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42 lines (27 loc) · 1.23 KB

File metadata and controls

42 lines (27 loc) · 1.23 KB


Thanks for taking the interest in making the ebnf2railroad tool even better!

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  • Node >= 11.0
  • Yarn >= 1.12.0
  • Watch (optional)

On mac, using homebrew: brew install node yarn watch

Getting started

  • Install dependencies: yarn install
  • Run tests with: yarn test
  • Check your syntax with: yarn lint
  • Update example files with: yarn update-examples
  • Generate new parser with: yarn build-parser (when you make changes in the ebnf.jison file)

The easiest development flow for browser related work is:

watch -n 1 'yarn build-parser; yarn update-examples'

This will continuously rebuild the parser and update the examples every second. and then use open examples/optimizations.html to check the file in your browser.

Just mutate the code, and reload the browser for effect.

The easiest way for technical implementations like optimalisations is:

yarn test --watch

This will automatically rerun the tests when files change.