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130 lines (95 loc) · 2.53 KB

File metadata and controls

130 lines (95 loc) · 2.53 KB


It's a feature-rich neovim configuration for using it as a full-featured IDE in daily coding.

niyvim01 niyvim02

⚙️ Requirements

✨ Features

  • File explorer and quick navigation
  • Beautiful UI
  • Terminal
  • Integration with git
  • Status bar
  • Fuzzy finding

🛠 Installation

Back up your current neovim configuration and clone this repository to the ~/.config/nvim directory.

git clone ~/.config/nvim

Now, you can run neovim and install required packages:


⌨️ Default Mappings


Mapping Action
jj Escape key
qq Close window
Ctrl + h Go to the left window
Ctrl + j Go to the window below
Ctrl + k Go to the window above
Ctrl + l Go to the right window
Ctrl + \ Open terminal
gcc Toggle the current line using linewise comment
Space + ? Show key binding: + ?
\a Toggle Aerial
\db Toggle database UI

File explorer

Mapping Action
Ctrl + f Open/focus file explorer
Ctrl + p Open floating window with active buffers

File navigation

Mapping Action
\fi Find files
\rg Live grep


Mapping Action
\hs Stage hunk
\hr Reset hunk
\hp Preview hunk


Mapping Action
gd Go to definition
gy Go to type definition
gi Go to implementation
gr Go to references
\rn Rename
Shift + k Show documentation
Space + l Show diagnostics
Space + f Code actions


Mapping Action
\ss Save Session
\sl Load Session


To add your custom configuration, you can put it in lua/config.lua file:

-- config.lua

niyvim = require('niyvim')

-- Custom Plugins
niyvim.plugins = {
  { 'mfussenegger/nvim-dap-python' },

-- Custom Mappings
niyvim.mappings = {
  ['<leader>df'] = {
    mode = { 'n' },
    action = '<cmd>lua require("dap-python").test_class()<cr>',
    opts = { noremap = true, silent = true },

niyvim.init = function() 
  dap_python = require('dap-python')

  dap_python.test_runner = 'pytest'

return niyvim