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File metadata and controls

133 lines (110 loc) · 5.96 KB


Detailed usage for PhaseNet training

Brief usage


$ ./WIN2PhaseNet.bash -m train -l picks.csv
# See 'out' directory for the result.

What is the output?

1. train mode (For PhaseNet training and validation)

  • npz waveform files: npz/[datetime]_[station].npz *1

    Key Description
    data - event waveform data of one event / one station
    - dataShape: (9000, 3) # means 90 seconds (100Hz) / 3 compornent *2
    - Data starts 30 seconds before of itp.
    itp the data point of P phase from the start of each npz waveform file
    its the data point of S phase from the start of each npz waveform file
    t0 start time of waveform file
    sta_id station code
  • npz waveform list: npz.csv

2. test mode (For PhaseNet test after training)

  • npz waveform files: npz/[datetime]_[station].npz *1

    Key Description
    data - event waveform data of one event / one station
    - dataShape: (3000, 3) # means 30 seconds (100Hz) / 3 compornent *2
    - Data starts 1 seconds before of itp.
    itp the data point of P phase from the start of each npz waveform file
    its the data point of S phase from the start of each npz waveform file
    t0 start time of waveform file
    sta_id station code
  • npz waveform list: npz.csv

How to use

1. Input file preparation

  • event WIN waveform files

    • format: WIN format
      For the detailed information, see
    • Only 100 Hz data is acceptable.
    • Recommend >=180 seconds of data. Otherwise part of data will be filled with 0. *2
    • Make directry named WIN2PhaseNet/data and put the files there.
      You can change the path with --indir option.
  • pick list: a list of P or S phase for each "event WIN waveform file"

    • format: csv format

      Column Description
      win_name the file name of a WIN waveform file
      station station code
      itp the data point of P phase from the start of each WIN waveform file
      its the data point of S phase from the start of each WIN waveform file
    • Only data from the station with BOTH P phase and S phase is processed.

    • Put the file at WIN2PhaseNet.

    • sample: WIN2PhaseNet/sample/picks.csv

  • channel table: correspondence Table of stations and their code

    • format: txt format
      For the detailed information, see (only in Japanese).
    • Only support the following "component code (column [5])".
      -Vertical compornent: EW,E,X,VX
      -Horizontal compornent 1: NS,N,Y,VY
      -Horizontal compornent 2: UD,U,Z,VZ
    • "Voltage amplification ratio (column [12])" is modified to the int value.
    • NIED provides channel table at the same time when downloading WIN waveform files.
      For the detailed information, see
    • Put the file as WIN2PhaseNet/etc/stn.tbl.
      You can change the path with --chtbl option.
  • (No need in case with --tbl2lst)station list: a list of stations to process

    • format: txt format
    • You can automatically set all the stations in the channel table as a station list with --tbl2lst option, instead of preparing a txt file of station list.
    • Put the file as WIN2PhaseNet/etc/stn.lst.
      You can change the path with --stnlst option.
    • sample: WIN2PhaseNet/sample/etc/stn.lst
  • (optional)rotation table: rotation coefficient table for S-net by Takagi et al. (2019).

    • format: txt format
      Use WIN2PhaseNet/etc/ch_rot.takagi.
    • You can change the path with --rottbl option.
  • (optional)filter configuration file: configuration file of band-pass filter by Saito (1974).

    • format: txt format
      Row Description
      1 cut-off frequency (lower)
      2 cut-off frequency (higher)
      3 order of the filter
    • Put the file as WIN2PhaseNet/etc/filter.prm.
      You can change the path with --filprm option.
    • sample: WIN2PhaseNet/sample/etc/filter.prm

2. Configuration of WIN2PhaseNet

  • Set the following options at least.

    Option Description
    --mode {cont,train,test} specify the mode (See 'What is the output?' for the detailed infomation.)
    --list LIST file path of pick list (Only required for train and test mode)
    [--tbl2lst] automatically set all the stations in the channel table as a station list
    [--rotation] add rotation process for S-net data
    [--filter] add band-pass filter process
  • Use -h option for the detailed information of all other options.

3. Execute WIN2PhaseNet

# Pull docker image (only once), run the 'win2npz' container and then execute WIN2PhaseNet on the container environment. *3
# Stop and delete the container environment after execution is complete.
$ ./WIN2PhaseNet.bash --mode {train,test} --list LIST [--output_length OUTPUT_LENGTH] [--tbl2lst] [--rotation] [--filter]
# e.g. 
# $ ./WIN2PhaseNet.bash --mode train --list picks.csv
# $ ./WIN2PhaseNet.bash --mode test --list picks.csv

# You can find the output of WIN2PhaseNet in 'WIN2PhaseNet/<OUTDIR(default: 'out')>' directory.


  • *1 datetime: same information as t0 but format is "yymmddhhmmss"
    station: same information as sta_id

  • *2 The following data is filled with 0.

    • lack part when the data length of the input WIN waveform is less than the specified length (cont: [OUTPUT_LENGTH (default: 60)] seconds, train, test: 180 seconds)
    • remainder when the data length of the input WIN waveform is not divisible by [OUTPUT_LENGTH (default: 60)] seconds (only cont mode)
  • *3 Each docker image is built from the following Dockerfile.

    • win2npz: dockerfiles/win2npz/Dockerfile
    • phasenet: dockerfiles/phasenet/Dockerfile