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File metadata and controls

55 lines (41 loc) · 2.05 KB


We use pm2 to deploy npms-badges, install it by running $ npm install -g pm2. You may find the pm2 configuration file in ecosystem.json5.

Setting up

Before doing the first deploy, you need to setup the server. All commands executed in the server are expected to be run with the www user.

  • Create the www user on server
  • Add www user to the list of sudoers
  • Install pm2 in the server
  • Setup the deploy environment by running $ pm2 deploy ecosystem.json5 production setup in your local machine
  • Create ~/npms-badges/local.json5 in the server with the custom configuration (elasticsearch host, etc)
  • Do your first deploy by running $ pm2 deploy ecosystem.json5 production in your local machine
  • Setup logrotate by running $ sudo pm2 logrotate -u www on the server and then edit /etc/logrotate.d/pm2-www to change change /root to /home/www, weekly to daily, and from 12 days to 14 days)
  • Setup pm2 to run at start by running $ sudo pm2 startup -u www --hp "/home/www" on the server
  • Finally run $ pm2 save to store the running processes


  • Install nginx in the server by running $ sudo aptitude install nginx
  • Setup a new site called badges in /etc/nginx/sites-available with the config exemplified below
  • Enable this site and finally restart nginx by running $ sudo service nginx restart
server {
  listen *:80;

  location / {
    # Proxy to our backend
    # Need to do this ugly rewrite trickery so that url encoded parameters are left untouched
    rewrite ^ $request_uri;
    rewrite ^/(.*) $1 break;
    return 400;

    # Do not buffer, improves performance
    proxy_buffering    off;
    proxy_buffer_size  128k;
    proxy_buffers 100  128k;

    # Fix some headers
    proxy_set_header  X-Real-IP  $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header  X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header  Host $http_host;


Deployment is easy, just run $ pm2 deploy ecosystem.json5 production in your local machine.