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Architecture II 2014, Coursework 1

Goals of this coursework

There are three central aims of this coursework:

  • Solidify your understanding of how an instruction processor actually functions. The overall functionality of how a processor works is relatively easy to grasp, but there is lots of interesting detail which gives you a lot of insight (both into CPUs, but also into software and digital design).

  • Understand the importance of having good specifications, in terms of functionality, APIs, and requirements. This is fundamental to CPU design and implementation, but is also true in the wider world (again) of software and digital design.

  • Develop your skills in coding from scratch. There is not much scaffolding here, I am genuinely asking you to create your own CPU simulator from scratch.

Coursework Deliverables

There are two C/C++ components to this coursework:

1 - Create a MIPS software simulator

2 - Develop a test suite for your MIPs simulator

The API for the simulator is given as a bare C header file, defining the functions and data-types involved, along with a functional specification of what a simulator should do. The API acts as the interface between your simulator and your test-suite, and indeed any simulator and test-suite.

Your submitted code will consist of a zip file (or .tar.gz, if you are that way inclined), containing the original directory structure and files, as well as the files that you have contributed. The two key things you will be adding are:

  • src/<your_login>/mips_cpu.c or mips_cpu.cpp

  • src/<your_login>/test_mips.c or test_mips.cpp

The first part is the implementation of a mips simulator, and is essentially a library that implements the api found in include/mips_cpu.h. You can use C or C++, either is fine. If you want to split into multiple files, then feel free to do so - anything which matches the pattern src/<your_login>/mips_cpu_.c or src/<your_login>/mips_cpu_.cpp will also get compiled into your library.

The second part is the test suite which will drive your simulator and make it do things. This is a C or C++ program (so it will have a main function), and should be either src/<your_login>/test_mips.c or src/<your_login>/test_mips.cpp. Again, if you want to split into multiple files, anything that matches the pattern src/<your_login>/test_mips_.c or src/<your_login>/test_mips_.cpp will get compiled into your program.

You can also add your own private header files (generally a good idea), which should be part of the submitted zip file, but they don't need to follow any specific pattern. However, they should be completely located within the src/<your_login> directory or a sub-directory of it. Note that your simulator and your test suite are two different components, so do not rely on the specific behaviour of your simulator, it should work with any simulator that follows the API.

The directory structure should look like:

.  # This document
| |
| +-mips.h
| +-mips_*.h  #Other mips headers
| |
| +-shared
| | | 
| | +-mips_mem_ram.cpp
| | +-mips_test_framework.cpp
| |
| +-<your_login> # This is your private folder
|   |
|   +-mips_cpu.c or mips_cpu.cpp
|   +-mips_cpu_*.c or mips_cpu_*.cpp (if you want them)
|   |
|   +-test_mips.c or test_mips.cpp
|   +-test_mips_*.c or test_mips_*.cpp (if you want them)
|   |
|   +-(anything else you want, e.g. headers, docs)
+-fragments # Some very simple examples of C, assembly, and binary code
+-(anything else you want, but it won't be available in the environment)

I accept that it is a bit painful making sure you get exactly the right base directory in a zip, so during assesment I will go looking for mips.h, and will use that to anchor the rest of the directory tree.

Your submitted code will need to work within the compilation environment specified later on (another part of the specification). The file names and structure must match those mandated here.

If you're wondering why I'm being so prescriptive about this, it is because I've already done all your marking, which required me to know what your submission looks like and what I can do with it. The given structure allows me to know exactly what your code needs in order to compile (I need to tell the compiler which source files to link together), and when I want to move implementations around I need to know what is important (so stuff in src/<your_login>.

Assessment criterion

This is an exercise in both implementing specifications, and in testing specifications, so the assessment is weighted as follows:

  • 20% Compilation and robustness: How much (manual) work was needed to make the submission compile in the target environment and run without crashing? The expectation is that everyone can get full marks here.

  • 50% Functionality: What proportion of the CPU simulator's functions operate correctly? It is unlikely that many submissions will get all instructions working perfectly, but there is a core subset that everyone will be able to get fully working, a larger set that most people will be able to get partially working, and some instructions that are really quite difficult to get right and many people won't attempt. Some hints on that will apear later.

  • 30% Testing: What proportion of the CPU simulator is exercised and tested by the submitted test suite? So if an instruction is implemented, is it a) exercised, and b) is the result checked. You can still get a decent mark here even if you have a small number of instructions implemented, as long as they are tested well.

  • (10%) Bug reports: This specification will not be perfect, and I welcome bug reports. Things like spelling mistakes are welcome, but not especially valuable. What is important are points of genuine ambiguity, or errors of implementation in the code spec. Bug reports should identify both the problem, and how to reproduce it, and particularly welcome are bug reports with suggested fixes. Note that "I don't know what to do" or "my program crashes" or "this is too hard" are not bugs, they need to be errors in the specification.

Except for the marks for compilation (where everyone should really get full marks, but is down to me assessing how much manual work I needed to put in) and bug reports (which are subjective and more rare) the assesment is entirely quantitative and metric based.

There are two submission deadlines, one soft, one hard:

  • Friday 24th October: deadline for formative (ungraded) assesment. If you submit a version by this deadline, it will be put through a large subset of the assessment. The results (but not a grade), will be returned on Monday 27th. Submission is not required, but is obviously encouraged.

  • Friday 31st October: deadline for summative (graded) assesment. Whether or not you submitted for the previous deadline, everyone must submit for this deadline. This will be the part which results in the grade for this coursework.

The idea of the first deadline is for you to test whatever you have working. You might only have one or two instructions working at that point, which is fine. Submit that, and it will give you some confidence that the way you are doing things is correct.

Managing expectations

You may think that it is always possible to get 90-100% in coursework if you just work hard enough. That is not true here, and will usually not be true in your future courseworks. The grade distribution for this coursework should be roughly the same as exam grade distributions, and certainly was last year. So 70% is a good mark, 80%+ is a great mark, and anything above 60% shows that you're doing ok.

Some students will have more programming experience, and so will find this exercise easier, and may well end up with a higher grade. That's life I'm afraid, just like some people turned up last year knowing more of the maths curriculum. This mark goes into Computing Lab, which is intended to encourage and recognise ability in the practical application of programming and computing concepts. For those students who are less experienced in programming this kind of exercise is much more valuable, and they will get more out of it. But everyone, no matter their programming ability, should find it helps clarify their current understanding of instruction processors, and supports their learning through the rest of this module.

Guidance on instructions

We are going to look at the MIPS-1 (or MIPS-I) instruction set, in big endian mode. There are 47 instructions eligible for implementation, as certain instructions such as SYSCALL are too complex to handle here. The following table gives the mnemonics, the description, and a rough guide to how complex they are. Note that the complexity is based on both how easy it is to implement the base functionality, but also how easy it is to deal with, and try to test, corner cases.

Code  |   Meaning                                 | Complexity  
ADD   |  Add (with overflow)                      | 2  XX       
ADDI  |  Add immediate (with overflow)            | 2  XX       
ADDIU |  Add immediate unsigned (no overflow)     | 2  XX       
ADDU  |  Add unsigned (no overflow)               | 1  X        
AND   |  Bitwise and                              | 1  X         
ANDI  |  Bitwise and immediate                    | 2  XX       
BEQ   |  Branch on equal                          | 3  XXX      
BGEZ  |  Branch on greater than or equal to zero  | 3  XXX      
BGEZAL|  Branch on greater >=0 zero and link      | 4  XXXX     
BGTZ  |  Branch on greater than zero              | 3  XXX      
BLEZ  |  Branch on less than or equal to zero     | 3  XXX      
BLTZ  |  Branch on less than zero                 | 3  XXX      
BLTZAL|  Branch on less than zero and link        | 4  XXXX     
BNE   |  Branch on not equal                      | 3  XXX      
DIV   |  Divide                                   | 4  XXXX     
DIVU  |  Divide unsigned                          | 3  XXX     
J     |  Jump                                     | 3  XXX      
JAL   |  Jump and link                            | 3  XXXX     
JR    |  Jump register                            | 3  XXX      
LB    |  Load byte                                | 4  XXX       
LBU   |  Load byte unsigned                       | 3  XXX      
LUI   |  Load upper immediate                     | 2  XX       
LW    |  Load word                                | 2  XX       
LWL   |  Load word left                           | 5  XXXXX    
LWR   |  Load word right                          | 5  XXXXX    
MFHI  |  Move from HI                             | 3  XXX
MFLO  |  Move from LO                             | 3  XXX     
MULT  |  Multiply                                 | 4  XXXX     
MULTU |  Multiply unsigned                        | 3  XXX     
OR    |  Bitwise or                               | 1  X        
ORI   |  Bitwise or immediate                     | 2  XX       
SB    |  Store byte                               | 3  XXX      
SH    |  Store half-word                          | 3  XXX      
SLL   |  Shift left logical                       | 2  XX       
SLLV  |  Shift left logical variable              | 3  XX       
SLT   |  Set on less than (signed)                | 2  XX       
SLTI  |  Set on less than immediate (signed)      | 3  XXX       
SLTIU |  Set on less than immediate unsigned      | 3  XXX      
SLTU  |  Set on less than unsigned                | 1  X        
SRA   |  Shift right arithmetic                   | 2  XX       
SRL   |  Shift right logical                      | 2  XX       
SRLV  |  Shift right logical variable             | 2  XX       
SUB   |  Subtract                                 | 2  XX       
SUBU  |  Subtract unsigned                        | 1  X        
SW    |  Store word                               | 2  XX       
XOR   |  Bitwise exclusive or                     | 1  X        
XORI  |  Bitwise exclusive or immediate           | 2  XX       

This is not quite an exhaustive list of MIPS-1 instructions (as was originally sort of implied). Some were deliberately left out for teaching purposes, while others are not as important and tend to penalise people for making the same mistakes in multiple places.

There are many instructions, but there is a lot of commonality between some instructions. Think about the underlying digital data-path in a real processor, and use that to identify where there are similarities.

I would expect most people to be able to implement and test all the 1s and 2s fairly easily. Implementing the 3s is not so difficult, but testing them can be more complex. The 4s are doable, but have some complexity in implementation and testing. Implementing the 5s correctly is really quite challenging.

Getting Started

Read this document

You have got to this point already. If you skipped to here, go back and read the entire thing again.

Get the source code

You can get the source code either by:

1 - Downloading the zip file (see the link on the right hand side), which gives you a snapshot of the files in the repository.

2 - Cloning the source code to your local directory, keeping the git information intact. You don't need a github account to do this, and your repository will be private.

3 - Fork the code into your own repository. This assumes that you have your own account, and presumably the ability to keep that repository private. See the Student Pack if you're interested in that direction.

While it is not required, I would highly recommend that you try option 2 (I will use this route in class). It is good to get some experience of how source control works, and acting as a consumer is a good way of understanding what is going on. There are a number of GUI tools available which make things easier:

  • The github GUI is available for Windows, Mac.

  • There are third party GUI tools like TortoiseGIT

  • There is a default GUI called git gui from the main git people, that should be cross platform.

  • Or you can just use the command line. If you are only using git to get and update the code, then "git clone" and "git pull" are easy to use.

The submission itself is through blackboard as a zip, so there is no requirement to use git. Even if I update the repository, you can still just download the zip again and copy your current work in - it is deliberately designed so that copying your src/ directory into the updated source code will work.

Read the source code

The source code is part of the specification, and is heavily documented (it is much more important to document APIs than it is to document implementation). Suggested reading order is:

  • include/mips.h
  • include/mips_mem.h
  • include/mips_cpu.h
  • include/mips_test.h

Optional : The comments follow the format for a well-known tool called doxygen. If you apply doxygen to the file doc/mips.doygen, then it will generate some nice html formatted API documentation for you.

Check you understand MIPS

The ISA we are using is a subset of the MIPS-1 (or MIPS-I) instruction set in big endian mode. There is a lot of discussion of MIPS in the course text book, and the MIPS specification itself is available online, for example: There are multiple revisions or extensions of the instruction set, so rememer that we are only considering MIPS-1.

I think this is quite a nice break-down of the instructions, but be careful about the details:

Try to work out what you are supposed to do

Try putting in the two source files that you know you need to create, and see how far you can get.

Come to the lecture on Monday

We'll be talking a lot more about the coursework.

BUT - if you haven't done these steps already, you may find it difficult to follow what is going on.