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An introduction to realtime data containers

This quick guide will introduce you to realtime data containers. A much easier solution for accessing your weather data repeatedly, built on top of the WeatherStation class.

What are realtime data containers?

Realtime data containers provide another level of abstraction to interact with your weather station. Instead of manually calling methods like station.getHighsAndLows() or station.getDetailedRealtimeData(), you just create a realtime data container and directly access the desired properties holding current temperature, humidity, pressure, etc.

Example: To get the current outside temperature you just create a realtime data container and access it using container.tempOut. This value is updated frequently in the background.

const container = station.createBasicRealtimeContainer({
    updateInterval: 15 // update interval in seconds
await container.waitForUpdate();

console.log("Outside it's " + container.tempOut + "°F!");

container.on("update", () -> {
    updateMyUI(container); // For example you could update your UI here
    createDatabaseRecord(container); // Or create a database record 

Internally this works via an update cycle. Every container.settings.updateInterval seconds the container uses an interface (like WeatherStation) to update its properties. As the realtime data container is an EventEmitter, you can listen to the "update" event. Additionally there is the "valid-update" event which only fires if no error occurrs. There are also promise based methods like waitForUpdate or waitForValidUpdate.

It's simple!

Using a realtime data container is very easy. You simply access its properties and wait for events if you want regular updates!

Two different containers

First of all: There are two different realtime data containers. The BasicRealtimeDataContainer provides less weather data but works on all vantage consoles. The DetailedRealtimeDataContainer provides more weather data but only works on Vantage Pro 2 and Vue (having firmware dated after April 24, 2002 / v1.90 or above). In the following section I explain everything using the smaller variant, but keep in mind, everything works the same way with the big realtime container.


To create a realtime data container you first need a connected WeatherStation instance. After that call the method station.createBasicRealtimeContainer({...}).

import { SmallRealtimeDataContainer } from "vantjs/realtime-data-containers";
import { DeviceModel } from "vantjs/realtime-data-containers/settings";
// or
const { SmallRealtimeDataContainer } = require("vantjs/realtime-data-containers");
const { DeviceModel } = require("vantjs/realtime-data-containers/settings");

async function main() {
    const station = await WeatherStation.connect({
        path: "COM4",
        rainCollectorSize: "0.2mm"

    const container = station.createBasicRealtimeDataContainer({
        updateInterval: 30, // update interval in seconds (default: 60)

    // access data from your weather station
    console.log("Outside it's " + container.tempOut + "°F!");

    // if you don't use your realtime data container anymore, make sure to pause it!


When creating a realtime data container, specify:

  • optional updateInterval: The interval (in seconds) the container updates itself. Default is 60 seconds.

Events overview

There are four important events that are fired by the realtime data container. You can listen to them using the well known

container.on("event", () -> {
    console.log("Do something!");


"start" and "pause"

These events are fired when the realtime data container is started/resumed or paused.

"update" and "valid-update"

These events are fired when the weather data is updated. Sometimes updates fail, e.g. because the console is disconnected. The "valid-update" only fires if everything succeeds.