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Documentation for the project Bowling Game:


  • This document will provide the steps taken to complete this assessment.
  • Code will be also be commented during this project when necessary.

Set up:

  • Initial set up of the environment.
  • Comment on guidelines for the Github Commits
  • Creation of the MarkDown file
  • Installation of the Markdown Preview ('Cmd+k v' to open the preview, once install)


By inspection:

  • Syntax: _ def stickeScore(self,rollIndex) To def strikeScore**(self, rollIndex)

  • Syntax: result += self.StrikeScore(rollIndex) To result += self.strikeScore(rollIndex), Keeping consistency with camelCase convention of the original code.

  • TypeError: To calling the roll() method. rolls refer to the list.

  • Logic: The placement of the return result statement inside the loop in the score method cause the function to return the result after the first iteration of the loop, resulting in an incorrect score calculation. Moving the return result statement outside the loop ensures that the score is calculated for all frames, which is the correct logic for calculating the overall score.

  • Logic: The placement of the rollIndex +=2 statement inside the loop in the score method is executed in every iteration of the loop, resulting in an incorrect score calculation. Moving it outside the loop ensures it is execute just once for every iteration of the loop.

  • Syntax: def testOneSpare(self): already exist, the second method under that name should refer logically to all Sparedef testOneSpare(self) To def testAllSapre(self).

By Testing:

  • Logic: Need additional statement fo check in def isSpare(self, rollIndex): that is is not being a strike by adding: and not self.isStrike(rollIndex)

  • Logic: Check if ther are at least 2 more rolls remaining in the self.rolls list after the current rollindex. If condition is True, there is enough rolls and the first expression is valid in def strikeScore(self, rollIndex): by adding: if rollIndex + 2 < len(self.rolls) else 10

  • Logic: With this modification, def spareScore(self, rollIndex): would return 10 + self.rolls[rollIndex+1] for the 10th frame (index 9), where rollIndex + 2 would be out of bounds for the self.rolls list, and the calculated score would be correct so adding conditional statment correct the issue of defectID:ErrIndex001 reported in the test case BPTC003

  • Logic: def testNegatifValue(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError):` Failed test. No implementation of handling errors due to negative values in the bowling game. Changes have been made with the following implementation:

    def roll(self, pins):
      Adding any attempt to roll a negative number of pins will result in a ValueError with the message "Cannot roll a negative number of pins.
      if pins < 0:
          raise ValueError("Cannot roll a negative number of pins.")


./ Passed

./ Passed

./ Passed

./ Passed

./ Passed

./ Passed

./ Passed

Total number of tests expected to run: 8
Total number of tests run: 8
Total number of tests passed: 8
Total number of tests failed: 0
Total number of tests failed with errors: 0
Total number of tests skipped: 0

Finished running tests!

Iterative testing methodology have been applied through this project. Test Cases documented in Identifier BPTCxxx following the guide lines of the test plan PythBowlTP001.


By inspection and Testing:

All Logic: Bugs have been fixed and the changes made to the code correcting its behavior and align it with the intended logic or rules.

Eliminate Dead code:

if frameIndex in range(10): is unnecessary because it only checks whether the frameIndex is between 0 and 9, which is always True. The statement was intended to ensure that the extra roll in the 10th frame is not counted in the score, but it does not achieve that purpose.

for frameIndex in range(10): Variable is now unused and not necessary, can be replaced by for _ in range(10):

Reuse of code:

return self.rolls[rollIndex] + self.rolls[rollIndex+1] is defined in : def frameScore(self, rollIndex): return self.rolls[rollIndex] + self.rolls[rollIndex + 1] So This part of the code defining roll combination bonus and scores can be arrange as the following:

# Definition of the 3 types of scoring
    def isStrike(self, rollIndex):
        return self.rolls[rollIndex] == 10
    def isSpare(self, rollIndex):
        return self.sumOfBallInFrame(rollIndex) == 10
    def sumOfBallInFrame(self, rollIndex):
        return self.rolls[rollIndex] + self.rolls[rollIndex + 1]
# Bonuses:
    def strikeBonus(self, rollIndex):
        return self.rolls[rollIndex+1] + self.rolls[rollIndex+2]
    def spareBonus(self, rollIndex):
        return self.rolls[rollIndex+2]```

followed by:

def score(self):
        # Helper for recursion
        return self._score_helper(0, 0)

    def _score_helper(self, frame, roll_index):
        # Use of recursion
        if frame == 10:
            return 0

        score = 0
        if self.isStrike(roll_index):
            score += 10 + self.strikeBonus(roll_index)
            score += self._score_helper(frame + 1, roll_index + 1)
        elif self.isSpare(roll_index):
            score += 10 + self.spareBonus(roll_index)
            score += self._score_helper(frame + 1, roll_index + 2)
            score += self.sumOfBallInFrame(roll_index)
            score += self._score_helper(frame + 1, roll_index + 2)

        return score


  • This function calculates the score of the bowling game. It uses a helper function _score_helper that is called recursively to calculate the score for each frame in the game.

_score_helper(self, frame, roll_index)

  • This is the helper function that is called recursively by the score function to calculate the score for each frame in the game. It takes two arguments: frame, which represents the current frame being scored, and roll_index, which represents the index of the current roll being scored.
if self.isStrike(roll_index):
            score += 10 + self.strikeBonus(roll_index)
            score += self._score_helper(frame + 1, roll_index + 1)
  • if self.isStrike(roll_index): - This line checks whether the current roll (indicated by roll_index) is a strike. If it is, then the following actions are taken:
  • score += 10 + self.strikeBonus(roll_index) - This line adds 10 to the score for the current frame (since a strike is worth 10 points on its own), and then adds the "strike bonus" to the score. The strike bonus is the sum of the next two rolls, and is calculated using the strikeBonus method.
  • score += self._score_helper(frame + 1, roll_index + 1) - This line recursively calls the _score_helper method with an updated frame and roll_index. Since a strike counts as a complete frame on its own, the frame variable is incremented by 1. And since a strike only uses one roll, the roll_index variable is incremented by 1 as well. The result of this recursive call is added to the score.
  • Same logic for the other conditionals

Adding a helper for the code:

- The __init__ method initializes the rolls attribute, which is a list that will be used to keep track of the number of pins knocked down by each roll.

- The roll method adds the number of pins knocked down by each roll to the rolls list. If the number of pins is negative, it raises a ValueError with the message "Cannot roll a negative number of pins."

- The _score_helper method is a helper method that takes two arguments: frame, which is the current frame number (1 to 10), and roll_index, which is the index of the current roll in the rolls list.
The method uses recursion to calculate the score for each frame by checking whether the current roll is a strike, a spare, or a regular roll.
It then adds the appropriate bonus to the score and recursively calls itself with the next frame and roll index. The method returns the total score for the game.

- The isStrike, isSpare, and sumOfBallInFrame methods are helper methods that check whether the current roll is a strike, a spare, or a regular roll, respectively.

- The strikeBonus and spareBonus methods calculate the bonus for a strike or a spare, respectively, by adding the number of pins knocked down in the next one or two rolls, respectively.```


  • Application of a range of software quality assurance techniques to assess correctness of systems

  • Plan, design, execute and manage testing activities using manual and automated techniques to assess the software quality.

  • Application of programme maintenance techniques, including bug fixing and testing, optimisation and refactoring to ensure software efficiency and improve the software performance.

  • Organisation of source code by using source and version control tools for collaboration and manage changes to course code over time via Github

  • Production of documentation to assist users and developers to use the software product.

  • All project requirements have been met.

  • Project is ready for the next phase of development.