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Consensus Module

This README serves as a guide to the implementation of the 1.0 Pocket's Consensus Module Specification. It is designed to provide insights into the structure and design of the codebase.

Table of Contents


This module adheres to the interface outlined in pocket/shared/modules/consensus_module.go, which is derived from the above specification.

Consensus Processes

This repository features an implementation of the HotStuff consensus algorithm. It facilitates the consensus process through a series of rounds. Staked validator nodes participate in the consensus process, with one node serving as the leader and the rest as replicas.

Leader Election

A dedicated submodule handles the leader election process. The current configuration employs a deterministic round-robin leader election mechanism. We are working on a randomized leader election mechanism with cryptographic sortition using Verifiable Random Functions (VRFs), see Algorand's Whitepaper Section 5.1 for detailed explanation. Upon its' completion, round-robin leader election will be

Consensus Phases

The HotStuff consensus algorithm consists of three phases: Prepare, Pre-Commit, and Commit. It is worth to note that recently published HotStuff 2 research paper proposes the updated HotStuff consensus algorithm which only needs two phases.

In each phase of Hotstuff, the leader creates a proposal and broadcasts it to all replica nodes.

Upon receiving the proposal, each replica node performs a block validation check. If the proposal is valid, the replica node responds to the leader with its signature as a vote.

When the leader collects votes from more than two-thirds of the replicas, it progresses to the next consensus phase. This two-thirds rule is essential to achieve Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT), ensuring network resilience against faulty or malicious nodes.

Block Generation

Block generation in the HotStuff consensus algorithm involves a series of interactive steps between the Leader and the Replica nodes. The steps are as follows:

    participant Leader
    participant Replicas
    Note over Leader,Replicas: Leader Election
    Leader->>Replicas: Propose(block)
    Note over Replicas: Validate proposed block
    Replicas-->>Leader: Prepare(block)
    Note over Leader: Receives Prepare messages from a quorum of Replicas
    Leader->>Replicas: Pre-Commit(block, Prepare messages)
    Note over Replicas: Validate Pre-Commit message
    Replicas-->>Leader: Commit(block)
    Note over Leader: Receives Commit messages from a quorum of Replicas
    Leader->>Replicas: Notify(block, Commit messages)
    Note over Replicas: Add block to local blockchain copy
    Note over Leader,Replicas: New Leader Election

Block Validation

Every proposal made by the leader undergo a series of validation steps during the Prepare phase, which are carried out by the replicas. However, during the Pre-commit and Commit phases, the replicas are solely responsible for performing signature validation.

graph TD
    A[Receive Block proposal from leader]
    B[Perform basic validation]
    C[Check Block structure]
    D[Validate quorum certificate]
    E[Validate optimistic threshold]
    F[Block is Valid - apply block]
    G[Block is Invalid - Reject the proposal]
    H[Create and send vote message to the leader]

Consensus Lifecycle

The consensus lifecycle begins with a new round that includes leader election, proposal creation, proposal validation, vote aggregation, and block commitment. The steps are as follows:

flowchart TD
  A[Start New Round] --> |Elect Leader| L[Leader Election Module]
  L --> D1[Leader]
  L --> D2[Replica]
  D1 --> E1[Create Proposals]
  D2 --> E2[Validate Proposals]
  E1 --> F1[Aggregate Votes]
  E2 --> F2[Vote on Proposals]
  F1 --> G1[Quorum and Commit Block]
  F2 --> G2[Commit Block]
  G1 --> J1[End Round]
  G2 --> J1
  J1 --> A

State Sync

State synchronization is crucial to ensure all participating nodes maintain a consistent and up-to-date view of the network state. It is especially important in a dynamic and decentralized network where nodes can join, leave, or experience intermittent connectivity. For an in-depth understanding of the state sync process and its current status, please refer to our State Sync Protocol Design Specification.

graph TB
  A(Start testing)
  A --> Z(Add new validators)
  Z --> B[Trigger Next View]
  B --> C{BFT threshold satisfied?}
  C -->|No| E(No new block, height is same)
  E --> B1[Trigger Next View]
  C -->|Yes| D(New block, height increases)
  D --> F{Are there new validators staked?}
  F -->|No| J{Are syncing nodes caught up?}

  J --> |No| B2[Trigger Next View]
  J --> |Yes| H[Success, new validators are synced!]
  F -->|Yes| G(Wait for validators' metadata responses)
  G --> B3[Trigger Next View]
  subgraph Notes
     note1>NOTE: BFT requires > 2/3 validators<br>in the same round & height, voting for the proposal.]
     note2>NOTE: Syncing validators request blocks from the network.]

  C --> note1
  J --> note2


Code Organization

The codebase is organized as follows:

├── doc
│   ├──
│   ├──              # State sync protocol definition
├── e2e_tests
│   ├── hotstuff_test.go                    # Hotstuff consensus tests
│   ├── pacemaker_test.go                   # Pacemaker module tests
│   ├── state_sync_test.go                  # State sync tests
│   ├── utils_test.go                       # test utils
├── leader_election
│   ├── sortition
│       └── sortition_test.go               # Sortition tests
│       └── sortition.go                    # Cryptographic sortition implementation
│   ├── vrf
│       └── errors.go
│       └── vrf_test.go                     # VRF tests
│       └── vrf.go                          # VRF implementation
│   ├── module.go                           # Leader election module implementation
├── pacemaker
│   ├── debug.go
│   ├── module.go                           # Pacemaker module implementation
├── state_sync
│   ├── helpers.go
│   ├── interfaces.go
│   ├── module.go                           # State sync module implementation
│   ├── server.go                           # State sync server functions
├── telemetry
│   ├── metrics.go
├── types
│   ├── proto                               # Proto3 messages for generated types
│   ├── actor_mapper_test.go
│   ├── actor_mapper.go
│   ├── messages.go                         # Consensus message definitions
│   ├── types.go                            # Consensus type definitions
├── block.go
├── debugging.go                            # Debug function implementation
├── events.go
├── fsm_handler.go                          # FSM events handler implementation
├── helpers.go
├── hotstuff_handler.go
├── hotstuff_leader.go                      # Hotstuff message handlers for Leader
├── hotstuff_mempool_test.go                # Mempool tests
├── hotstuff_mempool.go                     # Hotstuff transaction mempool implementation
├── hotstuff_replica.go                     # Hotstuff message handlers for Replica
├── messages.go                             # Hotstuff message helpers
├── module_consensus_debugging.go
├── module_consensus_pacemaker.go           # Pacemaker module helpers
├── module_consensus_state_sync.go          # State sync module helpers
├── module.go                               # The implementation of the Consensus Interface
├──                               # Self link to this README
├── state_sync_handler.go                   # State sync message handler


TODO: Document the testing framework.

Running Unit Tests

make test_consensus