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Spear is an android gradle plugin to facilitate writing Android instrumentation tests without the need to change your dagger setup. It does so by allowing

  1. Mocking dagger modules declared as kotlin objects
  2. Changing the instance returned by generated dagger Factory implementations

Spear is comprised of three parts

  1. Plugin, responsible for generating/rewriting byte code to facilitate replacing modules and instances returned by generated dagger Factory implementations
  2. Annotation processor, that generates adapter classes to replace and reset dagger modules
  3. Adapter library, containing the module adapter interface


In your project add JirPack to buildscript and project Dependencies

buildscript {
  repositories {
    maven { url '' }

allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven { url '' }

In the android modules where you wish to mock out module dependencies apply the Plugin

apply plugin: 'hu.nemi.spear'

Add processor and adapter as debug Dependencies

dependencies {
 kaptDebug "com.github.mos8502.spear:processor:<Tag>"
 debugImplementation "com.github.mos8502.spear:adapter:<Tag>"

For any module

package my.package

object MyModule {

  fun provideFoo(foo: FooImpl): Foo = foo

The processor will generate an adapter for the module

package my.package

object MyModuleAdapter {
  MyModule.replaceWith(module: MyModule) {

  MyModule.reset() {


And an adapter class for the type returned by MyModule.provideFoo

package my.package

object FooAdapter {
  var shadow: Foo?

In your test you can use the generated module adapter to replace the whole module with a mockable implementation

import my.package.MyModule
import my.package.MyModuleAdapter.replaceWith
import my.package.MyModuleAdapter.reset

import com.nhaarman.mockitokotlin2.mock

class MyTest {

  @Mock lateinit var foo: Foo

  fun setup() {
    // initialize mocks

    // replace module with mock module calling through to real methods
    MyModule replaceWith mock(defaultAnswer = CallsRealMethods())

    // return mocked foo from module

  fun teardown() {
    // reset module by replacing instance with an un mocked version

Alternatively you can use the generated dependency adapters to mock you Dependencies

import my.package.FooAdapter

import com.nhaarman.mockitokotlin2.mock

class MyTest {

  @Mock lateinit var foo: Foo

  fun setup() {
    // initialize mocks

    FooAdapter.shadow = foo

    // return mocked foo from module

  fun teardown() {
    FooAdapter.shadow = null

You can use your mocking library of choice to mock the modules or individual dependencies (the example above I have used Mockito-Kotlin)

For more details check out the sample. In order to run the sample first you need to publish all artifacts to maven local by issuing the following command

./gradlew publishToMavenLocal