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File metadata and controls

122 lines (87 loc) · 5.05 KB


Welcome to the BalanceMe app project, this page will provide a brief overview on the project's structure as well as important directories and files in the app.

Common Models

This folder contains the models used in the app, for more detailed information-please read the models document.


This folder contains controllers and associated functions for features which are required for most of the app

  • Messages_controller- handles workspace messages, such as invitations and join requests.
  • Theme_controller- handles dark mode, as well as the colors used in the app's UI


This folder contains wrapper classes for Firebase functions, as well as various analytics tools

  • Auth_repository- functions related to FirebaseAuth, such as sign in, sign up, recover password and retrieving profile pictures.
  • Google_analytics_repository - wrapper for using the Google analytics tool, logging events such as opening the app, logging in with third party providers, and how often certain app features are used.
  • Sentry_repository- wrapper for using the Sentry tool, logging errors and exceptions to Sentry, in order to determine which elements of the app require refinement.
  • Storage_repository- wrapper to the user model, receives and updates information about the user from and to the database


This folder contains constants and functions, which are used in multiple files to ensure their reusability.

  • Config- constants which pertain to project settings, Firebase settings, and Sentry, such as name, version, collection names etc.
  • Constants- constants which are related to specific widget settings, such as colors, icons, default values,padding sizes, etc.
  • Login_utils- functions which are used for authentication, such as login and signing up via different providers.
  • Types- enumerations and typedefs for complex types such as callbacks, authentication status, currency, etc.
  • Utils- functions which are used in multiple files such as navigation and validators.
  • Dispatcher- a list of methods which need to be listened to and modify the app's consumers
  • Rate_us- a widget which allows a user to rate the app on Google play, as well as add a description.


This folder contains static images which we display in the app regardless of user input.


This folder contains the required files to support different languages

  • Resources- contains all the strings which are displayed to the user in the app, in English,Hebrew and Russian.
  • Language and locale controllers- determine which language is used and change it based on the app's settings.


This folder contains the main screens displayed to the user (whether signed in or not).

  • Authentication - pages related to signing in/up.
  • Balance- existing incomes and expenses page, shown when a user is signed in.
  • Home- wrapper for balance and welcome
  • Profile_settings- the page where a user can change their name and image
  • Set_category- a page where the user adds a category (after pressing FAB)
  • Set_transaction-a page where the user adds a transaction (after pressing FAB)
  • Settings- the main settings page
  • Welcome- the home page shown if a user isn't signed in.
  • Archive- a page where the user can view past transactions, category, by month/year
  • Connection_lost- an error page shown if the user has no internet connection
  • Set_workspace- the page where users can create, join and invite to workspaces
  • Summary- a page which shows the user the total difference between expected and total incomes/expenses


Generic widgets used in different pages, to ensure uniform design as as well as reusability

  • Authentication - widgets used in login pages.
  • Balance - widgets used for the balance (main) page
  • Action_button- generic button which shows a loading circle until function ends
  • Appbar- appbar design shown throughout the app
  • Bottom_navigation- widget to navigate between the three main screens
  • Date_picker- widget for displaying a calender to choose a date
  • User_avatar- widget for displaying the user's profile image
  • Text box widgets- for uniform look for text fields and customizable optional fields
  • Ring_pie_chart- shows pie charts in the balance page
  • Language_drop_down and generic_drop_down_button-widget to choose app language in settings
  • Image_picker-for picking an image, by camera or by gallery.
  • Generic_tabs- widget for pages with tabs
  • Generic_radio_button-widget for choosing one of many options
  • Generic_listview- widgets for showing multiple items in a ListView
  • Generic_info- for displaying entries in the balance page
  • Generic_edit_button- a button which indicates certain widgets can be changed
  • Dark_mode_switcher- the switch for dark mode in settings
  • Generic_dismissible- widget for items which can be removed by swiping
  • Generic_tooltip- a widget which shows a hint about the functionality of another widget.