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344 lines (334 loc) · 16.6 KB

File metadata and controls

344 lines (334 loc) · 16.6 KB

Build Status License: GPL v3



  • this project, for the sake of simplicity - has very basic setup
  • goals of these workshop
    • introduction into
      • protocol buffers
      • grpc
    • knowledge of scala ecosystem
      • zio-grpc
      • scalaPB
  • workshop plan
    1. implement method to delete document
    2. show that streaming is working

protocol buffer

  • are a combination of
    • the definition language (created in .proto files)
    • the code that the proto compiler generates to interface with data
    • language-specific runtime libraries
    • the serialization format for data that is written to a file (or sent across a network connection)
  • are language-neutral, platform-neutral extensible mechanism for serializing structured data
  • like JSON
    • but smaller, faster, and it generates native language bindings
  • you define how you want your data to be structured
    • example
      message SearchRequest {
        string query = 1;
    • then you can use special generated source code
      • to easily write and read your structured data to and from a variety of data streams
      • and using a variety of languages
  • most often used for defining communications protocols (together with gRPC) and for data storage
  • protocol buffers mechanics
    • alt text
  • message fields types
    • .proto file
      message Example {
        string name = 1;
        optional string additionalDetails = 2;
        repeated int32 accounts = 3;
        map<string, int32> movieTicketPrice = 4;
    • then after compilation
      Example(name = "A", additionalDetails = Some("1"), accounts = List(1), movieTicketPrice = Map("1" -> 10))
    • singular
      • default field rule
      • zero or one of this field (but not more than one)
      • singular just means: not "repeated"
    • optional
      • beginning in protobuf v3.14, primitive fields can distinguish between the default value and unset value by using the optional keyword, although this is generally discouraged
      • the same as singular
        • except that you can check to see if the value was explicitly set
      • entire point is to be able to distinguish between
        • no value was specified for field Foo
        • the field Foo was explicitly assigned the value that happens to be the proto3 default
        • without optional: the above both look identical (which is to say: the field is omitted)
          • if you don't need to distinguish between those two scenarios: you don't need optional
      • in one of two possible states:
        • set = contains a value that was explicitly set or parsed from the wire
          • it will be serialized to the wire
        • unset
          • will return the default value
          • will not be serialized to the wire
    • repeated
      • can be repeated zero or more times in a well-formed message
    • map
      • paired key/value field type
  • enumerations
    enum CardinalDirection {
      WEST = 0;
    message Move {
      CardinalDirection direction = 1;
  • other message types as field types
    message SearchResponse {
      repeated Result results = 1;
    message Result {
      string url = 1;
      string title = 2;
      repeated string snippets = 3;
    • if the message is defined in another proto file, you have to use import "myproject/other_protos.proto";
  • updating messages
    • very simple to update message types without breaking any of your existing code
      • old code will read new messages without issues, ignoring any newly added fields
        • fields that were deleted will have their default value
        • deleted repeated fields will be empty
    • rule: don’t change the field numbers for any existing fields
    • fields can be removed, as long as the field number is not used again in your updated message type
      • problem: future users can reuse the field number when making their own updates to the type
        • can cause severe issues if they later load old versions of the same .proto
          • including data corruption, privacy bugs, and so on
      • advice
        • rename the field instead, perhaps adding the prefix “OBSOLETE_”
        • specify that the field numbers of your deleted fields are reserved
          message Stock {
              reserved 3, 4;
              int32 id = 1;
              string symbol = 2;
  • packages
    • prevent name clashes between protocol message types
      • classes will be placed in a namespace of the same name
    • example
      message Open { ... }
  • options
    • example - most popular ones
      option java_multiple_files = true;
      option java_package = "com.example.tutorial.protos";
      option java_outer_classname = "AddressBookProtos";
    • java_package
      • specifies in what Java package name your generated classes should live
      • default: matches the package name given by the package declaration
        • usually aren’t appropriate Java package names (they usually don’t start with a domain name)
      • even if specified - you should still define a normal package to avoid name collisions in the Protocol Buffers name space as well as in non-Java languages
    • java_outer_classname
      • defines the class name of the wrapper class which will represent this file
      • default: file name to upper camel case
        • example, my_proto.proto -> MyProto
    • java_multiple_files = true
      • enables generating a separate .java file for each generated class
      • legacy: generating a single .java file for the wrapper class, using the wrapper class as an outer class, and nesting all the other classes inside the wrapper class


  • gRPC = g Remote Procedure Call
  • overview
    • client application can directly call a method on a server application on a different machine as if it were a local object
      • making easier to create distributed applications and services
    • based around the idea of defining a service with methods, parameters and return types
      • example
        service Greeter {
          rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}
        message HelloRequest {
          string name = 1;
        message HelloReply {
          string message = 1;
      • on the server side
        • server implements this interface and runs a gRPC server to handle client calls
          • gRPC infrastructure decodes incoming requests, executes service methods, and encodes service responses
      • on the client side
        • the client has a stub (referred to as just a client in some languages) that provides the same methods as the server
          • client can then just call those methods on the local object (stub)
            • methods wrap the parameters for the call in the appropriate protocol buffer message type send the requests to the server, and return the server’s protocol buffer responses
  • gRPC library takes care of communication, marshalling, unmarshalling, and deadline enforcement
  • uses HTTP/2
    • POST method
    • response status is always 200
      • instead we have grpc-status in header to carry the result
    • http/2 multiplexing limitation
      • tcp does not have a notion about http stream, so if some package has to be resend, all other packets have to wait (even if they come from other stream)
  • data is carried using data frames
    • we have endStream flag to know if current frame is the last frame of the message
    • we have streamId to differentiate between producers (usually frames are sent using the same channel)
  • by default, gRPC uses Protocol Buffers
    • gRPC uses protocol buffer compiler protoc with a special gRPC plugin to generate code from your proto file
      • you get generated gRPC client and server code
      • as well as the regular protocol buffer code for populating, serializing, and retrieving your message types.
  • four kinds of service method:
    • Unary
      • example
        rpc SayHello(HelloRequest) returns (HelloResponse);
      • just like a normal function call
        • client sends a single request to the server and gets a single response back
    • Server streaming
      • example
        rpc LotsOfReplies(HelloRequest) returns (stream HelloResponse);
      • client sends a request to the server and gets a stream to read a sequence of messages back
        • client reads from the returned stream until there are no more messages
      • gRPC guarantees message ordering within an individual RPC call.
    • Client streaming
      • example
        rpc LotsOfGreetings(stream HelloRequest) returns (HelloResponse);
      • client writes a sequence of messages and sends them to the server (using a provided stream)
        • once the client has finished writing the messages, it waits for the server to read them and return its response
      • gRPC guarantees message ordering within an individual RPC call
    • Bidirectional streaming
      • example
        rpc BidiHello(stream HelloRequest) returns (stream HelloResponse);
      • both sides send a sequence of messages using a read-write stream
      • two streams operate independently
        • clients and servers can read and write in whatever order they like
      • order of messages in each stream is preserved.
  • status
    • predefined - canonical status used by all gRPC servers and will only rarely be added to
      OK	        0	Not an error; returned on success.
      CANCELLED	1	The operation was cancelled, typically by the caller.
      // others
    • current set of codes should be able to appropriately describe almost any application status in a generic way
    • for custom status information, use Metadata
  • both the client and server make independent and local determinations of the success of the call, and their conclusions may not match
    • RPC that finished successfully on the server side can fail on the client side
    • example: the server can send the response, but the reply can arrive at the client after their deadline has expired
  • deadlines
    • are absolute timestamps that tell our system when the response of an RPC call is no longer needed
    • is sent to the server
      • computation is automatically interrupted when the deadline is exceeded
        • client call automatically ends with a Status.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED error
    • allow gRPC clients to specify how long they are willing to wait for an RPC to complete
      • when you don't specify a deadline, client requests never timeout
  • Metadata
    • information about a particular RPC call (such as authentication details)
    • list of key-value pairs, where the keys are strings and the values are typically strings, but can be binary data


  • is a protocol buffer compiler (protoc) plugin for Scala
  • generate Scala case classes, parsers and serializers for your protocol buffers
  • will look for protocol buffer (.proto) files under src/main/protobuf
    • configurable using the Compile / PB.protoSources setting
  • running the compile command in sbt will generate Scala sources for your protos and compile them
  • configuration
    • add sbt-protoc compiler plugin and ScalaPB Protobuf plugin dependencies to the plugins.sbt file
      addSbtPlugin("com.thesamet" % "sbt-protoc" % "1.0.6")
      libraryDependencies ++= Seq("com.thesamet.scalapb" %% "compilerplugin" % "0.11.13")
      • sbt-protoc plugin used protoc to generate code from Protobuf files
    • build.sbt needs to define the instructions to compile Protobuf definitions into Scala codes
      • compiles protobuf to scala code
          PB.targets in Compile := Seq(
            scalapb.gen() -> (sourceManaged in Compile).value
      • libs
        libraryDependencies ++= {
            "io.grpc"                         % "grpc-netty"                      % com.trueaccord.scalapb.compiler.Version.grpcJavaVersion,
            "com.trueaccord.scalapb"          %% "scalapb-runtime"                % com.trueaccord.scalapb.compiler.Version.scalapbVersion % "protobuf",


  • lets you write purely functional gRPC servers and clients
  • supports all types of RPCs (unary, client streaming, server streaming, bidirectional)
  • easily cancel RPCs by calling interrupt on the effect
    • server will immediately abort execution
  • generates code into the same Scala package that ScalaPB uses
  • easy request cancellations via fiber interrupts
  • Context = Headers (Metadata)
  • configuration
    • set up the ScalaPB code generator alongside the ZIO gRPC code generator
    • plugins.sbt = ScalaPB config plus zio-grpc-codegen lib
      libraryDependencies +=
        "com.thesamet.scalapb.zio-grpc" %% "zio-grpc-codegen" % version
    • build.sbt = ScalaPB config plus ZIO code gen step
      scalapb.zio_grpc.ZioCodeGenerator -> (sourceManaged in Compile).value / "scalapb"
  • SBT plugin named sbt-protoc invokes two code generators
    • first: ScalaPB
      • generates case classes for all messages and some gRPC-related code that ZIO-gRPC interfaces with
    • second: ZIO gRPC code generator
      • generates a ZIO interface to your service
        • example: contains ZIO accessor methods that clients can use to talk to a RouteGuide server
  • starting the server
    • ServerMain trait
      • used for simple applications
        • override the port (default is 9000)
        • override def services to return a ServiceList that contains our service
      • more control => take a look at the source code of ServerMain and customize
  • instantiating a client
    • use to create a ZLayer that can be used to provide a client
      • ZManagedChannel represent a virtual connection to a conceptual endpoint to perform RPCs
        • channel can have many actual connection to the endpoint
        • it is very common to have a single service client for each RPC service you need to connect to