduced in "A Benchmark and a Baseline for Robust Depth Estimation" by Schröppel et al. It is based on the evaluation split used in MVSNet, which comprises 22 scans, where each scan has 49 frames. For the robustmvd split, 5 views of each scan are used as keyviews, resulting in a total of 110 samples.

Source views:

Each sample contains 10 source views, using the view selection provided by

Ground truth depth maps and depth ranges:

As ground truth depth, the depth maps from are used. As ground truth depth range, the range 0.425m to 0.935m is used, which is common in many MVSNet-based works.


robustmvd split

This is the split introduced in "A Benchmark and a Baseline for Robust Depth Estimation" by Schröppel et al. It is based on the split from DeepV2D, which in turn extends the split by BA-Net and consists of 2000 samples taken from 90 of the 1513 totally available sequences. For the robustmvd split, every 10th sample of the original split is used, resulting in a total of 200 samples.

Source views:

3 views before and 4 views after the keyview are uses as source views.

Depth range:

A depth range is not available. Instead, the minimum and maximum value of the ground truth depth maps are used as depth range.


Images are resized to a resolution of 640x480px to match ground truth depth maps.

Tanks and Temples

robustmvd split

This is the split introduced in "A Benchmark and a Baseline for Robust Depth Estimation" by Schröppel et al. It is based on the scenes "Barn", "Courthouse", "Church", and "Ignatius" from the original training split. Other scenes from the training split were not used, as they were not available for download at the time of writing. To speed up evaluation, only few images per scene are used as keyviews for the robustmvd split (Barn: 18; Church: 25; Couthouse: 13; Ignatius: 13), resulting in a total of 69 samples.

Camera poses and intrinsics

The construction of the test set starts with the provided image sets of the respective scenes. Camera poses and intrinsics are reconstructed by running COLMAP on the images. The reconstructed camera poses are aligned with the ground truth using the Tanks and Temples evaluation script

Ground truth depth maps and depth ranges:

To obtain ground truth depth maps for each image, the provided ground truth pointclouds for each scene are projected into the images and filtered manually for outliers. To determine the minimum depth range value, the minimum of the depth map and the visible 3d points estimated by COLMAP, is used. To determine the maximum depth range value, the maximum of the depth map and the visible 3d points estimated by COLMAP, is used.

Source views:

10 source views are used, which are selected with the view selection script from