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Computer Aided Verification


  • Modelling sequential and parallel systems
    • Labeled transition systems (LTS)
    • Parallel computation
  • Temporal logic
    • LTL, CTL, CTL*
  • Model checking
    • CTL model checking algorithms
    • Automata-theoretic model checking (LTL)
  • Verification tools (SPIN)
    • Not on exam
  • Advanced verification techniques
    • Bounded model checking

Labeled Transition Systems (LTSs)

  • A tuple (S, Act, →, I, AP, L) where
    • S is a set of states
    • Act is a set of actions
    • → ⊆ S x Act x S is a transition relation
      • Given a state, if we perform this action, what state do we end up in?
    • I ⊆ S is a set of initial states
    • AP is a set of atomic propositions
      • Possible labels for a state
    • L : S → 2^AP is a labelling function
      • Given a state, what labels are active for it?
  • A LTS is finite iff S, Act, and AP are finite
  • This module mostly assumes finite LTSs


  • s -α-> s' iff (s, α, s) ∈ →
  • Direct successors:
    • Post(s, α) = {s' ∈ S | s -α-> s'}
    • Post(s) = union(Post(a, α) for α in Act)
  • Direct predecessors:
    • Pre(s, α) = {s' ∈ S | s' -α-> s}
    • Pre(s) = union(Pre(a, α) for α in Act)
  • Terminal states
    • s ∈ S is terminal iff Post(s) = ø
    • This means no outgoing transitions


  • Sequence of alternating states and actions
    • i.e. s₀α₀s₁α₁s₂α₂... such that sᵢ -αᵢ-> sᵢ₋₁
  • A finite path is a finite prefix of an infinite path
  • Reachability
    • s' ∈ S is reachable from s ∈ S iff there is a finite path from s to s'
    • s ∈ S is a reachable state iff it is reachable from some s₀ ∈ I


  • Outcome of event is not known in advance
  • e.g. 10% likelihood a message send fails
  • Can resemble an abstraction of a system
  • Can resemble interaction with another system (e.g. a human)

Concurrency - Asynchronous

  • We can model two LTSs working in parallel
  • If M₁, M₂ are LTSs, to asynchronously combine them, we write M₁ ||| M₂
  • Each transition becomes whether M₁ or M₂ is moved forward one step
  • Typically the actions/progressions are written as α, β
  • Formally
    • M₁, M₂ are LTSs
      • Mᵢ = (Sᵢ, Actᵢ, →ᵢ, Iᵢ, APᵢ, Lᵢ) for i = [1, 2]
    • M₁ ||| M₂ = (S₁ x S₂, Act₁ ∪ Act₂, →', I₁ x I₂, AP₁ ∪ AP₂, L') where
      • L'((s₁, s₂)) = L₁(s₁) ∪ L₂(s₂)
      • if (s₁, α₁, s₁') ∈ →₁ then ((s₁, s₂), α₁, (s₁', s₂')) ∈ →' for all s₁ ∈ S₂, s₂ ∈ S₂ (and vice versa)

Concurrency - Synchronous

  • Written as M₁ ||ₕ M₂
    • Where h ⊆ Act is a set of handshake actions
  • Synchronise only on actions in h
  • Formally
    • Same as asynchronous, except from →'
    • if (s₁, α, s₁') ∈ →₁ ^ (s₂, α, s₂') ∈ →₂ then ((s₁, s₂), α, (s₁', s₂') ∈ →'
  • If we move actions from h, we start to see deadlocks in the system, because the combined LTS does not know what to do when an action occurs in one LTS but not the other

Linear Time Properties

We say M |= P if M is a LTS and P is a property and M conforms to P. Can also be written as Traces(M) ⊆ P (i.e. all possible traces of M are captured by P).


  • Traces, up til now, were interleaved states and actions
  • We can ignore actions, as they don't provide anything for linear time properties
    • Only need to know where we can end up, not how
  • Even further, we don't especially care about the states, just the labels
  • So a trace is now a series of sets of labels
    • trace(π) = {s₀, α₀, s₁, α₁...}
    • = {s₀, s₁, s₂, s₃...}
    • = {L(s₀), L(s₁), L(s₂), L(s₃)...}
    • = {{a, b}, {a}, {b}, {}, {a, b}...}

Types of Linear Time Properties

  • Invariants
    • Something good is always true
    • InvariantProperty = {{A₀, A₁, A₂...} | Aᵢ |= φ}
    • All traces where every state conforms to some proposition φ
    • Can easily check - just ensure it is true for all reachable states
  • Safety properties
    • A failure does not occur
    • We can define a bad prefix that summarises traces that break the property
    • All invariants are safety properties, but not all safety properties are invariants
      • "the traffic lights never both show green" i.e. ¬(g₁ ^ g₂)
        • Invariant, but can be expressed as safety property
      • "g₁ is always preceded by g₂"
        • Can not express as invariant
  • Liveness properties
    • Something good happens in the long run
    • e.g. the program always eventually terminates
    • Does not rule out any prefixes
    • LivenessProperty ⊆ (2^AP)^ω is a liveness property if for all finite words σ ∈ (2^AP)*, there exists a infinite word σ' ∈ (2^AP)^ω such that σσ' ∈ LivenessProperty

Linear Temporal Logic (LTL)

ψ ::= true
    | a ∈ AP
    | ψ ^ ψ
    | ¬ψ
    | ○ ψ
    | ψ U ψ
    // The rest are derivable from the above
    | ψ v ψ
    | false
    | □ ψ
    | ◇ ψ
  • ○ ψ: Next
    • In the next state, ψ is true
    • ○ a ⇒ {?, a, ?, ...}
  • ψ₁ U ψ₂: Until
    • ψ₂ is true eventually, and ψ₂ is true until then
    • a U b ⇒ {a^¬b, a^¬b, b, ?, ...}
  • □ ψ: Always
    • ψ is always true in all states
    • Equivalent to false U ψ
    • □ a ⇒ {a, a, a, a, ...}
  • ◇ ψ: Eventually
    • ψ will eventually be true
    • Equivalent to true U ψ
    • ◇ a ⇒ {¬a, ¬a, ¬a, a, ?, ...}

Expressing in LTL

  • We can express invariants (□ φ)
  • We can express safety properties (□ (receive → ○ ack))
  • We can express liveness properties (◇ terminates)
  • Two formulas ψ₁, ψ₂ are equivalent if they are satisfied by the same traces
    • (ψ₁ ≡ ψ₂) ↔ (σ |= ψ₁ ↔ σ |= ψ₂) for all traces σ


  • □ ψ ≡ ¬◇¬ψ, ◇ψ ≡ ¬□¬ψ
  • □ □ ψ ≡ □ ψ
  • ◇ ψ ≡ ψ v (○ ◇ ψ)
  • □(ψ₁ ^ ψ₂) ≡ (□ ψ₁) ^ (□ ψ₂)
  • σ |= ¬ψ ↔ σ |≠ ψ
    • However, M |= ¬ψ ↔ M |≠ ψ is not true
    • No trace in M satisfied ψ vs. not all traces in M satisfies ψ

Computation Tree Logic (CTL)

  • In CTL, impossible to express "for every execution, it is always possible to return to the initial state of the program"
  • Therefore, we introduce CTL with two quantifiers:
    • for all paths
    • there exists a path
φ ::= true | a | φ ^ φ | ¬φ | ∀ψ | ∃ψ
ψ ::= ○ φ | φ U φ | ◇ φ | □ φ


  • ∀ψ ≡ ¬∃¬ψ
  • ∃ψ ≡ ¬∀¬ψ

Existential Normal Form (ENF)

New grammar:

φ ::= true | a | φ ^ φ | ¬φ | ∃ (○ φ) | ∃ (φ U φ) | ∃ (□ φ)
  • No ψ, everything encapsulated in φ
  • No , no ∃◇
  • Done using previously mentioned equivalences


  • We've seen you can represent things in CTL that you can't in LTL
  • However, you can't represent ◇□a in CTL
  • ∀◇∀□a does not work
    • Consider a LTS with three states:
      • s₀ where L(s₀) = {a}, has a loop and leads to s₁
      • s₁ where L(s₁) = {}, leads to s₂
      • s₂ where L(s₂) = {a}, has a loop
    • CTL formula would break because not all paths have always a
  • Same for ∀□∃◇a


Superset of CTL and LTL

φ ::= true | a | φ ^ φ | ¬φ | ∀ψ | ∃ψ
ψ ::= φ | ψ ^ ψ | ¬ψ | ○ ψ | ψ U ψ | ◇ ψ | □ ψ


  • Introduce another LTS that picks which of the two other LTSs to execute
  • So M₁ ||| M₂ becomes M₁ || F || M₂ where
    • F is the fairness LTS that choses between M₁ and M₂
    • || uses the actions that need to be executed by either M₁, M₂

CTL Model Checking

  • Given an LTS M, and a CTL formula φ, check whether M |= φ
    • i.e. check whether s |= φ for all initials tates s ∈ I
    • Assume M is finite, and has no terminal states
  • Sat(φ) is the satisfaction set for CTL formula φ
    • i.e. set of all states that satisfy φ
    • i.e. Sat(φ) = {s ∈ S | s |= φ}
  • So we check if I ⊆ Sat(φ)

Calculating Sat(φ)

  • Done recursively
  • Done on ENF
Sat(true) = S
Sat(a) = {s ∈ S | a ∈ L(s)}
Sat(φ₁ ^ φ₂) = Sat(φ₁) ∩ Sat(φ₂)
Sat(¬φ) = S \ Sat(φ)

// All states where one of the next states satisfies `φ`
Sat(∃ (○ φ)) = {s ∈ S | Post(s) ∩ Sat(φ) ≠ ∅}

// Uses graph search algorithms
Sat(∃ (φ₁ U φ₂)) = CheckExistsUntil(Sat(φ₁), Sat(φ₂))
Sat(∃ (□ φ)) = CheckExistsAlways(Sat(φ))

Exists Until (∃U)

  • Trying to calculate ∃ (φ₁ U φ₂)
  • Given Sat(φ₁), Sat(φ₂)
  • Backwards search of the LTS from Sat(φ₂)
    • T₀ := Sat(φ₂)
    • Tᵢ := Tᵢ₋₁ ∪ {s ∈ Sat(φ₁) | Post(s) ∩ Tᵢ₋₁ ≠ ∅}
    • Until Tᵢ = Tᵢ₋₁
    • Sat(∃U) is the final Tᵢ

Exists Always (∃□)

  • Trying to calculate ∃ (□ φ)
  • Given Sat(φ)
  • Again, backwards search of the LTS from Sat(φ)
    • T₀ := Sat(φ)
    • Tᵢ := Tᵢ₋₁ ∩ {s ∈ Sat(φ | Post(s) ∩ Tᵢ₋₁ ≠ ∅}
    • Until Tᵢ = Tᵢ₋₁
    • Sat(∃□) is the final Tᵢ
  • Alternative: Strongly Connected Components (SCCs)
    • SSC is a maximal connected subgraph
    • Non-trivial SSC is an SSC with at least one transition
    • Remove all states not satisfying φ making M'
    • Find non-trivial SSCs in M'
    • Sat(∃□) is the set of states that can reach an SSC in M'


  • O(|M| * |φ|)
  • |M| numer of states + transitions
  • |φ| number of operators

Automata-based Model Checking


  • w = {A₀, A₁, ..., Aₙ}
    • Finite word over alphabet Σ where Aᵢ ∈ Σ
  • σ = {A₀, A₁, ...}
    • Infinite word over alphabet Σ where Aᵢ ∈ Σ
  • w is a prefix of σ with length n, ending at Aₙ
  • σ' is a infinite suffix of σ, starting at Aₙ
  • Σ* set of finite words over Σ
  • Σ^ω set of infinite words over Σ

Non-deterministic Finite Automata

  • Tuple α = (Q, Σ, δ, Q₀, F) where
    • Q is a finite set of states
    • Σ is an alphabet (actions)
    • δ : Q x Σ -> 2^Q is a transition function
    • Q₀ ⊆ Q is a set of initial states
    • F ⊆ Q is a set of accept states
  • There is an A transition from q to q'...
    • Written as q -A-> q'
    • If q' ∈ δ(q, A)
  • There is a run of α on a finite word w = {A₀, A₁, ...} if
    • There is a sequence of states {q₀, q₁, ...} where
    • q₀ ∈ Q₀ and qᵢ -Aᵢ-> qᵢ₊₁ for all i
  • An accepting run is an w that ends in some q ∈ F
    • Thus w is accepted
  • The language of α is denoted by L(α)
  • α₁, α₂ are equivalent iff L(α₁) = L(α₂)
  • L is a regular language iff L = L(E) for some regex E
  • L is a regular language iff L = L(α) for some NFA α

Regular Safety Properties

  • Example
    • "A failure never occurs", □ ¬ fail
    • AP = {fail}, 2^AP = {∅, {fail}}
    • NFA α:
      • q₀, L(q₀) = ∅, transition to self and q₁, initial state
      • q₁, L(q₁) = {fail}, accepting state
    • L(α) = {{{fail}}, {∅, {fail}}, {∅, ∅, {fail}}, ...}
    • .*{fail}

Checking LTSs

  • Given an LTS M and regular safety property P
    • M |= P ↔ Traces(M) ⊆ P
    • M |= P ↔ Traces(M) ∩ BadPrefixes(P) = ∅
  • Given an LTS M and an NFA α that represents bad prefixes of P
    • M |= P ↔ Traces(M) ∩ L(α) = ∅
  • We can construct the product of M and α, written as M ⊙ α
    • M = (S, Act, →, I, AP, L)
    • α = (Q, Σ, δ, Q₀, F)
    • M ⊙ α = (S x Q, Act, →', I', {accept}, L')
    • I' = {(s₀, q) | s₀ ∈ I, q₀ -L(s₀)-> q, q₀ ∈ Q₀}
    • L'((s, q)) = if q ∈ F then {accept} else ∅
    • →':
      • If s -act-> s' and q -L(s')-> q'
      • Then (s, q) -act-> (s', q')
  • Therefore:
    • M |= P ↔ M ⊙ α |= □ ¬ accept
    • i.e. if there's no reachable accept state in M ⊙ α

ω-regular Languages

  • A regular expression over Σ is defined as:
    • E ::= ∅ | ε | A ∈ Σ | E + E | E.E | E*
    • TODO: Does E + E mean or, and E.E mean concat?
  • A ω-regular expression over Σ is defined as:
    • G = E₀.(F₀)^ω + E₁.(F₁)^ω + ... + Eₙ.(Fₙ)^ω
  • Lω(G) ⊆ Σ^ω is the language of a ω-regular expression G
    • Lω(G) = L(E₀).L(F₀)^ω ∪ L(E₁).L(F₁)^ω ∪ ... ∪ L(Eₙ).L(Fₙ)^ω
  • L ⊆ Σ^ω is a ω-regular language if
    • L = Lω(G) for some ω-regular expression G
  • P ⊆ (2^AP)^ω is a ω-regular property if
    • P is a ω-regular language over 2^AP
  • Example
    • AP = {wait, crit}
    • "crit is true infinitely often"
    • ((¬crit)*crit)^ω

Non-deterministic Buchi Automata (NBA)

  • Identical syntactically to NFAs
  • Acceptance condition changes
    • The accept state does not need to be visited once, but has to be visited inifinitely often
  • Represent ω-regular languages

Non-blocking NBAs

  • An NBA is non-blocking if every symbol/action is available in every state
    • i.e. δ(q, A) ≠ ∅ for all q ∈ Q and A ∈ Σ
  • We can always convert a blocking NBA to a non-blocking NBA by adding a trap state:
    • All undefined actions lead to it
    • It loops unconditionally to itself

Checking Against LTS

  • We can do product of LTS and NBA, as with safety properties
  • And then we need to find a reachable cycle in the product that contains an accepting state
  • This means that there is a path in the LTS that satisfies the property the NBA describes
  • This is not the procedure for checking the property on an LTS
  • To check whether an LTS M satisfies an LTL property ψ:
    • M |= ψ
    • Traces(M) ⊆ Words(ψ)
    • Traces(M) ∩ Words(¬ψ) = ∅
    • Traces(M) ∩ Lω(α) where α is an NBA that represents ¬ω
    • M |= ψ iff there is no accepting path (cycle) in M ⊙ α
  • Complexity is O(|M| * 2^(|ψ|))