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Steps to setup your environment, compile, and run QemuQ35Pkg and QemuSbsaPkg.

Developer environment

This is a Project Mu platform and thus the default environment requirements can be found here at the Project Mu Prerequisites page.

QEMU is used to run the locally compiled firmware on a virtual platform. If you are on windows, no action is needed, we provide an external dependency that includes the necessary QEMU binaries. If you are on Linux, install it.

This build uses edk2-pytools for functionality. Documentation can be found here. On most Linux distros this requires an extra step for mono and nuget support.

Building with Pytools

  1. [Optional] Create a Python Virtual Environment - generally once per workspace

    python -m venv <name of virtual environment>
  2. [Optional] Activate Virtual Environment - each time new shell opened

    • Linux

      source <name of virtual environment>/bin/activate
    • Windows

      <name of virtual environment>/Scripts/activate.bat
  3. Install Pytools - generally once per virtual env or whenever pip-requirements.txt changes

    pip install --upgrade -r pip-requirements.txt
  4. Initialize & Update Submodules - only when submodules updated

    stuart_setup -c Platforms/<Package>/ TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=<TOOL_CHAIN_TAG>
    • TOOL_CHAIN_TAG being the toolchain you want to build with, currently VS2019, VS2022, and GCC5 are supported values. Q35 can be built with GCC5, VS2019, and VS2022 toolchains. SBSA can be built with GCC5.
  5. Initialize & Update Dependencies - only as needed when ext_deps change

    stuart_update -c Platforms/<Package>/ TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=<TOOL_CHAIN_TAG>
  6. Compile Firmware

    stuart_build -c Platforms/<Package>/ TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=<TOOL_CHAIN_TAG>
    • use stuart_build -c Platforms/<Package>/ -h option to see additional options like --clean
  7. Running Emulator

    • You can add --FlashRom to the end of your build command and the emulator will run after the build is complete.

    • or use the --FlashOnly feature to just run the emulator.

      stuart_build -c Platforms/<Package>/ TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=<TOOL_CHAIN_TAG> --FlashOnly
  8. Alternative Options

    • All the commands specified here can use a shortcut, which is to invoke the Build file directly. For example:

      py Platforms/<Package>/ TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=<TOOL_CHAIN_TAG>  --FlashOnly
    • Setup and update can be done by passing it in

      py Platforms/<Package>/ TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=<TOOL_CHAIN_TAG>  --setup
      py Platforms/<Package>/ TOOL_CHAIN_TAG=<TOOL_CHAIN_TAG>  --update
    • Under the hood, it just does the invocation of Stuart for you.


  1. QEMU is provided on windows via an external dependency located at QemuPkg/Binaries; Qemu must be manually downloaded on linux.
  2. QEMU for linux requires at least version 9.0.2 when booting an operating system; if you are only booting to shell, matching the version to the windows external dependency is acceptable.
  3. If you want to override the external dependency on windows, or the installed version on linux, you can use QEMU_PATH = <path> on the command line.

NOTE: Logging the execution output will be in the normal stuart log as well as to your console (if you have the correct logging level set, by default it doesn't output to console).

Custom Build Options

SHUTDOWN_AFTER_RUN=TRUE will output a startup.nsh file to the location mapped as fs0 with reset -s as the final line. This is used in CI in combination with the --FlashOnly feature to run QEMU to the UEFI shell and then execute the contents of startup.nsh.

QEMU_PATH Can specify the path to a specific QEMU binary to use.

QEMU_HEADLESS=TRUE Since CI servers run headless QEMU must be told to run with no display otherwise an error occurs. Locally you don't need to set this.

GDB_SERVER=<TCP Port> Enables the GDB port in the QEMU instance at the provided TCP port.

SERIAL_PORT=<Serial Port> Enables the specified serial port to be used as console.

ENABLE_NETWORK=TRUE will enable networking (currently supported on the QEMU Q35 platform). If DFCI_VAR_STORE is set, networking will also be enabled with TCP ports 8270 and 8271 forwarded for the robot framework.

Passing Build Defines

To pass build defines through stuart_build, prepend BLD_*_ to the define name and pass it on the command-line. stuart_build currently requires values to be assigned, so add a =1 suffix for bare defines. For example, to enable the E1000 network support, instead of the traditional "-D E1000_ENABLE", the stuart_build command-line would be:

stuart_build -c Platforms/<Package>/ BLD_*_E1000_ENABLE=1
