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RequestVerifier Class

Wraps an AuthenticationMethod instance to verify inbound request authentication data.

  • Can be used to verify authentication data in any PSR-7 RequestInterface with the verify() method.
  • Can be used to verify authentication data in any Symfony HttpFoundation Request with the verifySymfonyRequest() method.

Class Details


  • Constructor: __construct (AuthenticationMethod $method, KeyRepository $keys)

  • withRequestIdList (?RequestIdList $requestIdList): self
    Adds a RequestIdList instance to this RequestVerifier which will be used to ensure Request ID Uniqueness for all valid inbound requests.
    See Request IDs: Request Uniqueness for more information.

  • verify (Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface $request): string
    Takes a PSR-7 RequestInterface instance and checks the contained authentication token data. Side Effect: This will cause a StreamInterface::rewind() call on RequestInterface::getBody().

  • verifySymfonyRequest (Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request): string
    Takes a Symfony HttpFoundation Request instance and checks the contained authentication token data.

  • verifyGlobals (): string
    Reads the PHP globals ($_SERVER and php://stdin) to read the current request (using RequestInfo::fromGlobals()) and checks the contained authentication token data.
    Side Effect: This will open, read, rewind, and close php://stdin.

Return values:

On success, all verification methods return the client identification string as returned by AuthenticationMethod::getClientId().
