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aseduto edited this page Dec 2, 2016 · 15 revisions

Building mg

mg can be built in Linux or Windows. In both cases you can use gyp to build mg. In linux you can also use autotools for building.

Get mg

First of all you need to get the code cloning mg and all submodules.

execute git clone --recursive to get all or execute git clone and then git submodule update --init --recursive.

Building using gyp

If you are in windows the following instruction will assume you are using powershell as your shell. First check gyp is available. In windows type `get-command gyp' and in bash 'which gyp'. If gyp is not available you have to install it. TODO: point to gyp installation info.

Change folder to cd ./mg/test.

In windows run : gyp mgtest.gyp --depth 0 -Duv_library=static_library "-Dtarget_arch=ia32" -I../deps/libuv/common.gypi

In linux run : gyp mgtest.gyp --depth=. -Duv_library=static_library "-Dtarget_arch=x64" -I../deps/libuv/common.gypi

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