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Releases: lmendo/MATL

Various small changes

28 Sep 22:04
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  • Zp with non-negative inputs (isprime) now accepts non-integer values

  • Added predefined literal: ['0':'9' 'A':'Z']

  • Z?: if 3 inputs and third input is char, the output is converted to char

  • The format string in YD (sprintf) is now the last input, not the first

  • Changed default input specs for Y- (deconv)

Corrections to Z? (sparse) and three-input Z+ (circular convolution)

27 Aug 00:09
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  • Z? (sparse): for each of the first three inputs, if it is char it is converted to double
  • For three-input Z+ (cconv), integer inputs are guaranteed to give exact integer results, up to double data type limitations

Corrections and extensions

16 Aug 19:38
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  • Circular convolution (cconv) implemented as Z+ with 3 inputs; including Octave compatibility

  • Zc with a single, non-cell input replaces nonzeros by 35 (ASCII for '#') and converts to char

  • Octave compatibility: Zd (gcd) and Zm (lcm) now allow char inputs

  • Extended Zs with skewness and kurtosis

  • Correction for set functions in Octave. The bug afffected Octave's compatibility functions for setxor, setdiff, union and intersect. Thanks to Sanchises for noticing!

Various small changes

11 Aug 21:07
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  • Y" (repelem, or run-length decoding) with two inputs and at least one of them empty used to give an error. Now it doesn't give an error, and it produces empty output

  • YG can now handle colormaps of type logical

  • Zv now allows second input to be a vector (or array, and then it's linearized into a vector)

  • XG (plot) with first input complex now sets axis equal also with several inputs if second input is a string (it used to be only with a single, complex input)

  • : with single cell-array input treats the contents of the cell array as the actual inputs

Changes to `c` and `YT`

21 Jul 22:00
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  • c (convert to char) now allows logical input

  • YT now has 1 input by default. Output is char if any input is

Various changes; see description

19 Jul 22:34
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Function _ with uint8 input normalizes it by converting to double and dividing by 255

Function XC (histcount) removed (for reasons indicated in the commit and in the doc)

Various changes; see description

11 Jul 21:41
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  • Yr: if the first input is a vector of 2 elements it is automatically sorted

  • Y" with 2 inputs: second input is linearized if needed. If the first or second input is shorter than the other, entries are repeated cyclically to match lengths

  • The loop variable in the "do twice" loop now takes values 0 and 1, not F and T.

  • Zv with two inputs: symmetrize array along specified dimension

  • Zu now requires two inputs. Strings in second input can be replaced by numbers

Correction in `Z$`

09 Jun 21:30
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Correction in Z$. It was incorrectly reading as chars, instead of doing what it said. Now
it does what it said/says: reads bytes and converts each individual byte
to char.

Some additions

09 Jun 20:59
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  • Defined & as 2$ for r (rand) and Xr (randn)

  • For 3ZG (hold), flag strings in first input can be replaced by numbers, as follows: 1: 'on', 2: 'off'.

  • Added predefined literals 17Y2, 18Y2, 19Y2: 'aeiouy', 'AEIOUY', 'aeiouyAEIOUY'

  • Added imerode and imdilate in ZI

  • Added inpolygon in ZQ

  • YF: With two outputs, primes that are not factors are skipped, together with thier (zero) exponents. If the input contains at least a negative entry the behaviour is changed: primes are skipped if one output, and are not skipped if two outputs.

"Do twice" loop; and some corrections

22 May 23:45
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  • Defined "do twice" loop

  • D with 1 output now replaces most input characters below 32 by space (similar to what happens with 0 outputs)

  • Corrected mat2str_comp (Octave compatibility), so that it doesn't remove trailing spaces