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04 Operation Specification and State

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COM00144M Software Engineering

Week 4 - Operation Specification and State Machines

4.0 Table of Contents

4.1 Learning Objectives

  • MLO1 - Specify constraints and operations for a class diagram using OCL
  • MLO1 - Model state-related behaviour using state machines

4.2 Summary

Accurate requirement models are needed before we move onto design.

OCL formally specifies the constraints and operations that cannot be expressed clearly in a UML model. It is considered side-effect free as it cannot change anything in the model.

For heavy messaging classes, UML state diagrams can outline their behaviour. This could be a behaviour, lifecycle, or hybrid approach.

4.3 Operation Specification

4.3.0 Reading

  • Required: Chapter 10, Object Oriented Systems Analysis And Design, Bennett
  • Extension: none

4.3.1 Operation Specification

Before proceeding to design, a stabilised class diagram needs the operations to be specified by:

  • Completing the signature of the operations
  • Identifying what the operation intends to do, using operation specifications

Operation specifications describe the detailed behaviour of an operation. They:

  • Allow a user to confirm the correctness of the proposed behaviour
  • Guide a programmer in the appropriate implementation of the operation

Operations are defined primarily in terms of the services they deliver and inputs they receive. This is known as specification by contract and is like real world contractual agreements.

  • Focus is on what the operation should achieve: black box, ie irrelevant details hidden
  • This is different to focusing on how the operation should work: white box
  • Typically, they are written as pre and post condition pairs

Operational Logic:

Logic of an operations can be described using algorithmic or non-algorithmic approaches.

  • Non-algorithmic approaches concentrate on describing the logic as a black box, hiding the details of the implementation
  • Algorithmic approaches describe the internal logic of a process, specifying the sequence of steps which are performed

In object-oriented programming, non-algorithmic approaches are preferred because:

  • Only programmers responsible for a class need to focus on its internal implementation
  • Even distribution of effort across classes should result in small, simple classes

Algorithmic approaches use activity diagrams, pseudocode, or structured English to describe internal logic.

Non-algorithmic approaches may use methods such as decision tables and pre and post conditions.

Decision Tables:

A decision table is a matrix that shows the conditions under which actions are taken. They work best when different combinations of inputs can produce multiple alternate outcomes.

Decision tables

Pre and Post Conditions:

Pre and post conditions answer the following questions:

  • What conditions must be satisfied for an operation to execute?
  • What is the result of the operation completing?

4.4 Object Constraint Language

4.4.0 Reading

4.4.1 OCL Keywords

Natural language is expressive but suffers from ambiguities due to interpretation.

Object Constraint Language (OCL) provides a language where all constructs have precise and defined meaning. This avoids issues with natural language expression and constraints difficult to diagram.

The specification for OCL 2.4 can be found here.

Mutation operations are not used in OCL as it is side effect free and cannot change anything in the model.

Context (context) defines the domain within which the expression is valid.

  • context Customer

Invariants (inv) are properties which are always true. The context is usually a class.

  • context Customer inv: age >=18

Pre and post conditions (pre, post) . The context is always an operation.

  • context Account::withdraw(amount:Integer) pre: amount > 0 and balance-amount >= odLimit and accessor = holder post: balance = balance@pre-amount

Self (self) is used to refer the context object if there is the possibility of confusion across classes.

  • context Customer inv: self.age >= 18

Result (result) is like the return statement in Java: it indicates the value returned from an operation.

  • context: Account::balanceEnquiry():Integer pre: accessor = holder post: result = balance


OCL supports four basic data types each with valid operations:

  • Real: + - * / >= <= > <
  • Integer: + - * / >= <= > <
  • String: size() this returns the number of characters in the string
  • Boolean: and or not implies if then else endif


OCL also offers collection data types (set, orderedset, bag, sequence) and valid operations:

  • size(): integer
  • isEmpty(), notEmpty
  • sum()
  • count(object): integer
  • includes(object): Boolean
  • excludes(object): Boolean
  • including(object): collection
  • excluding(objects): collection
  • select(condition): collection
  • exists(condition), forAll(condition): Boolean

Operations on collections are indicated using arrow notation (->).

  • Context Customer Inv: self.heldAccount->size() <= 5


The object type can be checked through the oclIsTypeOf operation.

  • context Customer inv: self.oclIsTypeOf(Customer)

4.5 State Machines

4.5.0 Reading

  • Required: Chapter 11, Object Oriented Systems Analysis And Design, Bennett
  • Extension: State Machine Tutorial, Visual Paradigm

4.5.1 State Machine Notation

All objects have a state. For example, a library book may have both a checked out and available state.

**State related behaviour **results in the same object behaving differently depending on its state.

A state machine therefore is a depiction of all the possible lifecycles that single class might follow:

  • An object must immediately move from the initial pseudostate to a named state
  • An object cannot leave the final state once it has been entered
  • All other states are shown as rounded rectangular boxes with meaningful labels

State machine


Transitions between states are triggered by one of four types:

  • Boolean **change triggers **
  • A call trigger (synchronus) or signal trigger (asynchronous)
  • Time needed to pass for a relative time trigger should be in brackets
  • Guard conditions can be added to annotations and are indicated by square brackets
  • Actions caused by the trigger such as sending signals are indicated by /

State transition

Internal States:

Internal state activities are not associated with transitions, but it can be useful to model internal activities associated with the state. The state rectangle is divided into two or three components:

  • Entry, Exit and Do are reserved keywords
  • Note that Entry and Exit cannot have guard conditions as they are always invoked
  • Internal transitions do not invoke exit and entry actions

Internal activities

4.5.2 Advanced Notations

In a composite state the rectangle becomes its own state diagram, to allow modelling of substates.

Composite state

Concurrent states contain multiple independent substates that may run and complete at different times:

Concurrent states

Synchronised concurrent states use forks and joins to create parallel nested submachines:

  • A fork will create a pseudostate, splitting progression into a concurrent substate
  • This state will not be exited until both complete and merge at the join pseudostate

Synchronised concurrent states

4.5.3 Preparing State Machines

In a behavioural approach, events are collected from all interaction diagrams. A first draft will show actions designed to respond to the events, which will correspond to the operations needed to be coded.

A **lifecycle approach **is less formal and does not consider interaction diagrams but instead works directly from use cases. It considers the lifecycles of objects of each class.

A combination of both approaches is usually recommended, as each informs the other.