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MLOps - Bringing ideas to production 🚀
## MLOps

[MLOops]{v-mark.crossed-off=1} to MLOps

Bringing ideas to production 🚀

March 15th, 2024

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About me

  • 🇧🇷 → 🇧🇪: Brazilian @ Belgium
  • 🤓 B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering @PNW
  • 👨‍🎓 M.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence @KUL
  • Professional Data & ML Engineer
  • Machine Learning Specialty
  • Terraform Associate
  • DAG Authoring & Airflow
  • SnowPro Core
  • Prefect Associate
  • 🤪 Fun facts: 🐍, 🦀, 🐓
  • 🫂 Python User Group Belgium
  • 📣 Confs: 🇯🇵, 🇵🇱, 🇮🇪, 🇵🇹, 🇪🇸, 🇸🇪
  • 🎙️ Datatopics Unplugged Podcast
  • 🤖 Tech lead AI @
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I have worked on different [Data/AI projects]{.gradient-text}


  • Events company 📣
  • No show prediction 🫥
  • Record deduplication 👯‍♀️
  • Recommend visitors and exhibitors 🤝
  • PoC MVP Production 🚀


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From the [prototyping]{.gradient-text} side...



  • Content moderation @ social media company 🤬
  • NER @ clinical studies 🔎
  • Q&A chatbots @ automotive industry 🏎️
  • Energy consumption forecasting @ public sector 📈
  • Network analysis @ accounting company 🕸️

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  • Finacial sector 💰
  • Early customer lifetime value 🤑
  • Pipeline migrations 🧑‍🔧
  • Churn prediction 🫠


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Why am I [here]{.gradient-text}?

" To help us understand what it takes for a machine learning project takes to go from [idea to production]{}, looking closely at the differences between [machine learning]{.gradient-text} and [operations]{.gradient-text} "

Use case: [content moderation]{.gradient-text}

“pixel art angry face with symbols on mouth censoring profanity” - DALL·E 2

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What is [content moderation]{.gradient-text}?


  • You're the CEO of 10gag ( congrats! 🎉 )
    • (Like 9gag, but better)
  • Things haven't been so good lately 🫣
  • You have some trolls leaving nasty comments 🤬
  • You have an idea! 💡
    • You can probably detect these comments, and remove them from the platform
    • How well can we identify these comments using machine learning?


{.rounded-lg .shadow-lg .scale-80}

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So you get to [work]{.gradient-text}...


{ v-click}


{.rounded .shadow-xl .object-contain v-click}

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ML [Deployment]{.gradient-text}

(Congrats! 🎉 Many projects don't get this far)

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What does it [mean]{.gradient-text}?

We are getting [value]{v-mark.highlight.yellow=1} from our models

How do we go about for [content moderation]{.gradient-text}? How are we using the model?


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{.h-60 .w-60 .object-cover .rounded-xl .shadow}

Batch vs. real time


Batch 🍪

$\approx$ scheduled

  1. Accumulate predictions and run them together
  2. Schedule runs every hour/day/week/month
  3. Write the predictions to a table to a dashboard



Real time 👟

$\approx$ event-driven

  1. User does something
  2. This "something" triggers a (REST) API call
  3. Call return results/action

{.rounded-lg .shadow}


When should we choose one over the other?

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Hacker News content moderation in action 🚀

(Simplified) batch deployment demo

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The [tech]{.gradient-text} 🧱

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[Real time]{.gradient-text} deployments 🚀

And the problem of [latency]{}

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Real time applications

[Serving]{.gradient-text} models



flowchart LR
  subgraph API
  	direction TB
  	cloud("☁️") <--> phone("📱")
  API --> batch("🍪")
  API --> realtime("👟")

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ML in production

Serving (API)

<iframe src="" p-5 w-full h-105/>

The problem of latency

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Why latency?

compute available ⚖️ compute required



  • Compute
  • Complexity
  • Size



  • Cold starts
  • Network
  • IO


graph LR
    bread("🥖") <--> bike("🚴‍♀️") <--> person("🥸")

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What is latency?

“Latency is a [measurement]{"'+1'"} in Machine Learning to determine the performance of various models for a specific application. Latency refers to the [time taken to process one unit of data provided only one unit of data is processed at a time]{v-mark="{type:'highlight', color:'yellow', multiline:true, at:'+1'}"}.”

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Latency [in action]{.gradient-text}



  • Prompts:
    • Generate a list of the 10 most beautiful cities in the world.
    • How can I tell apart female and male red cardinals?
├── ...
├── common
│   ├──
│   └──
├── pyproject.toml
└── scripts


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Latency [in action]{.gradient-text}

<iframe src="" p-5 w-full h-105/>

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Latency - what can we do about it?




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Each scaling strategies has its [trade offs]{.gradient-text}


  • Cloud makes it easy to scale vertically
  • Higher overhead to manage clusters (horizontal scaling)
  • Vertical scaling has limits
  • [Serverless machines]{.gradient-text.font-bold} can help optimize costs
  • Horizontal scaling can be autoscaled
  • Both may be cost efficient, depending on the setup



[What's the main cause of your latency?]{v-mark="{type:'highlight', color:'yellow', multiline:true, at:'+0'}"}

<style> li { margin-top: 0 !important; } </style>

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Scaling [in action]{.gradient-text}

<iframe src="" p-5 w-full h-105/>

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Latency [solved]{.gradient-text}?



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Instead of growing, we can [shrink]{.gradient-text}


<iframe bg-slate-50 p-2 w-full h-60 rounded shadow src="" />


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Quantization [in action]{.gradient-text}

<iframe src="" p-5 w-full h-115/>

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Scaling is not always possible on [the edge]{.gradient-text}

“Edge machine learning (edge ML) is the process of running machine learning algorithms on computing devices [at the periphery of a network]{v-mark="{type:'highlight', color:'yellow', multiline:true, at:'+1'}"} to make decisions and predictions as close as possible to the originating source of data.”

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For limited resources and extremely low latencies, you may need to [look outside ML]{.gradient-text}


<iframe w-full h-85 rounded shadow src="" />


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[Real time]{.gradient-text} use cases

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Auto-en-joker @ dataroots

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Auto-en-joker @ dataroots

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Edge defect detection @ chip manufacturer



flowchart LR
  	camera("📸") --> ruler("📐")
    ruler --> pos("👍")
    ruler --> neg("👎")
    neg --> brain("🧠")
    brain --> _pos("👍")
    brain --> _neg1("👎")

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Why MLOps?

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So you have a [model]{.gradient-text}...


{.rounded .shadow-xl .object-contain v-click=1}


👨‍💼 "How long will it take to go though 100 posts? How can we make it faster?"

👷‍♀️ "How can we make sure the model scales?"

👷‍♂️ "What packages did you use?"

😡 "Why is it removing my posts?"

👩‍🔬 "What models did you already try?"

🕵️ "What data was used to train this model?"


[MLOps decreases the burden of deploying ML systems by establishing best practices]{v-mark.highlight.yellow=8}

Real life [testimonials]{.gradient-text}

“At this point, everybody does what they like, there is [little to no standardisation]{}. Since there are little to [no best practices]{}, the current platform contains the largest common denominator of a lot of heterogeneous projects. This causes a lot of [burden in maintaining]{} these projects”

“For quite some time, the focus was on more traditional Business Intelligence and Data Engineering. More recently we have seen the focus shifted more towards Advanced Analytics in the form of some scattered initiatives and products, which in turn lead to [little success]{v-mark.highlight.yellow=2} on these.”

“While I love our Data Science team, the [code they write is not at all up to standards]{} in comparison to what we normally push into production. This puts a [heavy burden]{} on the Data Engineering team to [rewrite and refactor]{v-mark.highlight.yellow=3} this. At the same time the Data Science team is often [unhappy]{}, because this refactoring process tends to introduce [mistakes or misunderstandings]{v-mark.highlight.cyan=3}.”

When we talk MLOps we often talk deployment and/or [deployed models]{.gradient-text}

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layout: cover title: What is MLOps?

What is [ML]{}[Ops]{}?

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What's in the [name]{.gradient-text}?


Machine learning 🧠

  • Experimentation
  • Data exploration
  • Modelling
  • Hyperparameter tuning
  • Evaluation


Operations ⚙️

  • Infrastructure
  • Scalability
  • Reproducibility
  • Monitoring/Alerting
  • Automation


[✨ MLOps ✨]{.flex .justify-center .'-mt-20' v-click}

DevOps vs. [MLOps]{.gradient-text}



  • Iterative-Incremental Development
  • [Automation]{"'+1'"}
  • [Continuous Deployment]{"'+1'"}
  • [Versioning]{"'+1'"}
  • [Testing]{"'+1'"}
  • [Reproducibility]{"'+1'""'+2'"}
  • Monitoring


vs. DevOps

+ Model

+ Features

+ Data

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DevOps vs. [MLOps]{.gradient-text}

{.rounded .shadow .bg-blue .scale-50 v-click .'-mt-20' .'-mb-25'}

"[...] By codifying these practices, we hope to accelerate the adoption of ML/AI in software systems and fast delivery of intelligent software. In the following, we describe a set of important concepts in MLOps such as [Iterative-Incremental Development, Automation, Continuous Deployment, Versioning, Testing, Reproducibility, and Monitoring]{v-mark="{type:'highlight', color:'yellow', multiline:true, at:2}"}."

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So... what is it?

“The [level]{} of automation of these steps defines the maturity of the ML process, which [reflects the velocity of training new models given new data or training new models given new implementations]{v-mark="{type:'highlight', color:'yellow', multiline:true, at:2}"}. The following sections describe three levels of MLOps, starting from the most common level, which involves no automation, up to automating both ML and CI/CD pipelines.”

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(MLOps in theory vs. [practice]{.gradient-text})

[> “In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not.” - Einstein]{v-click}

<iframe src="" w-full h-95 rounded shadow-lg v-click/>

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Pop Quiz 💥

For each of these challenges, which ones are related to [ML]{} or [Ops]{v-mark.highlight.cyan=1} ?


  • [Models and experiments are not properly tracked]{v-mark.highlight.cyan=2}
  • [Model decay]{}
  • [Changing business objectives]{}
  • [Models monitoring and (re)trainining]{v-mark.highlight.cyan=5}
  • [Data quality]{}
  • [Consistent project structure]{v-mark.highlight.cyan=7}
  • [Data availability]{}


  • [Code and dependencies tracking]{v-mark.highlight.cyan=9}
  • [Auditability and regulations - reproducibility and explainability]{v-mark.highlight.cyan=10}
  • [Wrong initial assumptions (problem definition)]{}
  • [Locality of the data (distributional shift)]{}
  • [Recreate model artifacts]{v-mark.highlight.cyan=13}
  • [Deploy model systems(not just one off solutions)]{v-mark.highlight.cyan=14}

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MLOps Illustrated

ML Lifecyle Recap

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ML lifecycle & development (simplified)

```mermaid %%{init: {"flowchart": {"htmlLabels": false}} }%% flowchart LR idea["`💡 Idea`"] poc["`Proof-of-Concept 🤖`"] mvp["`Minimal Viable Product 🦴`"] prod["`Iterate 🚀`"]
idea --> poc --> mvp --> prod

%%{init: {"flowchart": {"htmlLabels": false}} }%%
flowchart LR
    eda["`Exploratory Data Analysis 🔎`"]
    model["`Modeling 📦`"]
    eval["`Evaluation ⚖️`"]
    deploy["`Deployment 🏗️`"]
    monitor["`Monitoring 👀`"]
    eval .-> model
    eval .-> eda    
    eda --> model --> eval --> deploy --> monitor

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MLOps [Illustrated]{.gradient-text}


  • Data versioning 🚀
    • Reproducing models and scores
  • Feature engineering 📦
    • Version code + artifacts
  • Model training 🌱
    • Track experiments (models hyperparameters, etc.)
    • Use seeds
  • Quality assurance 🔍
    • Unit/integration tests
    • Statistical tests
    • Stability tests
    • GenAI tests? - Validation, self reflection, etc.
  • Prepare for deployment 🏗️
    • Packaging and containerizing!




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  • How to deploy models depends on whether you have a [batch or real time]{} use case
  • It's important to minimize [latency]{v-mark="{at:2, color:'red', brackets:['bottom'], type: 'bracket'}"} in real time use cases
  • Latency can be reduced by [scaling resources or reducing computational needs]{v-mark.highlight.yellow=3}
  • MLOps is a [set of principles]{} reduces the burden of deploying and maintaining models
  • Unless you're doing research, the [value]{} of models only come after they have been [deployed]{}


[As ML gets easier and easier to do, MLOps and software engineering skills becomes increasingly important]{.gradient-text}

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