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Task Manager Application 📑


Introduction 🎦

This application is designed to help you organize and manage tasks effectively. Whether you're managing personal tasks, team projects, or daily activities, this tool provides a simple way to track tasks, set priorities, manage deadlines, and monitor completion status.

Table of Contents 📝

  • Requirements
  • Recommended Modules
  • Installation
  • Configuration
  • Usage
  • Troubleshooting & FAQ
  • Maintainers
  • Contributing
  • License

Requirements 🎗️

To run the Task Manager application, ensure your environment meets the following requirements:

  • Python: Version 3.x
  • datetime module: Typically included in Python's standard library

Recommended Modules 👌

This application does not require any additional Python modules beyond the standard library.

Installation ⚙️

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd task-manager
  1. Create a virtual environment (optional but recommended) 💻
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate 
  1. Install dependencies: If your Python environment does not have datetime module installed (highly unlikely), you can install it using pip:
pip install datetime

Configuration 🛠️

Before running the application, ensure you configure the following aspects:

  • Priority Levels: The application supports task priorities such as low, medium, and high.
  • Deadline Format: Dates should be formatted as DD-MM-YYYY.

Usage ✍️

Adding a Task

To add a new task, use the add_task() method with the appropriate details including description, priority, and optional deadline.

from task_manager import Task, TaskManager

# Example usage
task_manager = TaskManager()

task1 = Task(task_id=1, description="Complete project proposal", priority="high", deadline="15-07-2024")

Updating a Task 🆕

You can update a task's details such as description, priority, deadline, or completion status using the update_task() method.

# Example usage
updated_task_data = {
    "description": "Finalize project proposal and submit",
    "deadline": "20-07-2024"
task_manager.update_task(1, updated_task_data)

Marking a Task as Completed ✔️

Use the mark_task_as_completed() method to mark a task as completed.

# Example usage

Filtering Tasks 🗃️

You can filter tasks by priority or completion status using methods like filter_tasks_by_priority() and filter_completed().

# Example usage
high_priority_tasks = task_manager.filter_tasks_by_priority('high')
completed_tasks = task_manager.filter_completed('completed')

Saving and Loading Tasks 💾

Tasks can be saved to a JSON file using save_tasks_to_file() and loaded back into the Task Manager using load_tasks_from_file().

# Example usage

Troubleshooting & FAQ ❔

Task not found when performing operations? If you encounter "Task not found" errors while updating, removing, or retrieving tasks, ensure that the task ID exists in the system. Double-check the task ID and try again.

Invalid deadline format? When setting deadlines, use the format DD-MM-YYYY. Dates should be valid and in the future.

How to mark a task as completed? To mark a task as completed, use the mark_task_as_completed(task_id) method. Ensure the task ID exists and is valid.

Contributing 🤝

Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request.

License ©️

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Contact 📫

For any questions or feedback, please contact Gmail