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438 lines (389 loc) · 19.6 KB




  • Description: This implements basic math functions like complex numbers and complex matrices.
  • Source Tree:
    • Complex(real, imaginary)
      • Type: Object
      • Description: This implements complex numbers and complex number operations.
      • Arguments:
        • real
          • Either a JavaScript floating point number or a Decimal object. This represents the real component of the complex number.
        • imaginary
          • Either a JavaScript floating point number or a Decimal object. This represents the imaginary component of the complex number.
      • Complex.Real
        • Type: Property
        • Description: A Decimal object that represents the real component of the complex number.
      • Complex.Imaginary
        • Type: Property
        • Description: A Decimal object that represents the imaginary component of the complex number.
      • Complex.Sub(comp)
        • Type: Method
        • Description: Subtracts the current Complex from the supplied argument comp.
          • Arguments:
            • comp
              • A Complex object to subtract the current Complex number from.
        • Returns: A new Complex which holds the result of .
      • Complex.Add(comp)
        • Type: Method
        • Description: Adds the current Complex with the argument comp.
        • Arguments:
          • comp
            • A Complex object to add the current Complex number with.
        • Returns: A new Complex which holds the result of .
      • Complex.Mult(comp)
        • Type: Method
        • Description: Multiplies the current Complex by the argument comp.
        • Arguments:
          • comp
            • A Complex object to multiply the current Complex number with.
        • Returns: A new Complex which holds the result of .
      • Complex.Inverse()
        • Type: Method
        • Description: Inverts the current Complex.
        • Returns: A new Complex which holds the result of .
      • Complex.Negate()
        • Type: Method
        • Description: Negates the current Complex.
        • Returns: A new Complex which holds the result of .
      • Complex.Div(comp)
        • Type: Method
        • Description: Multiplies the current Complex by the inverse of comp.
        • Arguments:
          • comp
            • A Complex which is inverted and multiplied by the current Complex.
        • Returns: A new Complex which holds the result of .
      • Complex.Abs()
        • Type: Method
        • Description: Takes the absolute value of the current Complex.
        • Returns: A new Complex which holds the result of .
      • Complex.toString()
        • Type: Method
        • Description: Creates a string representation of the current Complex.
        • Returns: A new String which holds a representation of the current Complex.
      • Complex.Sqr()
        • Type: Method
        • Description: Squares the current Complex.
        • Returns: A new Complex which holds the result of
      • Complex.Clone()
        • Type: Method
        • Description: Creates a clone of the current Complex.
        • Returns: A new Complex which is a clone of the current Complex.
    • Matrix(width, height, opt = true)
      • Type: Object
      • Description: A Object that represents a matrix in memory. This Object also implements operations on matrices.
      • Arguments:
        • width
          • An Int that represents the width of the Matrix.
        • height
          • An Int that represents the height of the Matrix.
        • opt
          • A Boolean that enables the Matrix to be stored differently depending on the width and height. This speeds up Matrix operations and StateVector operations.
      • Matrix.Width
        • Type: Property
        • Description: An Int that represents the width of the Matrix.
      • Matrix.Height
        • Type: Property
        • Description: An Int that represents the height of the Matrix.
      • Matrix.Rotated
        • Type: Property
        • Description: A Boolean that represents whether the Matrix representation has been flipped in memory for optimization reasons.
      • Matrix.Vals
        • Type: Property
        • Description: A representation of the Matrix in memory.
      • Matrix.Set(i, j, v)
        • Type: Method
        • Description: Sets the value of the matrix at . To create a Matrix do not use this method.
        • Arguments:
          • i
            • An Int which represents the width offset in the Matrix.
          • j
            • An Int which represents the height offset in the Matrix.
          • v
            • A Complex which represents the updated value of the Matrix at .
      • Matrix.Get(i, j)
        • Type: Method
        • Description: A method that retrieves the current value of .
        • Arguments:
          • i
            • An Int which represents the width offset in the Matrix.
          • j
            • An Int which represents the height offset in the Matrix.
        • Returns: A Complex Object which holds the value of .
      • Matrix.Mult(mat)
        • Type: Method
        • Description: Multiplies the current Matrix by mat
        • Arguments:
          • mat
            • The Matrix to multiply the current Matrix with.
        • Returns: A new Matrix Object which holds the value of .
      • Matrix.Rotate90()
        • Type: Method
        • Description: Rotates the Matrix by 90.
        • Returns: A new Matrix Object which holds the value of .
      • Matrix.CounterRotate90()
        • Type: Method
        • Description: Rotates the Matrix by -90.
        • Returns: A new Matrix Object which holds the value of .
      • Matrix.VerticleFlatten()
        • Type: Method
        • Description: Returns an Array which holds the first vertical column of the Matrix.
        • Returns: A Array Object which holds the value of .
      • Matrix.toString()
        • Type: Method
        • Description: Creates a String that represents the Matrix.
        • Returns: A String that represents the Matrix.
      • Matrix.FlatFromArr(arr, horiz = false)
        • Type: Method
        • Description: Creates either a vector or a vector flipped on its side from an Array of Complex objects.
        • Arguments:
          • arr
            • A one dimensional Array of Complex objects.
          • horiz
            • A Boolean which if set to false creates a vector and if set to true creates a vector that is flipped on its side.
        • Returns: A vector or a vector flipped on its side from an Array of Complex objects. Both in a Matrix Object.
      • Matrix.From2dArr(arr2d)
        • Type: Method
        • Description: Creates a new Matrix Object from a two dimensional Array of Complex objects. Still implemented for compatibility reasons. Use Matrix.From2dComplexArr(arr2d) instead.
        • Arguments:
          • arr2d
            • A two dimensional Array of Complex objects.
        • Returns: A new Matrix that is functionally equivalent to the input two dimensional Array.
      • Matrix.From2dRealArr(arr2d)
        • Type: Method
        • Description: Creates a new Matrix Object from a two dimensional Array of JavaScript Float objects.
        • Arguments:
          • arr2d
            • A two dimensional Array of JavaScript Float objects.
        • Returns: A new Matrix that is filled with Complex objects with the Real component set to the input arr2d.
      • Matrix.From2dComplexArr(arr2d)
        • Type: Method
        • Description: Creates a new Matrix Object from a two dimensional Array of Complex objects.
        • Arguments:
          • arr2d
            • A two dimensional Array of Complex objects.
        • Returns: A new Matrix that is functionally equivalent to the input two dimensional Array.
      • Matrix.Scalar(a)
        • Type: Method
        • Description: Multiplies every element of the matrix by the argument a.
        • Arguments:
          • a
            • A Complex that will be multiplied every element of the Matrix.
        • Returns: A new Matrix where every element has been multiplied by a.


  • Description: A module that allows the demo to estimate how many qubits the host computer can process in a reasonable amount of time.
  • Source Tree:
    • PerformanceEval()
      • Type: Method
      • Description: provides an estimate of how many qubits a host computer can work with in a reasonable amount of time.


  • Description: A module that provides an interpreting service to interpret the quantum programming language.
  • Source Tree:
    • qEvaluator
      • Type: Object
      • Description: A Object that provides the quantum language interpreter.
        • qEvaluator.sim
          • Type: Property
          • Description: An instance of the QVM Object to actually preform the simulation of the quantum operations.
        • qEvaluator.measureObj
          • Type: Property
          • Description: An Array which represents the measured state vector. If no measurement operation has been performed, this will remain Undefined.
        • qEvaluator.readLine(x)
          • Type: Method
          • Description: A method to feed a line of data into the language interpreter.
          • Arguments:
            • x
              • A String that represents a line of a quantum program.


  • Description: A module that contains all quantum gate definitions in matrix form. All the gates are contained in the Object qGates.


  • Description: Implements the actual quantum computer simulator.
  • Source Tree:
    • StateVector(nBit)
      • Type: Object
      • Description: A Object that stores a quantum state for a quantum computer with nBit number of bits.
      • Arguments:
        • nBit
          • A JavaScript Int that stores the number of bits represented by the state vector.
      • StateVector.UnitVec
        • Type: Property
        • Description: A Matrix that hold the vector that represents the state of the quantum computer.
      • StateVector.SetBinUnitVector(states)
        • Type: Method
        • Description: Sets qubit indexes to .
        • Arguments:
          • states
            • An Array of qubit indexes to set to .
      • StateVector.ZeroBinUnitVector()
        • Type: Method
        • Description: Sets all qubits to .
      • StateVector.Flatten()
        • Type: Method
        • Description: Creates a one dimensional Array of Complex objects that represents the UnitVec.
        • Returns: A one dimensional Array of Complex objects that represents the UnitVec.
      • StateVector.GetProbDist()
        • Type: Method
        • Description: Calculates the probabilities of each possible state of the quantum computer.
        • Returns: A new one dimensional Array of Decimal objects that represents all the possible probabilities of each state.
    • QVM(nBit)
      • Type: Object
      • Description: A simple Object which allows quantum computations.
      • Arguments:
        • nBit
          • A JavaScript Int that represents the amount of qubits in the simulated quantum computer.
      • QVM.Gates
        • Type: Property
        • Description: An Array of qGates objects which represent all the quantum operations in order.
      • QVM.qBitSels
        • Type: Property
        • Description: An Array of Int Array that represents the qubits to be operated on. The length of QVM.qBitSels should match QVM.Gates.
      • QVM.State
        • Type: Property
        • Description: An StateVector that represents the current state of the quantum computer simulator.
      • QVM.Reset()
        • Type: Method
        • Description: Resets QVM.State by calling QVM.State.ZeroBinUnitVector().
      • QVM.Run(trackStates = true)
        • Type: Method
        • Description: Runs the simulation of the quantum computer.
        • Arguments:
          • trackStates
            • A Boolean that if set to true will log every intermediate StateVector.
        • Result: An Array of intermediate StateVector.
      • QVM.MeasureBits(selBits)
        • Type: Method
        • Description: Calculates the probabilities of each possible state of the quantum computer when measured.
        • Arguments:
          • selBits
            • An Array of JavaScript Int that represents the qubits that are measured.


  • Description: A module that implements algorithms for processing multiple qubits that are entangled.

  • Source Tree:

    • incArr(len)

      • Type: Method
      • Description: Creates an Array that counts up from .
      • Arguments:
        • len
          • A JavaScript Int that length.
      • Returns: A new Array that counts up from .
    • baseArrToN(baseArr, base = 2)

      • Type: Method
      • Description: From an Array of JavaScript Int converts from base base to N.
      • Arguments:
        • baseArr
          • An Array of Int which represents the value of the places.
        • base
          • A JavaScript Int that represents the base of the baseArr
      • Returns: A JavaScript Int that is the base 10 representation of baseArr in the base base.
    • nToBaseArr(n, base = 2)

      • Type: Method
      • Description: Converts a JavaScript Int n to a base array with the base base.
      • Arguments:
        • n
          • A JavaScript Int to convert into base base.
        • base
          • The base to use for the conversion.
      • Returns: An Array of JavaScript Int that represent the number n in the base base.
    • padRight0(bitArr, n)

      • Type: Method
      • Description: Appends 0s to bitArr.
      • Arguments:
        • bitArr
          • The Array to append to.
        • n
          • A JavaScript Int that represents the number of 0s to append to the array.
      • Returns: The original Array with n extra 0s appended to it.
    • xorArrs(arr1, arr2)

      • Type: Method
      • Description: Creates a new Array that holds every element of arr1 XORed with arr2.
      • Arguments:
        • arr1
          • A bit Array to be XORed.
        • `arr2
          • A bit Array to be XORed.
      • Returns: A new Array with every element of arr1 XORed with arr2.
    • removeFromArray(original, remove)

      • Type: Method
      • Description: Creates a new Array that holds every element of original that is not in remove.
      • Arguments:
        • original
          • A generic Array.
        • remove
          • A generic Array.
      • Returns: A new Array that holds every element of original that is not in remove.
    • orBitSelArray(arr, bitSel)

      • Type: Method
      • Description: ORs all arr[bitSel].
      • Arguments:
        • arr
          • A binary Array to OR.
        • bitSel
          • A JavaScript Int Array that contains the indexes to OR.
      • Returns: The indexes, bitSel of Array arr ORed.
    • orArray(arr)

    • Type: Method

    • Description: ORs all the elements of arr

    • Arguments:

      • arr
        • A binary Array to OR.
    • Returns: All the elements of arr ORed.

    • mapArr(orig, map, preserve = false)

      • Type: Method
      • Description: Returns a new Array of orig[map].
      • Arguments:
        • orig
          • The Array that will be used as the source.
        • map
          • A JavaScript Array that is an Array of indexes to return from orig
      • Returns: A new Array of orig[map].
    • generateGroupMap(len, selBits)

      • Type: Method
      • Description: An algorithm that creates a map of quantum states to perform single qubit operations on a pair of two or more entangled qubits.
      • Arguments:
        • len
          • A JavaScript Int that represents the length of the StateVector.
        • selBits
          • A JavaScript Array of Int that represents the index of the qubits that should be operated on.
      • Returns: A map of quantum states to perform single qubit operations on a pair of two or more entangled qubits.
    • applyGroupMap(map, vec)

      • Type: Method
      • Description: Applies the result of generateGroupMap(len, selBits) to a StateVector.
      • Arguments:
        • map
          • A group map generated by generateGroupMap(len, selBits)
        • vec
          • A StateVector to apply the group map to.
      • Returns: Groups of pairs of qubit StateVectors to be operated on.
    • removeGroupMap(map, pairs)

      • Type: Method
      • Description: After performing the operation, the pairs must be ‘glued back together’ or combined back into a StateVector. Meaning that: removeGroupMap(map, applyGroupMap(map, vec)) == vec.
      • Arguments:
        • map
          • A group map generated by generateGroupMap(len, selBits) .
        • pairs
          • An Array of pairs generated by applyGroupMap(map, vec) .
      • Returns: Reverses the result of applyGroupMap(map, vec) .
    • generateCombinationMap(len, selBits)

      • Type: Method

      • Description: Generates a map to combine probabilities of a StateVector to create the illusion of measuring individual qubits. Used for the M command (read the Readme).

      • Arguments:

        • len

          • A JavaScript Int that represents the length of the StateVector.
        • selBits

          • A JavaScript Array of Int that represents the index of the qubits that should be operated on.
      • Returns: A map to combine probabilities of a StateVector.

    • ApplyCombinationMap(map, arr, pad = true)

      • Type: Method
      • Description: Applies a map generated by generateCombinationMap(len, selBits) to probability vector.
      • Arguments:
        • map
          • A group map generated by generateCombinationMap(len, selBits).
        • arr
          • A probability vector to apply the group map to.
        • pad
          • A Boolean that if set to true will preserve the original probability vector length.
      • Returns a probability map as if the quantum computer only measured the qubits defined in generateCombinationMap(len, selBits) as selBits.
  • The QVM project contains: 827 lines of JavaScript.