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File metadata and controls

1694 lines (1223 loc) · 70.2 KB

Please note that Github currently does not implement all reStructuredText directives, so some links in this document may not work correctly when viewed there.

Only salient changes are recorded here. Releases that contain only the odd bug fix may not get mentioned here at all.

  • 2.0.0:

    • Upgrade to salve 7.x. Faster validation.

    • Upgrade to RxJS 6.

    • GUI change: error markers are now smaller. The previous size of the error markers made it hard to move the caret where the marker was without also selecting the marker.

    • GUI change: clicking on an error marker moves the caret to where the error applies.

    • We no longer support building or running any of the code of this project on Node 4.x. You need Node 6.x or higher.

    • Breaking distribution changes:

      • The standalone-optimized tree has been removed. Wed now ships a standalone tree, which is the same as it has ever been, and a packed tree (introduced in 1.0.0) that is wed optimized through Webpack.
    • Breaking API changes:

      • Key.__cache is no longer public. It was a mistake that it was.

      • Key no longer has a public constructor. Previously you were discouraged from using it but it was public.

      • Upgrading to RxJS 6 broke how we allowed transformations to be aborted through handling of transformation events. Throwing AbortTransformationException from a subscription cannot abort a transformation anymore. wed now emits "real" event objects on the transformations stream, which have an abort() method that must be called to abort a transformation from there.

        mode-api no longer exports any event pertaining to transformations. Instead transformation exports TransformationEvent, which is now the event that is emitted on the transformations stream.

  • 1.0.0:

    • Release 1.0.0. Woohoo!

    • Breaking change: major reorganization of the code to present a facade and clarify what is public and what is not public. In particular:

      • You may only load the wed module, wed/onerror, wed/log and the modules that make up the bundled modes. You may load polyfills, glue and patches as needed. Note that the entry point to wed is no longer the module wed/wed but the module wed.
      • You must use makeEditor to create a new editor instance. Code that creates editors access them through the EditorInstance interface. Whereas modes use the EditorAPI interface.
      • You may not use anything not exposed by the wed module. So if you are a mode author, you must get everything your mode uses from wed instead of trying to load the individual modules under wed/*.

      See the section titled Using in the documentation, specifically the part about the changes in 0.31.

    • Breaking API change: Upgraded from typeahead.js to corejs-typeahead. The package typeahead.js had ceased to be maintained, and compatibility with jQuery 3.x was dubious. corejs-typeahead has been tested with jQuery 3.x.

      Modes that create TypeaheadPopup objects certainly need to be updated.

    • Breaking API change: the Listener class in the domlistener module is now called DOMListener. The old name pretty much always required renaming the import, which was a pain.

    • API change: wed now exports DOMListener.

    • Breaking API change: util.decodeAttrName now returns a structure rather than a string. See that function for details.

    • Breaking API change: util.encodeAttrName encodes names differently from what it used to. This matters if you statically stored encoded names that conform to the older algorithm. (e.g. if you have CSS tests that depend on the old way of encoding attribute names). They will have to be modified to conform to the new algorithm.

    • Bug fix: The previous API change fixes an issue that has plagued wed since day one: wed was not able to properly handle attributes with uppercase letters. Uppercase in element names were never a problem, but due to the fact that HTML (silently) converts attribute names to lowercase, it was not possible for wed to handle an attribute with uppercase characters properly.

      Wed had never been used to edit attributes with uppercase names, and so the issue remained undiscovered until recently.

    • Possibly breaking change: wed has changed the way it looks for the embedded documentation. It previously was looking for a path relative to the main wed/wed module. That method depended on functions provided by RequireJS. In order to eliminate dependencies on RequireJS, wed now look for the embedded documentation relatively to the page where it is loaded. Whether or not you need to act depends on how you use wed.

      A new initialization option named docURL was added. It is optional. If wed cannot find its embedded documentation, you may set the URL to the path of the embedded documentation page. If the path is relative, remember that it is interpreted relative to the page where wed is loaded.

      To ascertain whether you need a custom value, open your wed instance, press F1 to bring up the help dialog and click the link in the dialog. If you get to the help page, then you are fine. If not, you need a custom value.

    • New feature: wed now support Ctrl-? to bring up a replacement menu. In brief, replacement menus are like completion menus but they can be brought up after an attribute value has already been filled, to replace the value. See the bundled documentation for details.

    • New API: The editor now has a transformations observer that can be used to know when transformations start and end and to add changes to a transformation.

      More formally: wed allows subscribers acting on transformation events to make further modifications to the data tree.

    • New API: The editor now has an undoEvents field which is the stream of undo/redo events. Modes can listen to undo/redo operations and act on them if needed.

      This may be used in tandem with the transformations stream. When a transformation is undone or redone, the undoing or redoing is done by playing the modifications of the data tree in reverse or replaying them forward. The modifications are at a lower level of operation than transformations so when undoing/redoing, wed does not execute transformations. This is problematic for some use-case-scenarios where a mode wants to know whether the undo/redo is undoing or redoing a specific transformation. The mode can add a mark to the undo list and then use that to know whether the undo/redo deals with a specific transformation.

    • New API: There is now an UndoMarker object which may be used to insert markers into the list of undo operations. This may be useful for some modes.

    • New GUI feature: wed now has a toolbar.

    • New GUI feature: wed now has proper GUI button classes.

    • New feature: wed now has a stock transformation for removing markup in mixed-content. A button was added to the toolbar for this transformation.

    • New feature: wed now has a button in the toolbar for turning off attribute autohiding.

    • New API and potentially breaking change: all code that creates tooltips that appear inside the GUI tree must use the makeGUITreeTooltip method. This is "breaking" in the sense that the method did not exist before.

    • Bug fix: TransformationHandler is now a generic. This fixes type checking issues that could happen under the old code.

    • New API: EditingMenuManager now has a setupContextMenu method which combines computeMenuPosition and displayContextMenu.

    • Breaking API change: displayTypeaheadPopup has been moved from Editor to EditingMenuManager.

    • New API: EditingMenuManager now has a setupTypeaheadPopup method which combines computeMenuPosition and displayTypeaheadPopup.

    • Breaking API change: none of wed's functions return RangyRange objects anymore. They all return stock DOM Range objects. If you really need a RangyRange, you can create one yourself manually from the Range objects.

      Except for Rangy's search facilities, wed was not generally using much of Rangy. The compatibility layer that it offers for old browsers is no longer crucial to wed. (Early on, wed had support for IE 9, for instance.) Conversely, the TypeScript typings for Rangy are a mess and make supporting it at the interface level difficult.

      And Rangy itself appears to be rather moribund. We may drop it entirely in a future release, if we find a good replacement for searching through HTML.

    • Potentially breaking change: The onbeforeunload module no longer automatically installs itself on a window. This did not play well with the new Webpack build and would cause issues in cases where some parts of wed were needed, but not a whole editor. If you did rely on the automatic install, then this is a breaking change. If not, then it is not.

      Note that a wed editor instance does use onbeforeunload to install a handler, and this has not changed. It used to be that merely loading the module would also install a default handler. Only this has changed.

    • Potentially breaking GUI change: on OS X the keyboard shortcuts for decreasing and increasing label visibility were Cmd-[ and Cmd-]. However, OS X uses these combinations and thus they were never available to wed. End result: the user could not change the label visibility. We tried some alternative keyboard combinations, with unsatisfying results. For now, OS X users will have to use the toolbar to change visibility levels.

      This is potentially breaking because it is likely that most people never used the problematic combinations. Only users who bothered to change the OS key combinations to avoid the conflict with wed could have worked around the issue. For them this is a breaking change, but this is probably a tiny minority of users.

    • Bug fix: wed would crash on reporting spurious attributes. This is probably a regression that came in a while back and went undetected because wed is usually used to create documents from scratch and so does not usually run into spurious attributes.

    • Bug fix: if an attribute subject to autohiding had an error, wed would produce an error item without a link. That's fine for when the attribute is hidden, but it is a problem when the attribute is shown. Wed now recreates errors when an autohidden attribute is shown or hidden.

    • Bug fix: wed-metadata was badly packaged. This has been fixed.

    • Bug fix: wed-metadata would produce invalid data if it ran on TEI JSON files that were produced from customizations rather than on files that were representing a stock TEI schema. This has been fixed.

    • Potentially breaking API change: Action no longer has any notion of being enabled or not. It was never used in wed and just gave the wrong impression that actions could be disabled somehow. We may reintroduce this notion later, and do it properly when we do.

    • New API: objectCheck has an assertSummarily function which allows throwing on any check error. That's a common usage pattern for objectCheck.

    • New API: objectCheck has an assertExtensively function which allows throwing a detailed error on failing checks. That's also a common usage pattern for objectCheck.

  • 0.30.0:

    • This version contains a slew of changes that improve the handling of namespaces. Wed has had namespace support since the very beginning but it would have been fair to call the support "very temperamental". For instance, if a mode expected the TEI namespace to be the default namespace (unprefixed) and you tried to edit a file with the TEI namespace assigned to the prefix "tei", you would have been in trouble. The changes in this version aim to smooth out the possible differences between what a file actually contains and what a mode expects. This is a prerequiste to supporting the new "submode" feature.

    • New feature: wed supports submodes. See the documentation for details of what submodes are.

    • New feature: wed now supports searching and replacing. See the documentation for details.

    • New feature: wed now has a minibuffer. It is currently used for quick searches.

    • Breaking change: the stringRepeat polyfill has been removed from the code base. We now recommend using core-js to provide a consistent environment for Wed across browser platforms.

      If you use core-js, and use Bluebird to override the default Promise implementation provided by your platform (which you should do), we recommend loading Bluebird after core-js. Otherwise, you are stuck with core-js implementation of promises, which is, to put it politely, incomplete. (See zloirock/core-js#205).

    • Breaking change: you need to add a polyfill for Array.from if you are using your own polyfills and do not move to core-js (which does provide it). Note that it is very unlikely that in the future we'll be documenting each new case that needs polyfilling. We're doing it now because Array.from is the case that triggered the switch to core-js. In the future, it is unlikely we'll even know that we're using something polyfilled by core-js. Polyfilling is usually required for running on IE11, which is not a priority for us, support-wise.

    • Breaking changes: Addition of the submode feature, which causes breaking changes. This matters if you designed your own mode. Editor no longer has the following properties. They must be fetched through editor.modeTree instead: mode, attributes, attributeHiding, resolver, decorator.

    • Breaking change: editor.my_window is now editor.window.

    • Breaking changes: the first two parameters of editor.init have been transferred to the constructor of the Editor class.

    • Breaking change: the modals are now accessible through the modals property of editors rather than as individual names.

    • Breaking change. The signature for the constructor for Decorator has changed to allow a simpler way to create decorators.

    • Breaking changes: Converted the core of wed to TS. This entails that the properties of Editor were converted to camel case: straddling_modal, help_modal, $error_list, `complex_pattern_action, paste_tr, cut_tr, split_node_tr, merge_with_previous_homogeneous_sibling_tr, merge_with_next_homogeneous_sibling_tr.

    • Breaking change: Wed now needs to have Promise available in its environment. It no longer loads Bluebird in an ad hoc manner by calling require (or using import) in modules that use promises. You may use Bluebird as a polyfill for IE11. You may also want to use Bluebird generally on all platforms to allow consistent handling of unhandled rejections. At the time of writing, only Chrome 49 and later support onunhandledrejection, but Bluebird adds support for it.

    • Passing null to onbeforeunload.check as the second argument is no longer valid. That it worked before was a bug.

    • Breaking changes: Editor no longer acts as an ad hoc event emitter/conditioned object. The consequences are:

      • The "saved"/"autosaved" events are no longer emitted by Editor. The saver is now public. Subcribe to the events that it emits. The corresponding event names are capitalized: "Saved" and "Autosaved".
      • In order to know when the first validation is complete, previously you'd do editor.whenCondition("first-validation-complete", ...). You must now instead grab editor.firstValidationComplete, which is a promise that resolves when the first validation is complete. It is also no longer possible to listen on the corresponding event.
      • Similarly, you could do editor.whenCondition("initialized", ...) to execute code when the initialization procedure was completed. You must now instead either act on the promise a) returned by editor.init() or, b) held in editor.initialized which resolve when the initialization is complete. As above, the corresponding event is no longer emitted.
    • Breaking changes:

      • decorator.Decorator needs the mode's absolute namespace mappings in its constructor.
      • domutil.toGUISelector needs the mode's absolute namespace mappings.
      • domutil.dataFind needs the mode's absolute namespace mappings.
      • domutil.dataFindAll needs the mode's absolute namespace mappings.
      • util.classFromOriginalName needs the mode's absolute namespace mappings.
    • Potentially breaking change: Modes must implement getAbsoluteNamespaceMappings and unresolveName. This matters if you design modes. Modes derived from generic may rely on the default implementation.

    • Potentially breaking change: The special attribute named data-wed-custom-context-menu is now named data-wed--custom-context-menu. This matters if you design modes.

      This is required because the original name could have clashed with the data-wed- attributes created for XML attributes. An XML attribute called custom-context-menu would have clashed. The double dash ensures that a clash cannot occur because an attribute name cannot begin with a dash.

    • Potentially breaking change: The HTML tree created by wed to represent the XML now has classes of the form _local_... and _xmlns_.... If a mode sets classes of this form, then that's a clash.

    • Potentially breaking change: The HTML tree created by wed now has attributes of the form data-wed--ns-.... If a mode sets attributes of this form, then that's a clash.

    • Breaking changes: context menu methods are no longer directly on the Editor class. The following methods are accessible on editor.editingMenuManager (where editor is an Editor instance):

      • dismissDropdownMenu, under the new name dismiss.
      • displayContextMenu,
      • getMenuItemsForAttribute,
      • getMenuItemsForElement,
      • makeMenuItemForAction,
      • computeContextMenuPosition, under the new name computeMenuPosition.
    • Breaking change: makeDocumentationLink no longer exists. It is replaced by makeDocumentationMenuItem on EditingMenuManager.

    • Breaking change: action-context-menu exports ActionContextMenu instead of the old ContextMenu.

    • Breaking change: the oop module is no longer distributed with wed, because wed does not need it. If you were using it, you could grab a copy from an old version of wed or find a replacement for it from a third-party library.

    • Potentially breaking change: the log module no longer has clearAppenders. (Mode designers and users of wed normally don't use this directly.) Instead the log.addURL method returns the appender created, and it must be removed with log.removeAppender.

    • Breaking change: domutil.insertText returns an plain object rather than an array. The same information as before is available, but in a different format. See the function's documentation. The new function also allows getting a caret position at the end or start of the inserted text.

    • Breaking change: TreeUpdater.insertText returns a plain object rather than an array. The same information as before is available, but in a different format. See the function's documentation. The new function also allows getting a caret position at the end or start of the inserted text.

    • Breaking change: the functions that make keys in the key module now take a parameter to specify a shift state. Shift states are meaningless for key presses (and wed forces the use of the default value EITHER). However, it is now possible to specify keys likes Ctrl-Shift-A and distinguish it from Ctrl-A.

    • Breaking change: implementations of Metadata must add an implementation for unresolveName.

    • Breaking change: Validator takes an array of mode validators instead of a single validator.

  • 0.29.0:

    • Major reorganization of the code: starting with this release, we are progressively converting the JavaScript code to TypeScript. We will also progressively replace antiquated APIs with newer ones. For instance, functions taking callbacks will be replaced with functions returning promises or observables.

      The scope of this change is such that it will span multiple releases.

    • Wed now uses salve 4.0.5.

    • Switched from bootstrap-growl to bootstrap-notify to provide notifications. The latter supports modules out of the box, and is actively maintained and released. (Bootstrap-growl required module system glue and special dependency handling because the latest npm for it was obsolete (newer version on github).)

    • Upgraded typeaheadjs.css. We now install it with npm.

    • Upgraded to log4javascript 1.4.13, which is AMD-compatible.

    • Integrated a linting check. This revealed a smattering of problems in the code. Nothing that would cause crashes or incorrect results but there were unused variables here and there, for instance.

    • Wed now uses Bluejax.

    • The validation engine has been mostly extracted from the code base and spun into an independent library to be published here.

    • Optimization: the validation engine itself was careful to parcel out its work to prevent the UI from blocking for long periods of time. However, the code that managed the results of validation (showing errors, refreshing error positions on screen, etc.) did not benefit from the same design. This caused significant performance issues when editing documents with lots of errors. A TaskRunner has been added to allow the same kind of parceling out that the validator does.

    • Simplification: domlistener and updater_domlistener have been combined into domlistener. Once upon a time wed had two types of Listener classes. The type that relied on DOM mutations was retired a long time ago, but the module split remained, though useless. This useless split has been removed.

    • Feature: when configured with a mode named x, wed now also looks for a module named x-mode. (In order it tries to load x, wed/modes/x/x, wed/modes/x/x-mode, wed/modes/x/x_mode).

    • Feature: add the "split" operation to the default set of transforms shown by the contextual menus. In the past, "split" was only available through an InputTrigger but there's no good reason for this restriction.

    • Feature: add the "Wrap content in" operation.

    • Feature: changed the location where missing attributes are reported. They now appear in the start label of an element.

    • Feature: support for arrow up and arrow down to move the caret.

    • Feature: support for attribute completion provided by mode. Modes can provide a list of completions for attributes that require dynamic generation of the possible completions beyond what is provided by a schema.

    • Feature: support for automatic attribute hiding.

    • GUI Fix: When the user would use the down arrow to navigate the options of a completion menu, the focus would be lost from the document and would not be regained when the user closes the completion menu. This made further typing ineffective until the user clicked in the document.

    • API: You can pass Bluejax configuration options that are used globally by setting the bluejaxOptions option in the option object you pass to your editor.

    • API: The Editor object now allows passing a module:runtime~Runtime object in the place where you'd pass options. If you pass an anonymous options object, wed will create a runtime with it. If you pass an actual Runtime object, it will extract its options from it.

    • API: Decorator.startListening no longer takes an argument. That it took an argument was a bug. It was never used.

    • API: wed is now able to load data from an IndexedDB database. This is mainly used for demonstration purposes but could eventually be expanded to something more flexible.

    • New saver: wed now has an IndexedDB saver. This is mainly used for demonstration purposes.

    • Breaking API change: the tool previously named tei-to-generic-meta-json has been renamed wed-metadata. Check its help to adapt any use you previously made of tei-to-generic-meta-json to the new tool.

    • wed-metadata is bundled with the build package.

    • Breaking API change: there is no longer any Meta object for the generic mode and modes derived from it. Consequences:

      • Mode now directly load the metadata file. So a mode configuration would now look like:

        mode: {
            path: 'wed/modes/generic/generic',
            options: {
                metadata: '.../path/to/metadata'
      • If you are a mode designer, you need to rewrite your mode to work without a Meta object.

    • Breaking API change: the metadata format is now at version 2. Version 1 is still read by wed. However, except for very trivial cases, a version 1 metadata file won't do what you want. If you are a mode designer or write your own metadata files, you should move to version 2 ASAP.

    • Breaking API change: module:mode~Mode objects now take the editor as their first argument. (This matters only if you created your own modes.)

    • Breaking API change: module:mode~Mode#init no longer takes any arguments. (This matters only if you created your own modes.)

    • Breaking API change: When a path is passed in the schema option, this path is interpreted as-is.

      It used to be interpreted relative to the location of wed among the modules loaded by RequireJS. This worked but was frankly a bit bizarre. More importantly, it made wed's code dependent on a loader/bundler that replicates what require.toUrl does, which was problematic.

    • Breaking API change: The dochtml field embedded in the generated metadata JSON file is now interpreted as-is. If you used such metadata, you need to regenerate your files with an updated path. The problem here was the same as above: dependence on require.toUrl.

    • Breaking API change: wed no longer supports a "global default configuration" against which configuration options passed to Editor.init instances are merged. This means:

      • Passing configuration through module.config is no longer possible. This was deprecated in 0.27.0
      • Using the special wed/config to pass configuration is no longer possible. This was introduced in 0.27.0. I would have liked to formally deprecate it first but it proved a substantial obstacle to moving forward, and engineering a solution that would still support this method and provided for the new needs would have cost substantial time. The whole notion of a global configuration managed by wed was ill-advised from the get-go.

      From now on if you want defaults that are common to all your wed instances, you need to come up with your own method of combining global default and special cases, and pass the result to Editor.init. Wed used the merge-options module to merge options. It should be trivial to do a mergeOptions({}, globals, specifics) and pass the result to Editor.init. It would replicate what wed did internally.

    • Potentially Breaking API change: domutil.linkTrees and domutil.unlinkTree no longer accept arguments that are not Elements. The operations don't make sense for non-Elements. (This is "potentially breaking" because in most cases this should be used only by wed internally.)

    • Breaking API change: the domutil.nextCaretPosition and domutil.prevCaretPosition functions now have their arguments all mandatory. Wed itself never called them without all arguments, and maintaining the versions with optional arguments was not straightforward, actually. It makes good sense to always require a container. And the default of noText being true was rather arbitrary.

    • Breaking API change: TreeUpdater and derived classes (like GUIUpdater) now use the Rxjs observer system to emit events rather than using the local homegrown mixin. So you have to subscribe to events rather than use addEventListener, etc.

    • Breaking API change: the class ModeValidator is gone and replaced with an interface in wed/validator.

    • Breaking API change: the getValidator method of Mode now returns undefined when there is no validator to be gotten.

    • Breaking API change: mode.Mode is now mode.BaseMode.

    • Breaking API change: BaseMode's (formerly Mode) init method must return a promise that resolves when the mode is ready.

      Concomitant with this change, the pubsub module has been removed and wed no longer uses PubsubJS.

    • Breaking API change: Listener.addHandler no longer takes an array of events as its first argument. This was a historical artifact that no longer had any value.

    • Breaking API change: saver.Saver has been revamped. This does not matter unless you produced your own savers or tried to hook unto a saver's events. Salient changes:

      • Saver methods that took callbacks now return promises.
      • Saver emits events on observables rather than use simple_event_emitter.
      • Saver now has a promise that resolves when initialized instead of using conditioned.
      • Event names are all capitalized.
      • Internals are now without leading underscore and are in camelCase.
    • Potentially Breaking API change: DLoc.makeRange returns undefined if either location is invalid. (This is "potentially" breaking because there's not much you could have done with a range created from invalid locations.)

    • Breaking API change: makeDLoc is now accessible only through the DLoc class.

    • Fix: the domutil.makePlaceholder function used to treat its argument as HTML, it now treats it as text.

    • Fix: Action and Transformation are no longer implementing SimpleEventEmitter. This was actually a leftover from a very early experiment, and none of the functionalities of SimpleEventEmitter were ever used on Action and Transformation objects.

    • Fix: caret movement off the visible region of a document scrolls the editing pane to keep the caret visible. This used to work fine but a change made a long time ago broke it. There was no test for it so it was missed. It is now fixed.

    • The ignore_module_config option is no longer useful, due to the preceding change.

    • The .xsl files have been moved out of the JavaScript codebase and into the misc directory.

    • Module name changes: underscore to dash in key_constants, context_menu, completion_menu, action_context_menu, generic_decorator, input_trigger_factory, generic_tr.

    • Variable name changes:

      • Action class:

        • To camelCase: needs_input, _abbreviated_desc, bound_handler, bound_terminal_handler.
        • Loss of underscore: _editor, _desc, _abbreviated_desc, _icon.
      • Transform class:

        • To camelCase: needs_input, node_type, abbreviated_desc, icon_html.
        • type was renamed to transformationType to avoid the keyword.
      • TreeUpdater class (and derived classes like GUIUpdater):

        • To camelCase, event fields old_value, former_parent, new_value.
      • BaseMode (formerly known as Mode):

        • To camelCase: _wed_options.
        • Loss of leading underscore: _editor, _options, _wed_options.
      • ContextMenu:

        • Loss of leading underscore: _menu, _$menu, _dismissed, _backdrop, _dropdown, _render.
      • Decorator:

        • To camelCase: _gui_updater.
        • Loss of leading underscore: _editor, _domlistener, _gui_updater.
      • GenericDecorator:

        • Loss of leading underscore: _options, _mode.
      • Mode in (generic):

        • To camelCase: _tag_tr.
        • Loss of leading underscore: _tag_tr, _resolver.
      • LabelManager:

        • Loss of leading underscore: _labelIndex.
    • Breaking API change: Complete revamp of caret management. All caret methods are now available through .caretManager on the Editor object. Some highlights of how the public API changed:

      • .setCaret() is the single method by which to set new caret values whether they be GUI or data carets.
      • .getSelectionRange() no longer exists. Use .range.
      • .getDataSelectionRange() no longer exists. Use .caretManager.sel.asDataCarets() and create a range from the pair if you need to.
      • .setSelectionRange() no longer exists. Use .setRange().
      • .getGUICaret() no longer exists. Use .caret to get a raw caret or .getNormalizedCaret() to get a normalized caret.
      • All methods pertaining to movement no longer have a direction in their name but take an argument to specify the direction. (e.g. .moveRight is now .move("right")).
  • 0.28.0:

    • Wed now uses salve 3.0.0.
    • Wed no longer puts its data_root in a document fragment. The data_root is now the XML document itself. This caused issues with ownerDocument, and being unable to use CSS selectors to match elements.
    • Wed no longer tries to set a custom message for the onbeforeunload handler. It worked only on Chrome but Chrome has ceased to support the custom message.
    • Upgrade to Rangy 1.3.0. The alpha of 1.3 that we were using is no longer downloadable, and the stable release is accessible through NPM. So it is time to upgrade. Note that wed no longer loads rangy-selectionsaverestore implicitly so code that depended to this behavior will have to load that module explicitly.
    • Wed now counts on String.prototype.repeat being available. So it includes a polyfill for it.
    • API: wed/refman has been renamed wed/labelman because it was really a label manager more than a reference manager. It is also better documented and has acquired a concerete implementation in the form of AlphabeticLabelManager.
  • 0.27.0:

    • Fatal errors and recovery: previous versions of wed would automatically install window-wide error handler that would trap all unhandled exceptions. This had a few undesirable side-effects. For one thing it would hinder integrating wed into applications and pages that have their own error handling. Wed no longers install a global error handler. An application using wed should install its own global handler (for instance last-resort) and have it call the handler exported by the wed/onerror module.

      Consequently, wed configuration option suppress_old_onerror no longer has any effect.

    • Wed works around a bug with tooltips and popovers in Bootstrap 3.3.7 whereby destroying a tooltip or popover more than once would cause a crash. (See twbs/bootstrap#20511).

    • Wed now supports passing configuration through a module named wed/config rather than through RequireJS' configuration. See the documentation for details as to how to upgrade to the new method.

    • Deprecation: Passing configuration to wed through RequireJS' configuration is deprecated and support for it will be removed eventually. This way of passing configuration is not supported by other loaders.

    • When getting a data node from a _phantom_wrap element, the caret coversion logic now moves into the _phantom_wrap to find the real element. This is not considered a caret approximation.

    • The DOM element which wraps the title of a modal dialog created through wed nows bears the modal-title class name. This allows isolating the modal title from the close button which is also included in the element that has the class modal-header.

  • 0.26.2:

    • In Chrome 50, the values returned by Region.getBoundingClientRect changed in cases where the range covered a line-breaking space in such a way that it cause wed to be unable to find where to put the caret when clicking on multi-line elements. The code was changed to handle to the issue. Unclear whether there was actually a bug in wed or whether the change in Chrome 50 is a bug.
    • Removed old code that was meant to support Chrome 31 and Chrome 37.
  • 0.26.1:

    • This release consists mostly of fixes to issues on IE11, and a few performance improvements that benefit IE11, but also other platforms.
    • Added a polyfill for Element.prototype.closest.
    • Bug fix: There was an inconsistency between IE11 and other browsers in the way deletion of attributes was handled. When an attribute is deleted, the caret is put in the "next" attribute. IE11 disagreed with other browsers as to which attribute was next in the data tree. This has been fixed by relying on the GUI tree.
    • Bug fix: The firstElementChild_etc.js polyfill mixed tests and patches for two different DOM interfaces. The way it used to perform its test was unreliable, with the end result that it could yield errors on IE 11. The code has been fixed to handle the two DOM interfaces separately, even though they are handled by a single file.
    • Bug fix: the kitchen sink lacked a polyfill, which could have caused it to fail when loaded in IE.
    • Internal: validation status reporting revamped for performance and internal consistency.
    • Internal: validation error processing now batches errors for display rather than display them immediately when each error is reported by the validator. This helps with performance.
    • Internal: the unit tests now load the polyfills so that they can be run on all platforms.
  • 0.26:

    • Bugfix: Fixed a bug in the code that merge sibling elements. In particular, this bug would get triggered when an input trigger created with makeSplitMergeInputTrigger would merge two elements where the preceding element ends with a text node and the next starts with a text node. The two text nodes would become adjacent, which caused validation to crash because salve does not accept two text events in succession. The merging code has been fixed so that if two text nodes become adjacent, they are merged into one node.
  • 0.25:

    • Support for Firefox on all platforms has been temporarily suspended. In brief, the problem is that Selenium is no longer able to accurately simulate real user interaction with the browser. The problem is technical, but we do not have the resources to fix Selenium. Please read the documentation for the details of why it is so. (Sorry for the imprecise link. A more precise link from this file is not yet possible due to the way the documentation is generated.)
    • Support for IE 10 has ended because Microsoft no longer supports it. This version of wed will most likely run fine on IE 10 but future versions won't be tested with IE 10 and thus may not run properly.
    • Going foward: wed cannot be developed with Node.js earlier than version 4. Upgrading the development environment to 4 allows upgrading some of the development tools to their latest version. Supporting both Node 0.12 and Node 4 would be doable but won't happen unless someone is willing to spend time implementing it.
    • Wed now uses Gulp for building, rather than make.
    • Wed now supports the use of schemas that allow multiple possible elements as the top element of a document. Previous versions did not, and required customizing schemas to narrow the possible top choices to just one element. Our go-to example was TEI which typically allows both TEI and teiCorpus as the top element. People using TEI would have had to specially take care to customize their schema to allow ony one of the two elements at the top. This is no longer necessary.
    • GUI: Wed now has a real help page accessible through the help dialog (F1).
    • API: Wed now uses the merge-options module to merge configuration options. The upshot is that it is now possible to unset options that are set through RequireJS` module.config() by passing undefined values to the init method of Editor objects.
    • API/GUI: Wed now allow the creation of draggable and resizable windows. Editor.makeModal is now allowing an options argument to specify whether the modals are draggable and resizable. Wed's stock modals are not usually resizable or draggable but modes may want to create such modals.
    • GUI: Attribute values are now shown in black on a white background. This emphasises the values relative to the rest of an element label and has for effect to distinguish a double quote appearing in a value from a double quote as attribute value delimiter.
    • Internal: Upgraded to lodash 4. Wed won't work with earlier releases.
    • Internal: Upgraded to salve 2.0.0.
    • Internal: Bug fix: An embarrassing mistake made it so that adding new attributes to an element never worked correctly, as the attriubte name was mangled. This has been fixed.
    • Internal: Bug fix: Clicking onto an attribute appearing after a namespace attribute would cause a spurious error to be reported. This has been fixed.
    • GUI: Bug fix: The march of progress made it so that Chrome is now better able to detect whether touch events are available. This, in turn, causes Bootstrap to assume it is on a mobile platform whenever touch events are available. This causes Bootstrap to add a backdrop to capture clicks outside dropdowns, which causes problems with our context menus. The problem has been fixed.
    • GUI: Bug fix: When a document is saved, the save status acquires a tooltip that indicates what kind of save happened most recently (autosave, manual save). A bug prevented the tooltip from being updated correctly. This has been fixed.
    • GUI: Bug fix: The default trigger for tooltips is a combination of focus and hover. The earlier versions of Bootstrap had a bug that made it so that the combination did not work correctly. Wed was inadvertently depending on this bug. 3.3.5 fixed the Bootstrap bug, which changed the behavior that wed was depending on and thus caused problems in wed. The issue has been fixed.
  • 0.24.3:

    • GUI: Bug fix: If a validation error occurred at the very end of a document, wed would put the error marker outside the editing pane. Moreover, clicking on such marker would put the caret in a useless position. This has been fixed.
    • GUI: Bug fix: If a validation error occurred in an attribute but the attribute was not shown because the mode was set to hide all attributes or because the mode happened to hide just this attribute, it would result in a crash. This has been fixed.
    • GUI: Bug fix: If a validation error occurred in an inline element that spanned multiple lines, the error would appear in a bad position. This has been fixed.
    • GUI: Bug fix: When the label visibility level was reduced to 0, attributes would no longer be shown. However, error in attributes would still be shown in the list of errors. This resulted in being able to click on an attribute error and get the caret in the position of the attribute. Visually, it looked like the caret was inside the element even though the caret was in the attribute. This would result in confusion if the user tried to enter text while the caret was there. This has been fixed so that attributes error that point to invisible attributes are not linked to their attributes. A tooltip is set on the error to indicate what is going on.
    • Internal: Optimized Editor.toDataNode so that it uses $.data whenever possible.
  • 0.24.2:

    • 0.24.1 had a packaging mistake. This release fixes it.
  • 0.24.1:

    • Internals: Implemented a caching system for validator.Validator so that repeated calls to those methods that use the internal method _getWalkerAt do not take so much time.

      Most documents edited with a mode that derives from the generic mode should see a performance increase. The larger the document, the bigger the performance increase. The performance increase also depends on how the mode calls the validator.

  • 0.24:

    • API: mutation_domlistener is now gone. This was used early in the life of wed... then stopped being used... and became a bit derelict. There's no point in keeping it around.
    • API: domlistener now supports additional events: children-changing, removing-element, excluding-element. The semantics of children-changed, removed-element and exluded-element have changed. See the documentation on domlistener for details. (Note: internally wed still uses the children-changed, removed-element and excluded-element events as before, even though they have changed semantics.)
    • API: dloc.DLoc is now checking the offset passed to it and raises an error if it is invalid.
    • API: dloc.DLoc has acquired:
      • A isValid method to check whether it points to a valid DOM location. A location that started valid may become invalid as the DOM is modified.
      • A normalizeOffset method to create an object with a valid offset from an object that is invalid.
    • API: getGUICaret now normalizes the caret if it is in an invalid position.
    • GUI: Bug fix: If a transformation caused the document to scroll it was possible to get into a state where refreshing the fake caret could cause a crash. This has been fixed.
    • GUI: Bug fix: If the user put the caret in text but moved the mouse pointer on a label a tooltip could be shown. Then if the user typed text, the tooltip would remain open and not be closable anymore. This has been fixed.
  • 0.23:

    • API: displayTypeaheadPopup now takes a width parameter.
    • GUI: When the input element of a typeahead popup loses focus, it no longer closes the dropdown. This was not a bug in wed but an undesirable default behavior of Twitter Typeahead.
    • GUI: Adjusted some of the spaces in the typeahead suggestions.
    • GUI: bug fix: Clicking on a _gui element that contained a text node would cause an infinite loop. This has been fixed. Wed itself does not create elements that would have triggered the bug but some modes in other projects using wed do.
  • 0.22.1:

    • GUI: bug fix: in Internet Explorer, the typeahead popup would be created without being active. Although this did not affect wed itself or the modes bundled with it, it did affect external modes that use the typeahead popup.
  • 0.22.0:

    • API: Upgrade to salve 0.23.0, which means that wed now supports Relax NG's interleave and mixed elements.
    • GUI: Upgrade to Font Awesome 4.3.0.
    • GUI: The icon for an element's documentation is now fa-question-circle rather than fa-book.
    • GUI: Added support for creating typeahead popups based off of Twitter Typeahead. The modes bundled with wed do not make use of such typeaheads but custom modes may use them.
    • GUI: bug fix: some key combinations typed into placeholders (usually having Ctrl, Alt or Command set) would not be transmitted to the modes. This has been fixed.
    • GUI: bug fix: typing the ESCAPE key on IE would cause an escape character to be inserted in the document or would cause a crash (when typed while a label is selected). This has been fixed.
  • 0.21.0:

    • GUI: Wed now filters out zero-width spaces from the input and converts non-breaking spaces to normal spaces.
    • GUI: When the user types the spacebar on the keyboard next to an already existing space, no new space is entered. Note that wed does not generally prevent the presence of multiple spaces next to one-another.
    • GUI: Upgrade to Bootstrap 3.3.2.
  • 0.20.0:

    • The wed demo now has an option for storing files locally. This allows using wed without a server.
    • If the document is not in a modified state wed now turns off the prompt that would be otherwise displayed when the user tries to leave the page.
    • Fixed serialization bug: on IE, the top node would get an extra xmlns attribute.
  • 0.19.1:

    • Fixed a major bug with serialization. There is a bug in the way Chrome serializes nodes that do not have a namespace set on them. This Chrome bug masked a bug in wed. Firefox serializes correctly and so wed's bug would manifest itself in Firefox but not Chrome.
    • API: transformation.makeElement, transformation.wrapInElement, transformation.wrapTextInElement and transformation.insertElement take an additional ns parameter which is the URI of the namespace for the element to be created. Their name parameter must be the prefixed name of the element to create.
  • 0.19.0:

    • API: Modes can now implement getValidator to return a validator to perform some ad-hoc checks that can't be performed with a schema-based validator.
  • 0.18.1:

    • API: added the ignore_module_config option.
    • Fixed a bug that caused wed to crash when there is no saving url specified in the options.
  • 0.18.0:

    • This version is a major reworking of wed. This is where old APIs are freely broken for the sake of better functionality.
    • GUI: Context menus now support filtering operations by kind of operation, by type of node modified and by text of the nodes involved.
    • wed now bundles with jQuery 2.1.1.
    • API: Wed now expects pure XML and saves pure XML rather than the HTML format that was previously used. Related changes:
      • xml-to-html and html-to-xml are no longer needed.
      • API: InputTrigger now takes an actual element name for selector rather than the class name required by the now obsolete method of storing data. So to get paragraph elements for instance you specify "p" rather than ".p".
    • API: jqutil is gone.
    • API: jqutil.toDataSelector is now domutil.toGUISelector.
    • API: The other functions form jqutil are gone as they were no longer used.
    • API: domutil has acquired dataFind and dataFindAll.
    • API: Mode.getContextualMenuItems has been removed. This was a function that was added very early on and that has since been subsumed by other methods, like Mode.getContextualActions.
    • API: Removed TransformationRegistry, which did not provide much.
    • API: Consequently, the generic mode no longer has a _tr field.
    • API: transformation.makeElement returns a Node rather than a jQuery object.
    • API: transformation.insertElement returns a Node rather than a jQuery object.
    • API: transformation.insertElement no longer takes a contents parameter.
    • API: transformation.wrapTextInElement'' returns a ``Node rather than a jQuery object.
    • API: transformation.wrapInElement returns a Node rather than a jQuery object.
    • API: Decorator.addRemListElementHandler and Decorator.includeListHandler are gone.
    • API: Decorator.listDecorator now takes a Node rather than a jQuery.
    • API: The handlers for all domlistener.Listener objects now receive DOM nodes rather than jQuery objects.
    • API: domlistener.Listener objects no longer accept jQuery selectors. They must be pure CSS now.
    • API: domutil.makePlaceholder returns a Node rather than a jQuery.
    • API: mode.makePlaceholderFor returns a Node rather than a jQuery.
    • API: The dloc API no longer accepts jQuery objects.
    • API: InputTrigger objects now expect CSS selectors rather than jQuery selectors.
    • API: InputTrigger event handlers take DOM Element objects rather than jQuery objects.
    • API: Editor.$sidebar is gone. It was never meant to be public.
    • API: Introduced the gui/icon module.
    • API: transformation.Transformation now has an additional type parameter which indicates the type of transformation. Code must be changed to take care of this.
    • API: transformation.Transformation now computes an icon on the basis of the type parameter passed to it. So in many cases it is not necessary to give an icon.
    • API: Editor.computeContextMenuHeight was removed as it was unusued.
    • API: The data field named element_name that transformation.Transformation objects expect in the data object passed to their handlers is now called name. This field is now referenced in description strings as <name> rather than <element_name>.
    • API: tree_updater.TreeUpdater's old deleteNode event is now named beforeDeleteNode. There is a new deleteNode event which is now emitted after the node is deleted.
  • 0.17.2:

    • 0.17.1 actually introduced more problems on IE. Hopefully, this release fixes that.
  • 0.17.1:

    • This release fixes a major bug that has been hiding in wed for multiple releases but was triggered only when running it on IE. The test suite, as extensive as it is, did not exercise wed in a way that revealed the bug. And the development team does not use IE for development. This allowed this major bug to remain hidden for that long.
  • 0.17.0:

    • The internals were cleaned quite a bit which warrants a new minor version.
    • GUI: Typing when a selection is in effect replaces the selection.
    • API: made some functions that used to be public private:
      • setDOMSelectionRange
      • clearDOMSelection
      • getDOMSelectionRange
      • getDOMSelection
  • 0.16.0:

    • Wed is now able to autosave at regular intervals.
    • GUI: Wed now has indicators on the screen showing whether a document has bee changed since the last save and showing its save status.
    • GUI: Wed now freezes editing if a save fails, be it a manual save or autosave. The editing remains frozen util a save works.
    • GUI: Hitting escape when a tooltip is displayed closes the tooltip.
    • GUI: Improved the caret movement logic to deal with cases where an element's editable content is wrapped by more than one element.
    • GUI: The navigation panel is not shown unless it is actually filled with something.
    • GUI: The GUI indicates which element the caret is in by setting the background of the element to a pale yellow color rather than using an underline.
    • API: Tooltips that appear in the editing pane now must be created using the tooltip method of the tooltip module. If they are not created this way, then they will not respond to the escape key and won't be closed.
    • API: Mode that want to fill the navigation panel must use Editor.setNavigationList.
    • API: Editor no longer has a public field named $navigation_list. (It is now private.)
    • API: Introduced _start_wrapper and _end_wrapper classes to mark the wrapping elements.
    • API: nodesAroundEditableContents now has a default implementation in the base Mode class. Modes that use _start_wrapper and _end_wrapper properly should not have to override it.
    • API: Added Editor.excludeFromBlur. This is for modes that add things like toolbars or menu items that launch transformations. These DOM elements must be excluded from causing a blur, otherwise a) clicking these DOM elements will cause a transformation to occur without a caret being active (and wed will raise an exception), b) from the user's perspective, the caret appears to be lost.
    • API: The data field data-wed-custom-context-menu that is used to set custom menus must be set in the DOM and not just by using jQuery's data() method.
    • API: Editor gained a save method that allows modes to trigger manual saves.
    • API: The protocol for saving to a server now emits autosave messages besides save. These messages work the same as save messages.
    • API: The protocol for saving to a server now uses If-Match and ETag to prevent undetected updates from third parties.
    • API: The Editor's save option now accepts an autosave sub-option to set the interval at which autosaves are invoked.
    • API: Modes that set background colors for their elements should use the variables and macros defined in the new wed-vars.less file to have a gradient indicate which elements has the caret.
  • 0.15.0:

    • GUI: In previous versions the context menu presented if a user brought it up using the keyboard while an element label was highlighted was different from the menu presented if the user brought it up on the same label using the mouse. This has been fixed.

    • GUI: Contextual menus that run are being cut off by window sides adjust their position to avoid being too small to be easily usable.

    • API: context_menu.ContextMenu no longer takes a maximum height. This height is computed automatically.

    • API: The autoinsert option now operates from the transformations registered with a mode rather than insert new element directly. In particular, if a given element could be inserted in more than one way, then autoinsert won't insert it. The user will have to select one of the methods of insertion.

    • API: Action and Transformation objects now take a needs_input parameter that indicates whether they need input from the user to perform their task. Objects which have this parameter set to true cannot be used by the ``autoinsert`` logic to automatically insert elements as this would require input from the user but the autoinsert feature is meant to work only in unambiguous cases.

      For instance, if a mode is designed to present a modal dialog when the user wants to insert a bibliographical reference, then the transformation which inserts this reference must have needs_input set to true so that when such reference is not automatically inserted.

    • API: TreeUpdater has gained the removeNodeNF method which does not fail if the sole argument is null or undefined. This allows calling the method in cases where there may be nothing to remove.

    • API: TreeUpdater has gained the mergeTextNodesNF method which does not fail if the sole argument is null or undefined. This allows calling the method in cases where there may be nothing to merge.

  • 0.14.0:

    • GUI: The generic mode now does auto-insertion of elements by default. It can be turned off with the new API option.
    • API: The generic mode now accepts the autoinsert option. See the generic.js file for details.
    • Fixed a few subtle bugs introduced by 0.13.0. These were not triggerable using the modes bundled with wed.
  • 0.13.0:

    • GUI: hitting DELETE while on an element now deletes the whole element.
    • GUI: Changed the key mappings for OS X. Instead of using Ctrl, the mappings now use Command.
    • API: validator.Validator has gained the following methods:
      • getErrorsFor
      • speculativelyValidateFragment
    • Various bug fixes.
  • 0.12.0:

    • Wed's test suite now passes in IE 10 and 11.

    • IE 9 is not unsupported but not supported either. See wed's documentation for dtails.

    • The versions of Bootstrap and Rangy that are included in the standalone build have been upgraded.

    • In the optimized build, lodash is now also optimized. This considerably reduces the number of file requests over the network.

    • The Selenium test suite has been optimized for speed. Test time is now one third of what it was!

    • A newer version of salve is now required to take advantage of its speed improvements.

    • Salve is included in wed's npm package.

    • Wed no longer loads Font Awesome's and Bootstrap's CSS files by itself. The application in which wed is used has the repsonsibility to add the necessary HTML to load these files.

      Having wed do it by itself was useful in early versions, for development purposes, but in the general case this causes more problems than it solves.

  • 0.11.0:

    • Wed now has a notion of label level, which allows showing more or less labels. See this
    • Wed is now able to show tooltips for start and end labels that mark the start and end of elements. To support this, modes must implement a shortDescriptionFor method that returns a string to be used for the tooltips.
    • Global API change. Most functions that used to take an Array as a caret position or general location now require DLoc objects or return DLoc objects. A non-exclusive list of methods affected.
      • Most methods on the TreeUpdater class.
      • Editor.getGUICaret
      • Editor.setGUICaret
      • Editor.getDataCaret
      • Editor.setDataCaret
      • Editor.toDataLocation.
      • Editor.fromDataLocation
      • GUIUpdater.fromDataLocation
      • The move_caret_to parameter in transformation data must now be a DLoc object.
    • editor.getCaret is now Editor.getGUICaret.
    • Editor.setCaret is now Editor.setGUICaret
    • Editor.toDataCaret is now Editor.toDataLocation.
    • Editor.fromDataCaret is now Editor.fromDataLocation.
    • GUIUpdater.fromDataCaret is now GUIUpdater.fromDataLocation
    • API change for Decorator.elementDecorator and GenericDecorator.elementDecorator: a new parameter has been added in third position, which gives the level of the labels added to the element.
    • API change for transformations:
      • New signature: fireTransformation(editor, data)
      • Transformation handlers have the same signature.
      • The data parameter now contains fields that correspond to what used to be node and element_name.
    • API change: modes based on the generic mode should have a meta that defines getNamespaceMappings().
    • API change: Modes no longer need to provide optionResolver class methods.
    • API change: Modes must now emit a pubsub.WED_MODE_READY event when they are ready to be used by the editor.
    • Moved the build to Bootstrap 3.0.3 and jQuery 1.11.0.
  • 0.10.0:


    The changes to the build system are substantial enough that if you update the sources in place (through a git pull, for instance) we recommend rebuilding wed from scratch: make clean then make. Just to be on the safe side.


    The location of the files to use for the demo and the in-browser tests has changed. See the documentation on the demo and the documentation on testing.

    • Internals: wed now requires salve 0.14.1 or later, which means smaller schema files, faster loading and faster running. Yippee!

    • GUI: wed can now handle some input methods. So long as the methods are not designed to edit already entered text, there should be no problem. We're able to enter Sanskrit, Tibetan and Chinese using ibus on Linux.

    • Build: the build system now creates an optimized bundle which can be used for deploying wed.

    • API: decorator.Decorator used to have an init() method. This method no longer exists. This method has been replaced by two methods:

      • addHandlers() which add the event handlers on the domlistener that the decorator uses.
      • startListening() which tells the decorator that its listener should start listening.

      The old init() would do what these two methods do. Since handler order matters, the new API allows one to tell the decorator to add its handlers, then add more handlers, and finally tell the decorator to start listening. The old API did not allow this.

    • API: the protocol for saving to a server was redesigned. See the tech notes.

    • API: The Editor methods setSelectionRange and getSelectionRange have been renamed setDOMSelectionRange and getDOMSelectionRange. The Editor method getSelection has been renamed getDOMSelection.

    • API: Editor.setSelectionRange and getSelectionRange are two new methods.

  • 0.9.0:

    • GUI: Wed now actually uses the icons set on actions.
    • API: Editor.{get,set}CaretAsPath were not used anywhere and thus were removed.
    • API: Editor.{get,set}DataCaretAsPath were only used by wundo.js and thus removed from the Editor API and moved to wundo.
    • API: Editor.getDataCaret and Editor.toDataCaret are now able to return approximate positions when the GUI caret happens to be in a position for which there is no corresponding data caret.
    • A few deal-breaker bugs were fixed. They were major enough to require a new release, but the changes above required a minor release rather than a patch release. Therefore, 0.9.0 and not 0.8.1.
  • 0.8:

    • GUI: validation error reporting is more user-friendly than it used to be.
    • API: Specifying a mode path can now be done in an abbreviated fashion for modes bundled with wed.
    • Internal: Now uses Bootstrap 3.0.0.
    • API: Decorator now takes the domlistener that listens to GUI changes, the editor, and the TreeUpdater that updates the GUI tree. Consequently Mode.makeDecorator takes at the very least the same arguments. (It could require more if the mode requires it.)
    • API: modal callbacks are no longer called as callback(ev, jQthis) but as callback(ev).
    • API: Modal.getContextualActions takes two additional parameters to tell the mode where the editor is interested in getting actions.
  • 0.7:

    • Wed gained saving and recovery capabilities.
    • Wed gained capabilities for logging information to a server through Ajax calls.
  • 0.6:

    • Internal: wed no longer works with Twitter Bootstrap version 2 and now requires version 3 RC1 or later. This version of Bootstrap fixes some problems that recently turned out to present significant hurdles in wed's development. Unfortunately, version 3's API is very different from version 2's so it is not possible to trivially support both versions.
    • GUI: Wed no longer uses glyphicons. Upon reviewing the glyphicons license, I noticed a requirement that all pages which use glyphicons contain some advertisement for glyphicons. I'm not going to require that those who use wed pollute their web pages with such advertisement.
    • GUI: Wed now uses Font Awesome.
    • API: Mode.getTransformationRegistry() is gone. Wed now gets a mode's actions by calling getContextualActions(...).
    • API: fireTransformation no longer accepts a new_caret_position.
    • API: transformations are now a special case of actions.
  • 0.5 introduces major changes:

    • GUI: previous versions of wed had included some placeholders between XML elements so that insertion of new elements would be done by putting the caret into the placeholder and selecting the contextual menu. These placeholders proved unwieldy. Version 0.5 removes these placeholders to instead have the contextual menu on starting and ending tags of elements serve respectively to add elements before and after an element.
    • Internal: wed now uses less to generate CSS.
    • Internal: wed now maintains two DOM trees representing the document. The first is a representation of the document's XML data. The second is an HTML-decorated representation of this same data for display purposes.
  • 0.4 introduces major API changes:

    • Whereas the mode option used to be a simple path to the mode to load, it is now a simple object that must have the field name set to what mode used to be. See the Using section.
  • Creating and initializing a wed instance has changed considerably. Instead of calling wed.editor() with appropriate parameters, the user must first issue new wed.Editor() without parameters and then call the init() method with the parameters that were originally passed to the editor() function. See the Using section for the new way to create an editor.