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How to author documentation

Radim Řehůřek edited this page May 9, 2020 · 4 revisions

General notes

Gensim is a large project with a wide range of functionality. Unfortunately, not all of this functionality is documented well, and some of it is not documented at all. Without good documentation, users are unable to unlock Gensim's full potential. Therefore, authoring new documentation and improving existing documentation is of great value to the Gensim project.

If you implement new functionality in Gensim, please include helpful documentation. By "helpful", we mean that your documentation answers questions that Gensim users may have. For example:

  • What is this new functionality?
  • Why is it important? Why should I use this and not something else?
  • How is it relevant to Gensim?
  • What can I do with it? What are its real-world applications?
  • How do I use it to achieve those things?
  • ... as opposed to "what formula does this use" or "what paper does this implement" (which is good to include too, but more of a footnote)

Before you author documentation, I suggest reading "What nobody tells you about documentation" or watching its accompanying video (or even both, if you're really keen).

The summary of the above presentation is: there are four distinct kinds of documentation, and you really need them all:

  1. Tutorials
  2. Howto guides
  3. Explanations
  4. References

Each kind has its own intended audience, purpose, and writing style. When you make a PR with new functionality, please consider authoring each kind of documentation. At the very least, you will (indirectly) author reference documentation through module, class and function docstrings.


Incorrect documentation can be worse than no documentation at all. Take the following steps to ensure correctness:

  • Run Python's doctest module on your docstrings
  • Run your Jupyter notebooks from scratch, removing any temporary files/results

Using data in your documentation

Some parts of the documentation require real-world data to be useful. For example, you may need more than just a toy example to demonstrate the benefits of one model over another. This subsection provides some tips for including data in your documentation.

If possible, use data available via Gensim's downloader API. This will reduce the risk of your documentation becoming obsolete because required data is no longer available.

Use the smallest possible dataset: avoid making people unnecessarily load large datasets and models. This will make your documentation faster to run and easier for people to use (they can modify your examples and re-run them quickly).

Technical instructions

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