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Symfony API Coding Challenge

by Lucas Rothamel [email protected]


  • symfony 4.1 using MySQL, Doctrine and FOSRestBundle
  • not using /api prefix, as complete project only includes this api
  • using DataFixtures to provide test data
  • using Codeception api test suite for testing


  • checkout the devilbox repos from []
  • checkout this repository, and place it by simlink into the data/www repository
  • add an entry to /etc/hosts symfony-api-challenge.loc unless using devilboy dns
  • Run by docker-compose up in devilbox directory
  • Open the php docker shell by running from the devilbox direcory
  • copy .env.dist to .env, and making adjustments as necessary
  • run to setup the database
  • run composer install to install all dependencies
  • run the to reset the database (by dropping), and run all fixtures on the empty database


  • Uses NelmioApiDocBundle and Swagger annotations
  • Auto-generated documentation then available at https://symfony-api-challenge.loc/doc


  • Tests can be found in the tests\api folder
  • can be run from the php docker shell using vendor/bin/codecept run

Todo / Known problems:

  • codecept gives one deprecated error of Doctrine\Comon\ClassLoader
  • Swagger documentation should be fine-tuned and extended further
  • User and session Management are completely missing, once added, in JobController::postAction(), the user id of the logged in user should be used instead of the static user id 1