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What is Cryptography? (26/09/2017)

Converting plain-text (or data) to an undecipherable text

Encryption is essential for communication on the internet as it provides confidentiality and integrity

Pre-modern Cryptography

Kinds of cryptography

  • Transposition: permutes components of a message
  • Substitution: replacing components via
    • Codes: algorithms for substitution of entire words
    • Ciphers: algorithms substituting bits, bytes or blocks

Transposition cipher

Example: rail fence cipher

  • Key: column size (height)
  • Enc: arrange message in columns of fixed size. Add dummy text to fill the last column. Cipher text is rows read left to right
  • Dec: calculate row size by dividing message length by key. Arrange message in rows to decrypt.


  • Not secure. Message of size n, there are at most n possibilities for the key.

Security Game


  • Attacker(A): Aims to obtain plaintext for a given ciphertext
  • Challenger(C): Provides the challenge for an attacker

Moves of the game:

  1. C selects message length n and chooses key k
  2. C chooses message m and sends encrypted message Enck(m) to A
  3. A does some computation and outputs a message
  • A wins the game if A's output is essentially the same as m
  • A has probability of at least 1/n of winning the game for any message
  • Protocol is insecure


A re-arrangement of an ordered list of elements with a 1-1 correspondence of itself.

Two notations are used for 1,2,3 -> 2,3,1:

  • Array notation:
    • Re-ordered list below the original
  • Cycles:
    • Apply permutation to 1 and note 1 and result
    • Repeat permutation for result until reaching initial number
    • E.g. 1,2,3,4,5 -> 3,5,1,2,4 = (1,3) (2,5,4)

Operations on permutations

  • Identity maps any number to itself
  • Two permutations can be composed, resulting in another permutation
    • E.g. 1,2,3 -> 2,1,3 composed with 1,2,3 -> 3,2,1 = 1,2,3 -> 3,1,2
    • See explanation here
  • Inverse of permutation s is permutation t, such that s composed with t is the identity

Monoalphabetic substitution cipher

  • Key: permutation of the alphabet
  • Encryption: Apply permutation
  • Decryption: Apply inverse permutation


  • Lots of possible keys but vulnerable to frequency analysis

Modern Cryptography

Modular arithmetic

  • Numbers a and b are congruent modulo n (written a ≡ b(mod n)) , if a - b is divisible by n
  • If 0 <= a <= n, write [a]n as residue class of a modulo n, for set of all b where a ≡ b(mod n)
    • Essentially a set of all possible values modulo n
  • Arithmetic on residue classes:
    • [a]n + [b]n = [c]n if (a + b) ≡ c(mod n)
    • [a]n − [b]n = [c]n if (a − b) ≡ c(mod n)
    • [a]n ∗ [b]n = [c]n if (a ∗ b) ≡ c(mod n)


  • Always a chance of getting the correct key from guesswork

  • We want very low probabilities of guessing a key

  • Probability distribution P is a function such that the sum of all possible events through P = probability 1

  • Uniform distribution is function P where probability = 1/(no. events)

  • Let P : U → [0, 1] be a probability distribution.

    • An event A is a subset of U (U being a finite set).
    • The probability of an event A, written P[A], is defined as:


  • Write {0, 1}n for the set of all sequences of n bits
  • XOR (⊕) is addition modulo 2 on each bit

One-time pad (29/09/2017)

  • Message and keys are bitstrings

  • Key: Random bitstring k1,...,kn as long as message m1,...,mn

  • Encryption: k1⊕m1,...,kn⊕mn

  • Decryption of ciphertext c1,...,cn: k1⊕c1,...,kn⊕cn


  • Very strong notion of security
  • Attacker can't learn info by looking only at ciphertexts
  • Where P is uniform distribution over keys of length n
    • P[E(k, m1) = c] = P[E(k, m2) = c]
  • Satisfies perfect security
    • For randomly-chosen m, c and n, P[E(k, m) = c] = 1/2n

Formulation of cipher algorithm

Let K, M and C be the sets keys, messages and ciphertexts.

E = Encryption, D = Decryption

A cipher is (E : K x M -> C, D : K x C -> M) such that for all m ∈ M and k ∈ K,

D(k, E(k, m)) = m

Symmetric ciphers

  • Block cipher: operating on fixed-length groups of bits, called blocks
  • Stream cipher: encrypting plaintext continuously. Bits are encrypted one at a time, differently for each bit.


  • Alice: sender of encrypted message
  • Bob: intended receiver of encrypted message. Has the key.
  • Eve (Passive): intercepts messages, trying to identify plaintexts or keys
  • Mallory (Active): intercepts and modifies messages to identify plaintexts or keys

Feistel cipher

  • Same encryption scheme applied iteratively for several rounds
  • Next message state derived from previous message state via "Feistel function"
  • Each round works as follows:
    • Split input in half
    • Apply Feistel function to the right half
    • Compute XOR of result with old left half to create new left half
    • Swap old right and new left half unless we're in the last round

Formal definition

  • Split plaintext block into equal pieces M = (L0, R0)
  • For each round i = 0,1,...,r-1 compute
    • Li+1 = Ri
    • Ri+1 = LiF(Ki, Ri)
    • The ciphertext is C = (Rr, Lr)


  • Works same as encryption but with reversed order of keys
    • Split ciphertext block into two equal pieces C = (Rr, Lr)
    • For each round i = r, r - 1,...,1 compute
      • Ri-1 = Li
      • Li-1 = RiF(Ki-1, Li)
    • Plaintext is M = (L0, R0)


  • Key size is 56 bits (can be broken in 10 hours)

  • Steps:

    • Initial permutation on plaintext
    • 16 rounds of Feistel cipher
    • Inverse of initial permutation
  • Block length of 64 bits

  • 16 rounds R

  • Key length is 56 bits

  • Round key length is 48 bit for each subkey K0,..., K15.

    • Derived from 56 bit key via key schedule.

DES Feistel function

  • Four stage procedure:
    • Expansion permutation: Expand 32-bit message half block to 48-bit block by doubling 16 bits and permuting them.
    • Round key addition: Compute XOR of 48-bit block with round key Ki.
    • S-Box: Split 48 bits into eight 6-bit blocks. Each is given as input to 8 substitution boxes, substituting 6-bit blocks with 4-bit blocks.
    • P-Box: Combine the eight 4-bit blocks to 32-bit block and apply another permutation.

DES operation notation

  • Cyclic shifts on bitstring blocks: b <<< n means move bits of block b by n to the left, bits that would have fallen out are added at the right of b. Other direction is b >>> n.
  • Permutations on the position of bits: Written as output order of input bits.
    • e.g. 4123 means:
      • fourth input becomes first output
      • first input becomes second output
      • second input becomes third output
      • third input becomes fourth output


  • Substitution table lookup
  • Input is 6 bits, output is 4 bits
    • Outside bits joined as row index
    • Four inside bits are column index
    • Output is corresponding entry in table

Key schedule

  • Computes different keys for each round
  • 64-bit key (56-bit key with 8 parity bits)
  • Steps:
    • Apply PC-1 permutation to remove parity bits
    • Split in half to get (C0, D0)
    • For each round, compute:
      • Ci = Ci-1 <<< pi
      • Di = Di-1 <<< pi
      • Where pi = 1 (if i = 1,2,9,16) else 2
    • Join Ci and Di and apply permutation PC-2 to produce a 48-bit output

Security of block ciphers (03/10/2017)

  • Use an abstract notion: pseudorandom permutations
    • Let X = {0,1}n and pseudorandom permutation over (K,X) is function E: K x X -> X
    • There exists an efficient deterministic algorithm to compute E(k,x) for any k and x
    • The function E(k,_) is one-to-one for each k
    • There exists a function D : K × X → X which is efficiently computable, and D(k, E(k, x)) = x for all k and x.

Security of pseudorandom permutations

  • Secure if an adversary can't distinguish it from a "genuine" random permutation
  • Far fewer pseudorandom permutations than total permutations
    • 2n! permutations
    • 2n pseudorandom permutations

Pseudorandom permutation security game

Let X = {0,1}n, F be the set of all permutations on X and E a pseudorandom permutation over (K, X)

  • Challenger chooses a random bit b ∈ {0,1}
  • If b = 0, challenger chooses k ∈ K at random, if b = 1, challenger chooses a permutation f on X at random
  • Attacker does arbitrary computations
  • Attacker has access to a black box, which is a function from X to X operated by the challenger. He can ask the challenger for the values g(x1),…,g(xn) during his computation
  • If b = 0, challenger answers query g(xi) by returning E(k, xi), if b = 1, the answer is f(xi)
  • Attacker outputs a bit b' ∈ {0,1}

Attacker wins the game if b = b'

Negligible functions

A function of natural numbers to positive real number is negligible if the output number is less than 1/(everything greater than the input)

A pseudorandom permutation is secure if P[b=b'] - 1/2 is negligible in size of K


  • Good design but only 56 bit keys - 256 security
  • 2DES encrypts twice EncK1(EncK2(M)), key length of 112 bit (K1K2) , not much more secure
    • ~257 work to find 112-bit key K1K2
      1. Try all keys K2, store encryption of M in order
      2. Try all keys K1, compute decryption of C, check if value is in previous list


  • Good but slow
  • 168 bit key split into K1, K2, K3
  • Encrypt M: EncK1(DecK1( EncK1(M)))
    • Enc-Dec-Enc gives option of setting K1 = K2 = K3 so we can also do DES
  • Security of 2118

AES (06/10/17)

  • 128-bit block size
  • Key size of 128, 192 or 256-bit
  • Works in rounds, with round keys
    • 10, 12 or 14 rounds depending on number of bits in the key
  • Is a substitution-permutation network (not a Feistel network)

Encryption Process


Arrange the message in a 4×4 matrix (8 bits per square), spreading 128 bits over the grid, as below:

8 8 8 8
8 8 8 8
8 8 8 8
8 8 8 8

Below is 1 round defined. AES-128 consists of 10 rounds:

  • Byte Substitution
    • Gives non-linearity
  • ShiftRows
    • Permutes bytes
  • MixColumns
    • MixColumns and ShiftRows give diffusion
  • Key Addition (XOR with round key)

No MixColumns in final round.


  • Using the S-box lookup table, map each byte in the state matrix to a value in the table


Cyclic shift each row left by the row index, top to bottom, starting at row 0 (the top)


  • Achieved by multiplying with a matrix
  • Use ⊕ (XOR) for addition
  • Use ⊗ "special" operation for multiplication


  • Use the key schedule to compute round keys
  • Can be represented as matrix, same as the state
  • XOR round key with state matrix

Key schedule

AES-128 requires 11 round keys (one initial, 10 for the rounds)

<b>for</b> i := 1 <b>to</b> 10 <b>do</b>
    T := W<sub>4i−1</sub> ≪ 8
    T := <i>SubBytes</i>(T)
    T := T ⊕ <i>RC</i><sub>i</sub>
    W 4i := W<sub>4i−4</sub> ⊕ T
    W 4i+1 := W<sub>4i−3</sub> ⊕ W<sub>4i</sub>
    W 4i+2 := W<sub>4i−2</sub> ⊕ W<sub>4i+1</sub>
    W 4i+3 := W<sub>4i−1</sub> ⊕ W<sub>4i+2</sub>

AES and finite fields of polynomials (10/10/2017)

  • e.g. a bit string written as a polynomial

01111010 = x6 + x5 + x4 + x3 + x1

Irreducible polynomials

A polynomial that is only divisible by 1 and itself.

  • If p(x) is an irreducible polynomial in F2[x]
    • Write F2[x]/p(x) for set of polynomials in F2[x] considered modulo p(x)

The ⊗ operation

  • Bitstrings interpreted as polynomials
  • The two polynomials are multiplied together and reduced mod x3 + x + 1
  • Result is converted back into a 3-bit string

AES field

  • F2[x] / (x8 + x4 + x3 + x + 1)
    • This gives operations ⊕ and ⊗ on bytes
    • These two operations are used to define MixColumns and S-boxes

Substitution in AES

Substitution for byte B:

  1. Compute multiplicative inverse of B in the AES field to
    • Obtains B' = [x7,...,x0]
    • Zero element mapped to [0,...,0]
  2. Compute new bit vector B'' = [y7,...,y0] with transformation:

Key schedule in AES

  • RC1,...,RC10
    • RCi = xi-1 mod x8 + x4 + x3 + x + 1

AES Security

So far, only small "erosions" of AES

  • Meet-in-the-middle key recovery attack. Requires 2126 operations (about 4x faster than brute-force)
  • "Related key" attack on AES-192 and AES-256. Security may be reduced if keys are related in a certain way but this is an "invalid" attack since keys should always be random.

Block Cipher Modes (13/10/2017)

Properties of good block ciphers

  1. [Security] Identical plaintexts shouldn't produce identical ciphertexts
  2. [Security] Identical blocks within a plaintext shouldn't produce identical ciphertext blocks
  3. [Security] There should be protection against deletion or insertion of blocks
  4. [Recovery] Ciphertext transmission errors should only affect the block containing the error
  5. [Efficiency] It should be efficient (e.g. parallelisable)

ECB (Electronic Codebook Mode)

Apply encryption/decryption block by block.

CBC (Cipher-Block Chaining)

  • Uses an IV (Initialisation Vector (Random number))
    • IV is random and different for every encryption
    • First block of plaintext is XORed with the IV
  • Each block uses the same key
  • IV is publicly sent along with ciphertext (as the first block)
    • Could be thought as the 'zeroth block'
  • Encrypting the IV is pointless, CBC is provably secure without it (assuming a random IV)



CTR (Counter Mode)

  • Uses a random nonce as well as a counter IV (which is incremented for each block), combined together
  • As with CBC, the nonce is sent publicly along with the ciphertext

Block Cipher Mode Security Game (IND-CPA)

  1. Challenger generates a key
  2. Attacker performs a polynomial number of computations, possibly asking for encryption of some messages
  3. Attacker asks for encryption of some number of messages
  4. Attacker submits two messages m0 and m1 at random
  5. Challenger chooses bit b ∈ {0,1} at random
  6. Challenger returns encryption of mb
  7. Attacker performs a polynomial number of computations, possibly asking for encryption of some messages
  8. Attacker outputs bit b'
  • Attacker wins if b' = b
  • Block cipher secure if attacker can only win half the time

Stream Ciphers

  • Generate a pseudorandom key stream, the length of data to encrypt

LFSR (Linear-Feedback Shift Register)

  • A register of bit cells shifted by one every clock cycle
  • Initialised with a pseudorandom
  • New input is a result of a function on bits in the register
  • If it has n bits, keystream period is at most 2n
  • Not very secure

Combining LFSRs

  • Given lots of output, tap positions (function input) can be computed
  • Combine many LFSRs in non-linear fashion to produce key stream


  • Used in GSM phone communication
  • Built from three LFSRs with irregular clock cycle
  • Register only shifted if clock bit is the same as majority of three clock bits


  • Clock shifts make cryptanalysis harder
  • Mainstream PC with 1TB flash memory can break in a few seconds


  • Two phases
    • Initialisation of S ("key schedule"
    • Keystream generation phase


  • Compact, well studied
  • Many attacks, led to downfall of WEP


  • Based on RC4
  • RC4 run based on seed = pre-shared WEP key (128-bit) and an IV (24-bit)
  • Small IV means key streams repeat after at most 224 frames
  • First bytes of key stream known by adversary, standard headers always sent

Integrity and Authentication (24/10/2017)

Integrity of messages

Goal: Ensure change of message by attacker can be detected Definition: Cryptographic hash functions are functions from bitstrings of almost any length to a bitstring of a small, fixed length such that:

  • Easy to compute
  • One-way (hard to invert)
  • Collision-resistant. Infeasible to find two files with the same hash


  • Output space much smaller than input space. There are many collisions!
  • Should be computationally hard to find a single collision
  • If a collision is found, the hash function is considered broken
  • Changing one bit of input should "completely change" the output
    • e.g. typically half of output bits are changed

One-way vs collision-resistant

One-way: given y, infeasible to find x such that h(x) = y

Collision-resistant: infeasible to find x and x' such that h(x) = h(x')

The Merkle-Damgard Construction

  • Produces a cryptographic hash function from a compression function shown as f below.
  • Apply compression function repeatedly
  • Used by MD4, MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-2


MD4 algorithm

  • IV is constant (part of hash function definition)
  • K constant (part of the hash function definition)
  • Message padded to length less than multiple of 512
  • 64-bit representation of message length added
  • Split into 512-bit blocks, processed to produce hash value

MD4 compression function

  • Input: 512-bit block and current value of A,B,C,D
  • Output: new A,B,C,D values
  • Input is split into 16 chunks
  • Three rounds of 16 steps transform A,B,C,D into new values using a particular function for each round


  • Same as MD4 but with a fourth round


  • Extension of MD4
  • Extends hash size to 160 bits


  • More bitwise operations
  • Increased block sizes
  • Increased hash length


  • Uses sponge construction rather than Merkle-Damgard construction
  • Output length can be varied

  • P are input blocks
  • C cannot be altered by input

Message Authentication Codes (MAC)

  • Used to guarantee authenticity
  • A keyed hash function where Alice and Bob share key k
    • Alice -> Bob: m, MACk(m)
    • Bob computes MACk(m), checks if it matches what he was sent

How to define MAC from a hash function?

  • MACk(m) could be defined as h(k||m)
    • Vulnerable to length extension attack
      • Given m and h(k||m), can construct m' and h(k||m')
      • We've been able to get a hash without the key by adding to the end of original m


  • HMACk(m) = h( (kopad) || h( (kipad) || m) )
  • k padded with zeros to blocksize of hash function
  • ipad and opad are constants of the blocksize
    • Large hamming distance from each other. Inner and outer keys have fewer bits in common


Uses CBC operation of block cipher


  • Parrallelisable, unlike HMAC and CBC-MAC

Security of hash function

Secure if attacker can't output a collision.

Security of MAC

MAC is secure if attacker cannot produce a valid (message, tag) pair that he hasn't seen before. (Assume he doesn't have the key)

MAC Game

  • Attacker does some computations supplying messages to challenger
  • Challenger returns MACs for messages
  • Attacker does more computations and supplies a message, tag pair not equal to any previously seen
  • Challenger outputs 1 if the tag is valid for the message, otherwise 0

The attacker wins if the challenger outputs 1.

MAC is secure if no attacker can win the game with non-negligible probability.

MAC Results

  • If block cipher is secure and message lengths are fixed, CBC-MAC is secure
  • If hash function is secure, HMAC is a secure MAC
  • If block cipher is secure, PMAC is a secure MAC

Authenticated encryption (31/10/2017)

For privacy and integrity:

  • Combine encryption and MAC in appropriate way
  • Use new mode, guarantees confidentiality and authenticity

Combination possibilities

  • Encrypt-then-MAC
    • Encrypt, compute MAC of ciphertext
    • Ek1(m), MACk2 (Ek1 (m))
    • Gives both privacy and integrity (provided encrypt and MAC are secure)
    • Used in IPsec
  • MAC-then-encrypt
    • Compute MAC, encrypt message-MAC pair
    • Ek2 (m, MACk1 (m))
    • Doesn't provide both privacy and integrity unless encryption is CBC or CTR with random IV (for example)
  • Encrypt and MAC
    • Pair of ciphertext and MAC
    • Ek1 (m), MACk2 (m)
    • Doesn't provide both privacy and integrity

Authenticated encryption game

  • Challenger picks random encryption key
  • Attacker does computations, may send messages m1,...,mn
  • Challenger responds with ciphertexts c1,...,cn
  • Attacker does more computations, submits different ciphertext c to challenger
  • Attacker has won if he's forged a valid ciphertext c (where MAC is correct)

Authenticated encryption scheme is secure if:

  • It satisfies IND-CPA
  • An attacker wins the game with only negligible probability

Galois counter mode (GCM)

  • Encrypt-then-MAC is secure but requires two passes over data

  • GCM only needs to pass through data once

  • Encrypts nonce and counter value, produces key stream to XOR with plain text

  • Computes an authentication tag on ciphertext

  • Can authenticate additional unencrypted data

GCM: the authentication tag

{Missing notes (Complicated for exam)}

Public Key Encryption - Syntax

Public key encryption scheme consists of the following algorithms:

  • KG(λ) - input security parameter λ - outputs a pair of enc/dec keys (PK, SK)
  • Enc(PK, m;r) - inputs public key PK, plaintext m - outputs ciphertext C
  • Dec(SK, C) - inputs decryption key SK, ciphertext C - outputs plaintext m

Modular Arithmetic

  • a = b (mod N) or a ≡ b mod N if N divides b − a
  • if b − a = q · N for integer q, a and b are congruent modulo N or the reduction modulo N of a is b
  • ZN for N ∈ Z, N > 0 is defined as ZN = {0, 1, . . . , N − 2, N − 1}

Greatest Common Divisor (Euclidean Algorithm) (07/11/2017)

while b != 0 do
  r = a mod b
  a = b
  b = r
return a

{Euclidean Algorithm not needed for exam}

Inverses modulo N

  • x ∈ ZN has inverse y ∈ ZN such that x·y = 1 mod N if gcd(N,x) = 1
  • Z*N is the subset of ZN of all its invertible elements
  • φ(N) is the number of invertible elements in Z*N

Euler's theorem

  • aφ(N) ≡ 1 mod N

Fermat's little theorem

  • For prime p and integer a != 0 mod p, ap-1 ≡ mod p
  • For any a, apa mod p


  • Key generation KG(λ)

    • Generate two distinct primes, p and q of same bit-size λ
    • Compute N = p x q and Φ = (p - 1)(q - 1)
    • Select random int e, 1 < e < phi such that gcd(e,Φ) = 1
    • Compute d, inverse of e mod Φ (e x d = 1 mod Φ) using extended euclidean algorithm
    • Public key is PK = (N, e)
    • Private key is SK = d
  • Encryption: Enc(PK, m)

    • With message (m) and public key (PK = (N,e))
    • Ciphertext c = me mod N
  • Decryption: Dec(SK, c)

    • With ciphertext c, N from public key and private key (SK = d)
    • Message m = cd mod N

Decryption Proof

  • Dec(SK, Enc(PK, m)) = m
  • Does (me)d = 1 mod N ?
  • Since e · d ≡ 1 mod φ(N), there is k such e · d = 1 + k · φ(N)
  • If m != 0 mod N, by Euler's theorem mφ(N) ≡ 1 mod N
  • me·d = m1+k·φ(N) ≡ m · (mφ(N))k ≡ m · 1 ≡ m mod N

Chinese Remainder Theorem

{Missing notes}

Proof that decryption works (CRT)

  • e · d ≡ 1 mod φ, there is k such that e · d = 1 + k · φ
  • If m != 0 mod p, by Fermat's little theorem mp-1 ≡ 1 mod p
  • Gives m1+k ·(p−1)·(q−1) ≡ m mod p
    • Gives med ≡ m mod p for all m
    • Gives med ≡ m mod q for all m
    • By CRT, if p != q then med ≡ m mod N

Attacks Against RSA Encryption

  • Factoring: given N = p x q, compute p and q
  • Secret key recovery: given (N, e) with N = p x q, compute d = e-1 mod φ(N)
    • φ(N) = (p-1)(q-1)
  • Breaking RSA primitive: given (N, e) with random y, find x such that y = xe mod N
  • Dictionary attack: m0 -> c0, m1 -> c1
  • Malleability attack: given encryption c = me mod N, it's possible to create encryption of m' = λ · m mod N by computing:
    • c' = (m)e · λe = (m · λ)e mod N



  1. Challenger gives PK to attacker
  2. Challenger gives encryption of random m using PK
  3. Attacker performs computations and outputs m'
  • Attacker wins the game if m' = m
  • Secure if attacker only wins with negligible probability (Pr[m'=m])

Defence Against Dictionary Attacks


  1. Challenger gives PK to attacker
  2. Attacker performs computations
  3. Attacker submits messages m0 and m1 of equal length to the challenger
  4. Challenger selects a bit b ∈ {0, 1} at random
  5. Challenger returns encryption of mb
  6. Attacker performs computations and outputs b'
  • Attacker wins the game if b' = b
  • Secure if attacker can only win with negligible probability (Pr[b'=b] - 0.5)

IND-CPA Secure PK Encryption

  • Add padding to RSA
  • Encrypt random number rather than message (H is hash function)
    • Enc: EPK(r), H(r)⊕m)
    • Dec(c1,c2): H(DSK(c1))⊕c2

Sophie Germain Primes q

  • If both q and 2q + 1 are prime, q is Sophie Germain prime
  • Generate p such that p - 1 = 2 x q for some prime q
    • Generate random prime p
    • Test if q = (p - 1)/2 is prime, if not, generate a new p

ElGamel Encryption

  • p = 2 x q + 1 prime

  • g such that gq</sup = 1 mod p

  • Gq is the subgroup of Z*</supp generated by g

  • h = gx mod p

  • PK: (G, g, h). SK: x

  • Enc: c = (gr, hr · m)

  • Dec (c1, c2): m = c2 · (c1x)-1 mod p

Security of ElGamel

  • One-way if solving CDH is infeasible
  • IND-CPA secure if solving Decisional DH is infeasible
  • ElGamel is multiplicative, can obtain enc of m' · m by multiplying previous ciphertexts


  1. Challenger give PK to attacker
  2. Attacker given access to decryption oracle for ciphertext inputs
  3. Attacker submits messages m0 and m1 of equal length to the challenger
  4. Challenger selects random bit b ∈ {0, 1}
  5. Challenger returns encryption of mb
  6. Attacker uses oracle to decrypt c != cb and outputs b'
  • Attacker wins the game is b' = b
  • ElGamel is not IND-CCA secure
    • Given c = (gr , hr · m) where pk = (g, h)
    • Ask for decryption of c' = (gr+1 , hr+1 · m) and recover m

Twin ElGamel Encryption

  • Adds a MAC to ciphertext
  • Is IND-CCA secure if computational DH assumption holds and MAC is unforgeable

Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange

  • Two parties can establish a shared key without previous communication
  • Let p and q(=p-1) be primes
  • Let g be a generator
  • Alice generates a random a less than q and publishes ga mod p, keeping a secret
  • Bob does the same for a b
  • Alice and Bob compute gab
  • Alice and bob now share the same value (key)


  • DH is vulnerable to man in the middle attack

  • Stop MITM attack by guaranteeing authenticity of ga gb

  • Use public key digital signatures

  • CA is used to authenticate public keys (gives relation between PK and identify of its owner)

  • CA signs the relationship

Certificate Process

  • Alice generates PK,SK and sends PK to CA
  • CA performs identity check
  • Alice proves knowledge of SK to CA (decrypt data encrypted with PK)
  • CA issues cert to Alice
  • Alice sends cert to Bob
  • Bob verifies cert and extracts Alice's PK

Certificate Issuance

  • Cert contains (CERTDATA, σ)
  • σ is CA's signature on CERTDATA
  • CERTDATA contains
    • PK, IDAlice
    • CA Name
    • Cert expiry
    • Restrictions
    • Security level

Digital Signatures Schemes

  • Better than using MAC since no need to share MAC key with all users
  • MAC does not prevent parties from cheating each other
  • Signatures are: publicly verifiable, transferable, non-repudiable

Syntax of Digital Signatures

  • We have verifying key and signing key
  • Sign(sk, m;r) - Inputs: signing key sk, message m
  • Verify(vk, m, σ) - Inputs: verifying key vk, message m, signature σ


  1. Signer generates vk and sk
  2. Signer publicly announces vk
  3. Verifier accepts vk
  4. Signer produces signature σ on document M using sk
  5. Verifier who has vk can verify signature for document using vk

Unforgeability Game

  • Init: Challenger gives vk to attacker

  • Find: Attacker does computations, asks for challenger to sign messages

  • Challenger returns signatures for messages

  • End: Attacker outputs pair (m, s)

  • Attacker wins if (m, s) is a valid signature for m that was not in Find phase

  • Digital signature scheme secure against existential forgery if attacker only has negligible probability of winning the game

Signature from Trapdoor One-Way Bijections

  • Function is:
    • Easy to compute given PK
    • Efficiently invertible with trapdoor SK
    • Infeasible to invert without SK

RSA - Full Domain Hash (RSA-FDH)

  • Let H be secure hash function

  • Sign((N,e,d),m): σ = Fd-1(H(m)) = H(m)d mod N

  • Verify((N,e),m,σ): Yes/No if H(m) = FN,e(σ) = σe mod N

  • Unforeable signature scheme under assumption hat RSA problem is infeasible to break

Secure H

  • H must be one-way, otherwise...

  • If an adversary can invert the hash function (find M such that H(M) = y)

  • Forgery is easy

    • Attacker chooses random σ
    • Attacker computes σe mod N
    • Attacker computes M such that H(M) = σe mod N
    • Attacker outputs pair (M,σ) as forgery
  • H must be collision-resistant, otheriwse...

  • Adversary can find collisions M1 != M2, such that H(M1) = H(M2)

  • Forgery is easy

    • Request signature σ on M1
    • Output pair (M2,σ) as forgery
  • H must not have structural properties

  • If a hash has properties H(M1 XOR M2) = H(M1) x H(M2) for M1,M2 same size

  • Forgery is easy

    • Request signature σ1 on M1
    • Request signature σ2 on M2
    • Set σ = σ1 x σ2 and M = M1 XOR M2
    • Output pair (M,σ) as forgery

H as a Random Oracle

  • Behaves as a public random function
    • H(M1) = H(M2) with probability 1/|Y| for M1 != M2
    • Attacker regards, H as lookup table
  • In practice, instantiate function H with hash function

Instantiate H in RSA-FDH

H(M) = SHA-512(1||M) || ... || SHA-512(4||M)

Schnorr Signature Scheme

  • Sign(sk, M):

    • Choose random r from {0,...,q-1}
    • Compute s = H(M||gr)
    • Compute t = (r + x · s) mod q
    • Output σ = (s,t)
  • Verify(vk,σ,m):

    • Parse σ as (s,t)
    • Accept signature if H(M||gty-s) = s
  • Unforgeable under Discrete Logarithm assumption in Random Oracle Model


  • Sign(sk,M):
    • Choose random r
    • Compute s = (gr mod p) mod q
    • Compute t = (H(M) + x · s) · r-1 mod q
    • Output σ = (s, t)
  • Verify(vk,σ,m):
    • Calculate u1 = H(M) · t-1 mod q
    • Calculate u2 = s · t-1 mod q
    • Accept signature if (gu1 · yu2) mod p mod q = s