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Designing Secure Systems

Computer Security (27/09/2017)

  • Common criteria [ISO15408]
    • An international standard for computer security certification
  • Protecting digital assets from threats

Secure system definition

  • Inability for attackers to achieve:
    • Adversarial goal (breaching any of:)
      • Confidentiality
      • Integrity
      • Authenticity
      • Availability
      • Accountability
    • Means of resources of the adversary
    • Access to the system

Attacker motivation

  • Profits and other benefits
  • Political activism, terrorism
  • Enjoyment
  • Development of science and offensive technology

Why things happen

  • Bugs or not caring
  • Programming is done with an absence of security considerations
  • Economics/business
    • customers do not see/care about security
    • security measures sometimes reduce usability

Risk management

  • Measuring or/and assessing risks
  • Developing strategies and solutions to manage risks:
    • reduce/avoid and handle risks

Residual risk

What remains after defences are in place.


  • Prevent
    • Deter
    • Hinder
  • Detect
    • Monitoring/logging
    • Anomaly analysis
  • Respond
    • Incident management
    • Forensics
    • Change procedures
    • Install new technologies

Attack trees (04/10/2017)

  • Formal analysis of all known attack venues
  • Types of nodes
    • OR nodes (look like an arrow)
    • AND nodes (like an arrow but with a semi-circle inside)
  • Labelled with probabilities or cost estimates
  • Main goal is at the top


  • Create entry barriers for competitors
  • Defend against hackers

Kerckhoff's principle

The system must retain secure should it fall in enemy hands..

Responsible disclosure

  • Researchers should disclose vulnerabilities to the system owners and give "reasonable time" to fix them
  • Benefits
    • Creates incentives for fixing vulnerabilities
    • Companies advertise bounties

Principles of secure design (11/10/2017)

12 principles

  • Inspired by simplicity and restriction
  • Simplicity:
    • Makes designs/mechanisms easy to understand
    • Less to go wrong with simple designs
  • Restriction:
    • Minimises power of an entity
    • Can only access info it needs
    • Can only communicate with other entities when necessary


  1. Secure the weakest link
    • Security only as strong as weakest link
    • Attackers go for weakest point in a system
  2. Defence in depth
    • Defend a system using several independent methods
    • Redundancy and layering to not rely on one defence
    • Consider: people, technology, operations
  3. Fail secure
    • For a type of failure, access or data are denied
  4. Grant least privilege
    • Every module can only access what it needs
    • Separation of privileges
      • Split system into pieces, each with limited privileges
    • Segregation of duties
      • Hard for one person to compromise security
  5. Economise mechanism
    • Avoid overly complicating a system
    • Complexity leads to insecurity
      • Designer can't keep up
      • Harder to analyse security
  6. Authenticate requests
    • Assume that operating environment is hostile
    • Put checks to ensure dependencies haven't been compromised/spoofed
    • Anticipate command-injection, XSS, etc.
  7. Control access
    • Accesses should be checked
    • Up-to-date permission checking (not caching authority granting results)
  8. Assume secrets not safe
    • An attacker will know how the system works
    • An attacker can find keys in binaries, use tools at disposal, etc.
  9. Make security usable
    • Annoying security/product will be avoided by users
  10. Promote privacy
    • Only collect personal info required
    • Store personal info securely, limit access
    • Delete personal data once purpose is served
    • Only store encrypted data
  11. Audit and monitor
    • Record what actions were performed and by who
      • Disaster recovery and accountability
  12. Proportionality principle
    • Maximise utility vs maximise security?
    • Maximise utility while limiting risks
      • to acceptable level
      • within reasonable cost

Trusted: Something that could break security policy Trustworthy: Something that will not break security policy

Cryptography (11/10/2017)

Symmetric key encryption (e.g. AES)

  • Encryption key used to encrypt and decrypt
  • Typically use a block cipher
  • Block modes such as "counter-mode"
  • Needs randomness for security

Hash functions (e.g. SHA2)

  • Takes a message of any size and outputs a hash value of fixed length
  • H(x) = H(y) implies x = y with huge probability

Public-key encryption (e.g. RSA-OAEP)

  • Public key (encrypt) and secret key (decrypt)
  • Very difficult to retrieve secret from public
  • Allows building encryption without needing key agreement

Hybrid encryption

  • No block modes for public key encryption

    • Would be too slow for long messages
  • To encrypt long message m using public key pk:

    • Choose random symmetric key, k
    • Encrypt m with k: c1 = enc(k, r1, m)
    • Encrypt k with pk: c2 = enc(pk, r2, k)
    • Send c1, r1, c2

Digital signatures (e.g. Schnorr)

  • Public and secret key
  • Used for authentication (signatures)
  • Signature checking algorithm only returns true if signature used correct secret key

Authenticating websites and encrypting web traffic

Server has public key pk

  1. Client->Server: "hello", random rb
  2. Server->Client: pk, random rs
  3. Client->Server: random pms, encrypted with pk

Certificate authority model


  • Server sends public key
  • Session encryption key established from server public key

Certificate authorities

  • Trusted third party that asserts that a public key belongs to a website
    • CA signs certificate to do this
  • Browser knows the verification key to verify a public key's signature
  • CA verification keys built into browser

Device Security (18/10/2017)

  • Physical security

  • Firmware/OS security

  • Application security

  • Protects devices against

    • Malicious applications
    • Rootkits

Malicious applications

Distributed using OS specific applications, designed to exploit the operating system vulnerabilities

  • High success rate, masquerading as useful applications
  • Often used to install more dangerous malware (e.g. backdoors, rootkits)

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How to prevent a rollback attack? (25/10/2017)

  • Counter based version control
  • Blacklist version control
  • eFuses (physically blow when firmware is updated)
  • Apple nonce based protocol: random unique value generated at every restore, signed by Apple

Data Security

Key encapsulation

  • Encryption of large data slow with public key encryption
  • Steps:
    • Encrypt data with symmetric key encryption
    • Encrypt symmetric key with public key
    • Send both encrypted data

What you get/don't get from encryption

  • Does:
    • Protect data while resting
    • Protect data from apps that don't have access to the keys
    • Protect data if stolen or accessed
  • Doesn't:
    • Prevent data loss
    • Make the system more resilient
    • {Missing point}

Disk based encryption

(Stuff about what's encrypted and what's not.. e.g. kernel not encrypted)

Storing the key

  • USB stick
    • Easy
    • Requires USB on system
    • Vulnerable to stealing
  • TPM
    • Difficult to set up
    • Transparent
    • Protected from stealing

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Cloud Storage Security

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Metadata Security

Cryptography issues

  • Protecting metadata, using public key crypto gives larger attack surface
    • Symmetric doesn't have this problem and is more efficient
  • Symmetric keys are hard to share
    • Use public key exchange protocols to share

We want:

  • Content security: data is encrypted
  • Metadata security: ownership info, timestamps, access rights, ciphertext length, etc.
  • Access pattern security: when accessed, who accesses, how accessed, etc.

Searchable encryption

We can decrypt emails with key, but can the email provider? Solution: Searchable encryption.

  • Generate searchable index (precomputed search)
    • Foreach(doc in{ foreach(word in doc) { if (word == keyword) { store( } } }
  • Store index encrypted in the cloud

Forward index

List keywords associated with documents

  • Efficiency:
    • As no. of docs increases, so does time
    • As no. of keywords increases, so does time

Inverted index

List documents associated with keywords

  • Efficiency:
    • As no. of keywords increases, so does time

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