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Convert Tabs

Implement the missing code, denoted by ellipses. You may not modify the pre-existing code.

You found an awesome customizable Python IDE that has almost everything you'd like to see in your working environment. However, after a couple days of coding you discover that there is one important feature that this IDE lacks: it cannot convert tabs to spaces. Luckily, the IDE is easily customizable, so you decide to write a plugin that would convert all tabs in the code into the given number of whitespace characters.

Implement a function that, given a piece of code and a positive integer x will turn each tabulation character in code into x whitespace characters.


For code = "\treturn False" and x = 4, the output should be

solution(code, x) = "    return False"


  • [execution time limit] 4 seconds (py3)

  • [input] string code

    Your piece of code.

    Guaranteed constraints:
    0 ≤ code.length ≤ 1500.

  • [input] integer x

    The number of whitespace characters (' ') that should replace each occurrence of the tabulation character ('\t').

    Guaranteed constraints:
    1 ≤ x ≤ 16.

  • [output] string

    The given code with tabulation characters expanded according to x.

--- ## Solution
def solution(code, x):
    return code.replace('\t',' '*x)

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