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This note provides some tips about the installation of Julia and how to start with the software. It is orientated for Windows users.



During the installation, there is no mandatory need to put a path in the PATH Variable (by default, don't put).

Where is installed Julia

  • By default, Julia is installed at (e.g. for release 1.8.3)
    C:/Users/your_user_name/AppData/Local/Programs/Julia 1.8.3

  • Packages are installed at C:/Users/your_user_name/.julia/packages.

  • The pre-compiled packages are at C:/Users/your_user_name/.julia/compiled/v1.8

INSTALL Visual Studio Code (VsCode)


Where is installed VsCode

  • By default, VsCode is installed at C:/Users/your_user_name/AppData/Local/Programs/Microsoft VS Code

Configuration for Julia

Before to be able to use Julia within VsCode, some configuration is needed.

  • Open VsCode

  • Install the Julia extension

    • Go to the icone 'Manage' (toothed wheel at the bottom left of the screen)
    • Go to 'Extensions'
    • Search 'Julia' in the marketplace and install it
  • Connect VsCode and a given release of Julia

    • Icone 'Manage' ==> Settings ==> Commonly used ==> Extensions ==> Julia ==> Executable path
    • Copy the full path of the file julia.exe of the release that has to be used, e.g.: C:/Users/your_user_name/AppData/Local/Programs/Julia 1.8.3/bin/julia.exe
    • If another release (e.g. 1.8.4) has to be used in future sessions, replace the new path in the same way, and re-run VsCode
  • Then a REPL (= Julia command console) can be open

    • Icone 'Manage' ==> Command Palette ==> Start REPL (or Alt+J Alt+O)

Julia REPL

The REPL is a full-featured interactive command-line. Basically, there are two REPL modes (in addition with the help):

  • The command REPL
  • The Pkg REPL (see here)
(@v.1.8)  pkg> 

Command REPL is the usual mode for computations. Pkg REPL is used to manage packages and project environments.

Typing ] in the command REPL makes switch to the Pkg REPL, and the backslash makes return to the command REPL.


An environment (= list of the used packages and their versions) is defined by the following two files: Project.toml and Manifest.toml.

  • File Project.toml defines the packages attached to the environment.
  • File Manifest.toml manages the versions and dependencies of these packages.

To understand and know how to magage environments is very important to develop Julia projects in good ways.

  • At the installation of Julia, a default environment is created: the global environment. It is generally recommended to install only few packages in the global environment.
  • Instead, for each operational study that is developed, it is recommanded to build a specific project environment in which its own package dependencies will be defined (Project.toml and Manifest.toml).

Note: In any given environment, it is not safe and not recommanded to modify file Manifest.toml by hand. When a package is added to the environment, Manifest.toml is automatically updated.


Where it is located

  • The global environment (files Project.toml and Manifest.toml) of all the patch releases of Julia (e.g. 1.8.0, 1.8.1, etc.) of a given minor version of Julia (e.g. 1.8) is located (for the example of 1.8) at C:/Users/your_user_name/.julia/environments/v1.8

Upgrade to a new minor version of Julia

When upgrading to a new minor version (e.g. from 1.7 to 1.8), the new global environment (corresponding to 1.8) will be empty. Several ways can be used to build the new global environment from the previous one (corresponding to 1.7). The following example provides two simple (non exhaustive) ways.

Examples of how to upgrade the global environment from Julia 1.7.3 to 1.8.1

  • Install 1.8.1 (1.7.3 is already installed)
  • Update the executable path in the settings of VsCode (as indicated in a previous section) and re-run VsCode
  • A new directory 'v1.8' should be created under C:/Users/your_user_name/.julia/environments/. If not, create it


  • First option (safer)
    • Copy file Project.toml from C:/Users/your_user_name/.julia/environments/v1.7/ to C:/Users/your_user_name/.julia/environments/v1.8/
    • Type in Pkg REPL:
      (@v1.8) pkg> instantiate
    • This creates file Manifest.toml corresponding to the contents of Project.toml and resolves automatically eventual compatibility constraints within the new Julia version
  • Second option
    • Copy both files Project.toml and Manifest.toml from C:/Users/your_user_name/.julia/environments/v1.7/ to C:/Users/your_user_name/.julia/environments/v1.8/
    • This will define for 1.8 the same environment as under 1.7 (exactly the same package versions). Nevertheless, this does not protect against eventual compatibility problems with the use of 1.8

Other information are given here.


In a simplified way, a project is a directory and, if this directory contains files Project.toml and Manifest.toml, this is a project environment, i.e. a project with its own independant environment (installed packages).

It is recommended to create such a project environment for each new operational work. This allows to limitate the number of installed package in the specific environment and therefore the risk of eventual conflicts between packages versions.

How to open a project already existing in a given path

  • In VsCode, menu 'File' ==> 'Open Folder' or 'Open Recent'
  • Select the directory of the project
  • ==> VsCode locates in the corresponding path. This can be checked by typing in the command REPL:
    julia> pwd()
  • If files Project.toml and Manifest.toml are present in the directory, the environment of the project is loaded (if the dependent packages of this environment have never been installed, use instantiate as explained in the next section)
  • If they are not present, the folder is a simple project (not a project environment) and VsCode loads the global environment

How to install an external project environment

This section shows for instance how to install the external project environment JchemoDemo.

  • Go to this address
  • Green button 'Code' ==> Download ZIP
  • Create a working directory and your PC and unzip the zip file. A new unzipped directory is created, in this example JchemoDemo-main. The name of this new directory can be modified at will, for instance to JchemoDemo; it will be the name of the project
  • In VsCode, menu 'File' ==> Open Folder
  • Select the directory of the project JchemoDemo
  • ==> VsCode locates in the corresponding path
  • Check the dependent packages by typing in Pkg REPL:
    (JchemoDemo) pkg> status

This will print (in the REPL) the list of the dependent packages. At this step, the dependent packages are not installed yet and therefore cannot be used. To install the dependent packages, a web connection is needed. The installation is done by using function instantiate:

  • Type in Pkg REPL:
    (JchemoDemo) pkg> instantiate

This step can stay some times (do not interrupt Julia before the end). At its end, project JchemoDemo and its environment can be used.

The instantiate step needs only to be done at the first installation. For the next working sessions, how to simply open the existing project environment is described in the previous section.

How to create a project environment from scratch

An easy way is the following (many other are possible).

  • Let us assume that Julia 1.8.5 is used.
  • Create an empty directory that will receive the project (e.g. named 'StudyTrees'), for instance D:/Users/Tmp/StudyTrees/
  • In VsCode, menu 'File' ==> Open Folder
  • Select the directory D:/Users/Tmp/StudyTrees/
  • ==> VsCode locates in the corresponding path
  • Type in the Pkg REPL:
    (@v1.8) pkg> activate .

(the dot at the end of the above command means that VsCode will load the project of where VsCode locates; if the dot is removed, the command loads the global environment)

  • Install one package (any package can be chosen), for instance package StatsBase.jl, from the official Julia packages repository
    • In the Pkg REPL, type
        (StudyTrees) pkg> add StatsBase
    • This installs StatsBase.jl in the environment, and creates the corresponding files Project.toml and Manifest.toml in the StudyTree directory. The project environment StudyTrees is now created
  • To check the installed package in the project environment StudyTrees, type in Pkg REPL:
    (StudyTrees) pkg> status

General commands to activate an environment

Any project environment can be loaded using command activate in the Pkg REPL. For instance, let us assume that project environment StudyTrees already exists at location D:/Users/Tmp/StudyTrees/. Then:

  • From any path location, StudyTrees can be loaded by typing in Pkg REPL:
    (@v.1.8) pkg> activate "D:/Users/Tmp/StudyTrees"
  • or locate directly in the directory of project StudyTrees and type in Pkg REPL:
    (@v.1.8) pkg> activate .

To locate in StudyTrees directory, type in command REPL

    julia> path = "D:/Users/Tmp/StudyTrees/"
    julia> cd(path)

or locate above the directory of project StudyTrees and type in Pkg REPL:

    (@v.1.8) pkg> activate StudyTrees

To locate above StyTrees directory, type in command REPL

    julia> path = "D:/Users/Tmp/"
    julia> cd(path)

An easy way to switch from a local environment (e.g. StudyTrees) to the global environment is as follows:

  • Assume that VsCode is located at D:/Users/Tmp/StudyTrees/. In the Pkg REPL, typing
    • activate loads the global environment
    • activate . comes back to the local enviroment StudyTrees

See also (not exhaustive):


Command REPL

  • versioninfo()
  • tempdir() # Location of the default temporary directory
  • pwd()
  • readdir()
  • cd() # Locate in default
  • cd("..") # Locate above
  • cd("./StudyTrees/")
  • mkdir("dd") # create sub-directory "dd" under the active path
  • rm("dd") # remove "dd"


In a project environmenet

  • instantiate regenerates Manifest.toml from the existing Project.toml
  • status shows the installed packages
  • update updates the packages
  • gc cleans up any packages that aren’t used by any environment