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Charley Fite chfite
NOAA Air Resources Laboratory Affiliate Atmospheric Scientist

Washington, DC

Dmitrii Vokhmintsev JetV
Postgraduate student, I'm developing science codes for a particle physics problems solving.

PNPI Russian Federation, Leningrad region, Gatchina

Beiming Tang btang1
PhD from U of Iowa. Postdoc at NOAA ARL & GMU

NOAA ARL Washington DC

Adam Deitsch AMDeitsch
PhD Student, AtmosSci - UAlbany | Micro/Nanoplastics (MNP) | PFAS | NCAS-M Fellow | BS, EnvironSci - Broward College

University at Albany Atmospheric Sciences Research Center

Aaron C Watt acwatt
PhD Student in Energy & Environmental Economics at the department of Agricultural & Resource Economics at University of California, Berkeley.

UC Berkeley

Ricardo Barros Lourenço ricardobarroslourenco
Trying to enhance human experience.

@MacRemoteSensing Hamilton, ON, Canada

JIAPC Vanyary
Bavand Sadeghi bavands

@noaa-oar-arl College Park, MD

Dr. Andrew SONG andrewsoong

Inner Mongolia Meteorological Service/China Meteorological Administration Hohhot,China

Lucas H. McCabe lucasmccabe

@lmiconsulting Boston, MA

Jenifer Vivar jvivar2383
NOAA EPP/MSI Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Fellow. Department of Computer Science City College of New York

New York, New York

Zachary Moon zmoon
PhD atmospheric scientist working for @noaa-oar-arl

@noaa-oar-arl Louisville, CO

Barry Baker bbakernoaa
I'm a scientist at @noaa-oar-arl (@NOAAResearch ) working on developing tools and algorithms for use in computational weather models.

@noaa-oar-arl NOAA NCWCP