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89 lines (58 loc) · 5.07 KB

Proposal Summary Form: [Provide a short title]

[Every proposal must be created in a separate folder and include a filled-in copy of this proposal summary. A preliminary proposal can be submitted without all the information provided, but a proposed axis will not be registered until all essential information is provided.

A proposal may be accommpanied by other supporting files, such as background information, sample implementations or specimens.

This form must be provided in English, but copies in other languages can also be provided. If copies for multiple languages are provided, the copies for other should be placed within a sub-folder of the proposal folder using a BCP 47 language tag as the language name.]

Administrative Information

Proposers name: [your name]

Vendor affiliation: [vendor you represent or that is sponsoring the proposal]

Proposal name: [A short name for the proposal; use this (without spaces) as a folder name, and put this summary in that folder.]

Date of submission: [date]

New or revised proposal: [New | Revision]

Previous revision date: [If a revised proposal, date of the previous revision. If a new proposal, “N/A”.]

General Technical Information

Overview: [A brief description of the proposal—a detailed description is provided below.]

Related axes: [If this axis is intended to be used specifically in combination with certain other already-registered or proposed axes, identify the axes or proposals.]

Similar axes: [If this is similar to another already-registered or proposed axis — similar font behavior or function — provide the registered axis tag or proposal name.]

Axis type: [Parametric | Optical]

[Indicate whether you would characterize this axis as an optical axis or a parametric axis. A parametric axis affects only one specific aspect of a design, such as horizontal thickness of stems, independent of other aspects; manipulated on its own, a parametric axis might not produce visually pleasing results at all settings. A parametric axis is often likely to be hidden from direct user manipulation, and instead controlled by a higher level interface, or programmatic manipulation, in combination with other parametric axes. An optical axis can always be manipulated on its own to produce usable results at most or all settings; often, this will be because the axis affects two or more aspects of the design at once. For example, an optical size axis ('opsz') will often affect horizontal and vertical stroke thicknesses, contrast, glyph width and spacing, and x-height. As another example, the traditional width axis ('wdth') may affect horizontal or vertical stroke thicknesses as well as overall glyph width in order to maintain consistency in perceived overall color of text.]

Proposed Axis Details

[In this section, provide a draft of the fields of information that would be included in the registry page describing the axis. All fields are required and must be provided before an axis tag can be registered. If a field is not applicable, specify “N/A”.]

See Guidance for Axis Details for guidance on this section.

Tag: [proposed tag]

Name: [a short, US English name for the axis]

Description: [a description of the design variation of this axis]

Valid numeric range: [the range or permissible values for this axis]

Scale interpretation: [describe what the numeric values represent]

Recommended or required “Regular” value: [If a applicable, a value that should be used for a "Regular" style within a family. If not applicable, specify “N/A”.]

Suggested programmatic interactions: [If applicable, describe one or more specific ways in which it may be useful for applications to select an axis value programmatically.]

UI recommendations: [Provide any recommendations regarding how this axis should be handled in application user interfaces. See the Guidance file for details on what information is and isn't expected.]

Script or language considerations: [Indicate whether the axis is applicable only to specific scripts or languages, and describe any special considerations for applying the axis to different scripts or languages.

Additional information: [Provide any additional information that may be needed or helpful for implementers to understand how the axis should be used.]


Vendor commitments: [Indicate any vendors that plan to use this axis, if registered.]

Conventionality benefits: [Indicate how it would benefit users, font vendors or software developers if this axis becomes conventional (i.e., broadly adopted or familiar), and why you think it is likely to be become broadly adopted or familiar.

Interoperability benefits: [Indicate ways you think interoperability of this axis will benefit end users, font vendors or software developers.]

Other Supporting Information

[You can use this section to provide other supporting information, such as providing images or videos to demonstrate the behaviour of an axis, or links to demo fonts.]