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181 lines (142 loc) · 5.11 KB

File metadata and controls

181 lines (142 loc) · 5.11 KB

Compile bpftool

  • Compile from Linux source.
  • Targets install and doc-install build and install bpftool and its documentatoin.
$ cd "$HOME"
$ cd dev/linux
# make -j8 -C tools/bpf/bpftool install doc-install
$ cd

Simple Introspection

  • Build the program, without BTF information.
  • Dump the bytecode with llvm-objdump, observe the references to the maps.
$ cd echo

$ clang -O2 -target bpf -c counter.c -o counter_nobtf.o
$ llvm-objdump -d counter_nobtf.o
  • Load and pin the program
  • List programs, also print bpffs pinned paths
  • Dump translated and jited instructions
  • Observe the difference for translated instructions: map addresses
# bpftool prog load counter_nobtf.o /sys/fs/bpf/counter_nobtf type xdp
# bpftool prog show --bpffs
# bpftool prog dump xlated pinned /sys/fs/bpf/counter_nobtf
# bpftool prog dump jited pinned /sys/fs/bpf/counter_nobtf
  • Show and dump the map
  • Mention lookup, update, delete for maps
# bpftool map show
# bpftool map dump name counter_map

Attach to XDP

  • Attach the XDP program to the network interface
  • List network programs
  • Use JSON to get the ids of programs loaded on the interface
  • Validate with ip link
  • Observe that the value in the map is incremented
  • Detach XDP program
# bpftool net attach xdp pinned /sys/fs/bpf/counter_nobtf dev enp3s0
# bpftool net show
# bpftool -p net show
# bpftool -j net show | jq '.[].xdp[] | select(.devname == "enp3s0") | .id // .multi_attachments[].id'
# ip link show dev enp3s0
# bpftool map dump name counter_map
# bpftool net detach xdp dev enp3s0
  • Run /usr/share/bcc/tools/execsnoop in a different terminal
  • List the loaded tracing programs
# bpftool perf show

Again, with BTF

  • Start all over again, but with BTF information. Note the flag (and macro)
  • Load, with libbpf debug information
  • Dump both programs (same name), observe C insructions for the new one
$ clang -O2 -target bpf -c counter.c -o counter_btf.o -g -D BTF
# bpftool prog load counter_btf.o /sys/fs/bpf/counter_btf type xdp --debug
# bpftool prog dump xlated name counter
  • Attach XDP program to the interface
  • Get map id and dump map, observe the number is incremented and we get the structure of the map
# bpftool net attach xdp pinned /sys/fs/bpf/counter_btf dev enp3s0
# id=$(bpftool map -j | jq -r '.[] | select(.name == "counter_map") | select(.btf_id) | .id')
# bpftool map dump id "$id"
# bpftool net detach xdp dev enp3s0
  • Get BTF id for the map
  • Show BTF object for the map
  • List BTF object, observe BTF info for kernel (vmlinux) and modules
# btf_id=$(bpftool map -j | jq -r '.[] | select(.name == "counter_map") | select(.btf_id) | .btf_id')
# bpftool btf dump id "$btf_id"
# bpftool btf show
  • Remove old program without BTF information
# rm /sys/fs/bpf/counter_nobtf

More Complex Example

  • Before we use a LRU hash map, check that the system supports it
$ cd app
# bpftool feature probe
  • Enable statistics gathering, for later
# sysctl -w kernel.bpf_stats_enabled=1
  • Compile all portions of the sample application
  • Assemble object files into a single object file for the application
  • Load all programs contained in this single object file (three programs, one doing tail calls), reuse previous map for packet counter, pin new maps
  • Look at the new pinned paths produced
$ for i in *.c ; do clang -O2 -g -target bpf -c "$i" -o "${i%.c}.o"; done
# bpftool gen object app.o *.o
# bpftool prog loadall app.o /sys/fs/bpf/app type xdp map name counter_map name counter_map pinmaps /sys/fs/bpf/app
$ ls -l /sys/fs/bpf/app
  • Make sure we have some input data for test runs: python3 -c 'print("\0"*16+"> Hello eCHO! <3", end="")'>/tmp/data
  • In a separate terminal, run bpftool prog tracelog
  • Do a test run (3 times) with no program in tail call map, observe logs
  • Dump tail call map
  • Update tail call map with counter program
  • Redo test run, observe logs
  • Dump counter map, observe numbers being incremented
  • Update tail call map agains with streak program
  • Redo test run (different number of runs)
  • Observe streak map
# bpftool prog run pinned /sys/fs/bpf/app/xdp_entrypoint data_in /tmp/data data_out - repeat 3
# bpftool map dump name call_table
# bpftool map update name call_table key 0 0 0 0 value pinned /sys/fs/bpf/app/xdp_counter
# bpftool prog run pinned /sys/fs/bpf/app/xdp_entrypoint data_in /tmp/data data_out - repeat 3
# bpftool map dump name counter_map
# bpftool map update name call_table key 0 0 0 0 value pinned /sys/fs/bpf/app/xdp_streak
# bpftool prog run pinned /sys/fs/bpf/app/xdp_entrypoint data_in /tmp/data data_out - repeat 5
# bpftool map dump name streak_map
  • Show programs to observe statistics
# bpftool prog show
  • In a separate terminal, start profiling: bpftool prog profile pinned /sys/fs/bpf/app/xdp_entrypoint cycles instructions l1d_loads
  • Do a last test run
# bpftool prog run pinned /sys/fs/bpf/app/xdp_entrypoint data_in /tmp/data data_out - repeat 10
  • Dump control flow graph for the program
# bpftool prog dump xlated name streak visual | tee /dev/tty | dot -Tpng > cfg.png
$ xview cfg.png