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Day 0

  1. Plate strains for mating on agar, grow overnight.
  • Donor – E. coli on selective LB. Grow 37°C.
  • Helper – E. coli CC118 λpir / pEVS104 [MJM534] on LB-Kan50. Grow 37°C.
  • Recipient - typically V. fischeri on LBS. Grow 25-28°C.

Day 1

  1. Grow overnight liquid cultures of the strains with antibiotics if necessary.

Day 2

  1. Combine 100 μl of each E. coli culture only in a 1.5-ml microfuge tube (see controls below).
  2. Pellet cells by centrifugation (1 min at 8,000 x g).
  3. Add 100 μl of each V. fischeri culture to the E. coli pellet.
  4. Pellet cells by centrifugation (1 min at 8,000 x g); resuspend in 10 μl fresh LBS.
  5. Spot this onto a fresh, thick LBS plate.
  6. Incubate for ~16 h at 25-28°C.

Day 3

  1. Scrape the mating mix off the plate and suspend in 750 μl of LBS. In the case of V. fischeri, spot should be yellowish.
  2. Plate on selective media and incubate at room temperature (or cooler, e.g., 15°C).
  • This cooler temp enriches for Vibrio over the E. coli donor.
  • For "frequent" events like introduction of a stable plasmid, plate dilutions and/or streak purify from the spot.
  1. Colonies should appear in 1-2 days at room temperature, or 3-4 days at 15°C. Streak-purify transconjugants.

A generic tri-parental mating includes an E. coli strain with pEVS104 as the conjugal helper plasmid, a second E. coli strain with an oriT-containing plasmid to be mobilized, and a recipient Vibrio. For quadraparental mating (ex. with mini-Tn7) use 200 µl of the Vibrio recipient.

Controls: Same as conjugation tube but excluding one of the constituent strains (no donor, no recipient, and no helper controls).

Plate freshness: Fresh LBS plates seem to help a lot. If possible, use them the same day you pour them; just make sure they’re not "sloppy wet." If you want to compare mating efficiencies of different constructs, be careful to use similar plates or multiple spots on the same plate.

Citation: Stabb EV, Ruby EG. RP4-based plasmids for conjugation between Escherichia coli and members of the Vibrionaceae. Meth Enzymol (2002) vol. 358 pp. 413-26