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tidyRainbow Datasets

Happy Pride Month! Check out the {gglgbtq} package for LGBTQ-related themes and color palettes!

The data this week comes from the tidyRainbow, "a data project for the LGBTQ+ community who use the R language ecosystem."

The data sets in this repository focus on data pertaining to the LGBTQ+ community. We also look for data sets where LGBTQ+ folk are explicitly represented and where it is not assumed that gender is binary. Additionally, we include data sets that are relevant to LGBTQ+ folk because of the impact it has on the community.

We're including their LGBTQ Movies database dataset curated by Cara Cuiule (She/Her), but we invite you to explore their other datasets, or to submit any LGBTQ+ related datatsets you know about!

Where do the most popular LGBTQ+ movies come from? Are more LGBTQ+ movies being released over time?

The Data

# Option 1: tidytuesdayR package 
## install.packages("tidytuesdayR")

tuesdata <- tidytuesdayR::tt_load('2024-06-25')
## OR
tuesdata <- tidytuesdayR::tt_load(2024, week = 26)

lgbtq_movies <- tuesdata$lgbtq_movies

# Option 2: Read directly from GitHub

lgbtq_movies <- readr::read_csv('')

How to Participate

  • Explore the data, watching out for interesting relationships. We would like to emphasize that you should not draw conclusions about causation in the data. There are various moderating variables that affect all data, many of which might not have been captured in these datasets. As such, our suggestion is to use the data provided to practice your data tidying and plotting techniques, and to consider for yourself what nuances might underlie these relationships.
  • Create a visualization, a model, a shiny app, or some other piece of data-science-related output, using R or another programming language.
  • Share your output and the code used to generate it on social media with the #TidyTuesday hashtag.

Data Dictionary


variable class description
id integer unique ID
title character title of record in English
original_title character non-English characters
original_language character language of the record
overview character description of the record
release_date Date release date of movie
popularity numeric popularity rating
vote_average numeric average rating
vote_count integer the number of votes
adult logical Boolean to indicate an adult movie.
video logical Boolean to indicate video
genre_ids character a comma-separated array of integers

Cleaning Script

Data was collected and cleaned by Cara Cuiule (She/Her).